释义 |
im·mune /ɪˈmjuːn/ a. | n. I a. 1. 免除的,豁免的 Nobody is immune from criticism. 谁都难免受批评。 be immune from further taxation 可不再纳税 2. 可防止的;不受影响的 A full life is immune against boredom. 充实的生活无腻烦之虞。 be immune from political pressures 不受政治压力 We are not immune to the influences around us. 我们不能不受周围环境的影响。 3. 免疫的;有免疫力的 be immune to diphtheria 对白喉有免疫力
II n. 免疫者;免疫动物 [< L immūnis exempt from a public service < IM-:in-² + mūnus duty] |