

单词 hunt
释义 hunt /hʌnt/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr.
I vt.
1. 追猎;猎取;射杀(猎物);猎食
hunt deer 猎鹿
This game is being hunted to the verge of extinction. 这种猎物不断被捕杀现已濒临灭绝。
2. 在…中狩猎
hunt the woods 在树林中打猎
3. (马、 猎犬)狩猎
hunt one's horse all winter 整个冬季骑马狩猎
hunt a pack of hounds 驱使一群猎狗行猎
4. 追赶;驱赶;追捕;寻找;搜寻
He hunted the cat out of the kitchen. 他把猫赶出厨房。
hunt an escaped prisoner 追捕逃犯
hunt the cause for sth. 追究某事的原因
5. 改变(教堂鸣钟)的次序
1. 打猎;猎狐;(兽类等)猎食
They hunt only for sport. 他们打猎只是为了消遣。
Wolves hunt in packs. 狼是成群猎食的。
2. 寻找;搜寻;搜求(for, after)
hunt for a house to let 寻找一所出租房屋
hunt for a new job 寻一份新工作
hunt after fame and wealth 追求名利
hunt round desperately in one's mind 竭力思索
3. 摆动;振动;振荡;(飞行器、火箭)摆振,猎振
4. 改变教堂鸣钟次序

II n.
1. 打猎
a tiger hunt 猎虎
2. (骑马带狗的)打猎队伍
3. 猎区;(用猎狗狩猎的)猎场
4. 寻找;搜索,搜寻
a treasure hunt 觅宝
a detective on the hunt 正在追寻罪犯的侦探
5. 摆动;振动;振荡;摆振,猎振
6. (教堂鸣钟的)次序改变
[< OE huntian; 与 OE hentan, ON henda to grasp 有关]
phr. hunt down 1. 追捕到,穷追…直至捕获(或杀死)
The hounds hunted down the stag. 猎狗追捕到了那头牡鹿。
The assassin was finally hunted down. 刺客终于被捉拿归案。
2. 找寻到,搜寻…直至找到
He hunted down the written manuscript in the library. 他在藏书楼终于找到了手稿。
hunt out 找出,找到
They went into town and hunted out bargains in the shops. 他们进城去,在商店里淘到了便宜货。
hunt up 1. 搜寻,寻找
He has been busy hunting up new evidence. 他一直忙于寻找新的证据。
2. 找到
Where did you hunt up all this information? 这些资料你是从哪儿弄来的?




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