释义 |
hum·bug /ˈhʌmbʌɡ/ n. | vt. | vi. | int. I n. 1. 骗子;假冒者 a humbug in art 假冒的艺术家 2. 诡计,花招,骗局 We believed he was trying to help us, but the whole thing was a humbug. 我们以为他是在设法帮助我们,不料那全是花招。 3. 骗人的话,鬼话,胡说八道 Those advertisements are all humbug. 那些广告全是胡乱吹嘘。 4. 虚伪,矫饰 There is no humbug about her, she speaks her mind straight out. 她为人毫不虚伪,心里怎么想就怎么说。 5. 〈英〉(有条纹的)薄荷硬糖 6. 伪君子
II (-bugged; -bug·ging) ❶ vt. 欺骗,哄骗 humbug sb. into doing sth. 骗某人做某事 humbug sb. out of sth. 向某人骗取某物 ❷ vi. 〈旧〉行骗
III int. 胡扯, 瞎说 [?] |