释义 |
hue² /hjuː/ n. | phr. n. 呼喊,呐喊(常用于下列习语中) [< OFr hu a hunting cry < huer to shout < 拟声] phr. a hue and cry 1. (呼唤众人追捕逃犯或嫌疑犯等的)喊捉声,捉拿声 (旧时英国法律准许追捕者大声呼唤,听见呼喊者有义务参加追捕)“Stop thief,” cried John as he ran. Others joined him, and soon there was a hue and cry. “捉贼,”约翰边奔边喊。众人跟着他喊,于是刹那间响起一片喊捉声。 2. 高声喊捉的追捕;通缉令 3. 大声抗议;大声报警 They raised a hue and cry against the new rule. 他们大声提出抗议,反对新规定。 4. 喧嚷;骚动 |