

单词 how¹
释义 how¹ /haʊ/ ad. | n. | phr.
I ad.
1. (指方式、 方法)怎样,怎么,如何
How did it happen? 这事是怎样发生的?
I don't know how to get there. 我不知道上那儿怎么去法。
Tell me how he did it. 告诉我他是怎样干的。
2. (指数量、 程度)多少;多么
How much baggage am I allowed to take? 我可以带多少行李?
How do you like it? 你觉得它怎么样?
How tall is he? 他多高?
How far is it from here to the station? 这儿离车站有多远?
3. 价钱多少
How do you sell these pears? 这些梨子你卖多少钱?
How is the U.S. dollar today? 今天美元牌价多少?
4. (指状态、 情况)怎么样
How is Mr. William? 威廉先生身体好吗?
How is your health? 你的健康状况怎样?
How do I look in this jacket? 我穿这件外套样子怎样?
How are things in your office? 你们公司情况怎样?
How's it going? 情况进展怎样?
5. (指原因、 目的)怎么;为什么
How is it that you don't know? 你怎么会不知道?
How can you talk such nonsense? 你怎么能这样胡说八道?
I can't see how he bought such an expensive car. 我不明白他怎么会买了一辆这样昂贵的汽车。
6. (请求对方加以说明)什么(= what)
How do you mean? 你是什么意思?
7. 用什么称呼(或称号、 名称)
How does one address the president? 怎么称呼总统?
How is he called? 他叫什么?
How do you call yourself? 你叫什么名字?
8. [用于感叹句中]多么,何等
How interesting! 多有趣!
How kind you are! 你多好啊!
How he snores! 他打鼾打得多么响啊!
9. 不管用什么方法(或方式)
Do it how you can. 你能怎样做就怎样做好了。
In one's own home one can act how one likes. 在自己家里可以随心所欲。
10. [主要用于间接陈述及口语等中,意义及作用和that 相仿]
He told me how he had read about it in China Daily. 他告诉我,他在《中国日报》上读到有关这件事的报道。
Do you remember how he arrived almost at the end of the cocktail party? 你记得他在鸡尾酒会快结束的时候才到这件事吗?

II n.
1. 方式;方法
the how of it 做此事的方法
The book tells you about the how and the why of flight. 这本书告诉你飞行的方法和原理。
2. 关于方式(或方法)的问题
the eternal whys and hows of small children 小孩子们老是提个没完的“为什么”和“怎么会”那一类问题
[< OE hu; 与 OFris hū, OHG hweo 有关]
phr. And how! [表示强调或讥讽]当然啦,那还用说,可不是
Am I happy? And how! 问我幸福吗?当然幸福!
A: Isn't she pretty? B: And how she is! 甲:她漂亮吗? 乙:那还用说,她当然漂亮!
any old how 粗枝大叶地;胡乱地
Here's how! (祝酒用语)祝您身体健康!
How about ...? [用于建议、询问意见、探听消息、责备等](你以为)…怎么样?
How about asking her? 去问问她,好不好?
How about another piece of pie? 再给你来一块馅饼好吗?
A: I have never had an accident while driving. B: How about that time you ran into a lamppost? 甲:我开车从来没有出过事。 乙:那次你一头撞在路灯柱上,该怎么说呢?
How are you? 1. 你好么?你身体怎样?
2. (招呼用语)你好!
How ... can you get? 你是最…不过了!
How come ...? 见 come
How do you do? (或 How d'ye do? 或 How do?) 你好!(见面时用语,尤用于被正式介绍见面时。说此话时,对方也用同样的话回答)
How do you like them apples! 美俚[炫耀用语]你们看棒不棒!
How is that for ...? [表示惊异]好不…!多么…!
How is that for queer? 好不奇怪!
How is that for impudent (或 impudence)? 多么放肆!
How much? 1. (价钱、金额等)多少?
How much is it? 这卖多少钱?
How much do I owe you? 我欠你多少钱?
2. 什么?(要求对方重讲一遍时用;= What)
How now? 这是怎么回事?这是什么意思?
How's about ...? (你觉得)…怎么样
How's about a drink? 喝一杯怎么样?
How so? 怎么会这样?为何如此?为什么?
The plan won't work? How so? 这个计划行不通?为什么?
How's that? 1. 你的意见怎样?你怎么看?
2. 你说什么?再说一遍好吗?
3. (对板球裁判员说)那击球手有没有出局?
How's tricks? 美俚你好吗?你的情况怎么样?
How then? 1. 这是怎么回事?这是什么意思?
2. 后来怎样?还有什么?
How they hanging? 美俚(男子间的问候语)你好吗?




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