释义 |
howl /haʊl/ vi. | vt. | n. | phr. I ❶ vi. 1. (狼、 狗等)凄厉地长嚎;嗥叫;狂吠 The dogs howled all night. 那些狗整夜狂吠。 2. (因疼痛、 愤怒、 悲伤等而)吼叫;咆哮;怒吼;嚎哭,哀号 The scalded man is howling in agony. 烫伤的人痛得直叫。 3. (因蔑视或高兴等而)高叫;大笑;欢闹 The comedian had the audience howling with laughter. 喜剧演员把观众逗得开怀大笑。 4. (风等)怒号,呼啸 The wind howled in the trees. 风在林间怒号。 ❷ vt. 1. 以吼叫迫使;对…吼叫 howl a speaker off the platform 吼叫着把演说者轰下台 2. 吼叫着说出;狂喊着表示 He howled (out) my name. 他大声喊叫我的名字。 The angry crowd howled its disapproval. 愤怒的人群怒吼着表示不答应。
II n. 1. (狗等)凄厉的长嚎;嗥叫;狂吠 The wolf gave a howl. 狼发出一声嗥叫。 2. (疼痛、 愤怒、 悲伤等引起的)吼叫;咆哮;怒吼;嚎哭 The child set up a howl. 那孩子号啕大哭。 3. (蔑视或高兴等引起的)高叫;大笑 howls of laughter 阵阵大笑 4. 〈口〉让人发笑的东西;笑话 His act was a howl. 他的动作令人发笑。 5. 【无】啸声,嗥鸣;颤噪效应 [< ME houlen; 与 MHG hiulen, Gr kōkyein to shriek 有关] phr. howl down 以愤怒 (或嘲笑等)的吼叫声压倒…的说话声;以吼叫声来影响 (或驱赶等)The speaker was howled down by his audience. 演说者被听众轰下了台。sb.'s night to howl 见 night |