

单词 hook
释义 hook /hʊk/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr.
I n.
1. 钩;挂钩,吊钩
a coat hook 挂衣钩
raise the waterlogged chest from the river with a hook 用吊钩把浸满了水的大箱子从河底吊起
2. 鱼钩,钓钩
bait a hook 给鱼钩安上饵
3. 陷阱;圈套
4. (衣服等上的)钩状扣;铰链定片
5. 钩状物;钩状部分;钩形符号
7. [hooks] 手,手爪
8. 镰刀,弯刀
9. 钩状岬,沙钩;河湾;急转弯处
10. (动、植物的)钩状器官(或突起)
11. 钩;挂;吊
12. 曲线投(或击)球;高尔夫(右手持棒或板者击出的)左曲球;(保龄球中滚出的)曲线球;钩人(犯规)钩手投篮
13. (拳击运动中的)钩拳
14. (冲浪运动用语)浪峰
15. 符尾
16. 美俚妓女
17. 摄人魂魄的手段,吸引技巧
a sonic hook that will galvanize dancers on the floor 一种会吸引人们在舞池狂舞不止的音响装置
18. 美俚麻醉药(尤指海洛因)
19. 学俚“钩子”,C等成绩

II vt.
1. 钩;(用钩)吊;挂;用钩固定;用钩连结
hook a coat 把衣服挂在衣钩上
She hooked open the furnace door with a poker. 她用拨火棒钩开炉门。
A large ring of keys was hooked on his belt. 他的腰带上挂着一大串钥匙。
pensions hooked to consumer prices 与消费品价格挂钩的养老金
2. (鱼)
3. 使成钩状
hook one's finger 屈指
She hooked her foot round a stool and drew it close to his chair. 她弯脚钩住搁脚凳,把它移近他的椅子。
4. (人)上钩,用计谋把…弄到手
She hooked herself a husband. 她巧施妙计为自己择得夫婿。
They hooked him into paying for everybody's lunch. 他们耍花招,让他为大家付午餐钱。
5. 偷;扒
6. (或击)(曲线球)高尔夫击出(左曲球)英橄(从并列争球通道中)用脚钩(球)给本方前卫;(用杆柄)(对方队员)
7. (拳击中)用钩拳击打
8. (牛等有角动物)用尖角挑刺(或攻击)
9. 用钩针编结(地毯、枕套等)
10. 用镰刀割 (down)
hook down weeds 用镰刀割野草
1. 被钩;似被钩;钩住,钩牢
This type of trailer hooks onto a tractor easily. 这种拖车可以很容易地钩挂在拖拉机上。
a dress that hooks at the back 从后面用钩眼扣扣住的女服
For the first time luck hooked onto me. 运气第一次降临到我头上。
2. 弯成钩状;弯曲
The creek hooks past the barn. 小溪拐了个弯绕过谷仓。
3. 离开
hook for home 动身回家
4. 美俚当妓女
[<OE hōc; 与 ON haki, MD hōk corner 有关;见HAKE¹]
phr. be hooked on
1. 服用…上了瘾
be hooked on marijuana 吸大麻上了瘾
2. 对…入了迷;被…迷住
be hooked on collecting stamps 对集邮入了迷
I'm afraid the girl is really hooked on that young man. 恐怕这位姑娘真的被那个男青年迷住了。
by hook or (by) crook 不择手段地,千方百计地,用种种方法
I'll get the work finished this week by hook or (by) crook. 我要想尽办法在本周内完成这项工作。
get one's hooks into 抓住,攻击
get the hook 美口被解雇,砸了饭碗
He got the hook for sleeping on the job. 他因在干活时睡觉而丢了饭碗。
give sb. the hook 美口解雇(某人)
go off the hooks
1. 发狂,发疯
2. 死掉,咽气
go on the hook for 美俚
1. 为…而背债(或借钱)
2. 为…冒险
hook in 以钩钩住;勾引;强行拉拢
I have been hooked in for an essay. 我被强拉着写一篇短文。
hook it [用于祈使句]英口逃走,快逃
hook, line, and sinker (强调被欺骗,愚弄)完全地,全部地;无保留地
He swallowed the story hook, line, and sinker. 他完完全全相信了那则报道。
hook up 1. 用钩钩住(或钩起)(用钩等)连接
hook up a big fish 钓起一条大鱼
hook up an electronic video game to the television 把一个电子游戏机连接到电视机上
The French army hooked up with the Americans for the march to Paris. 法军与美军汇合,挺进巴黎。
2. (收音机、 电话机等的部件)装接起来
The telephone will be hooked up in a few days. 电话将在几天内装好接通。
3. 扣好(女衫)的钩眼扣;帮…扣上钩眼扣
Her evening dress has to be hooked up at the back. 她的晚礼服得从背后扣住。
Would you hook me up, please? 请帮我把衣服(背面)的扣子扣上好吗?
off the hook 1. 摆脱责任;脱离困境(或危险);脱身
get (或 take) sb. off the hook 使某人脱离困境
2. (电话听筒)未挂上;使占线(以阻止打进来的电话)
off the hooks 死的,咽了气的
drop (或 slip) off the hooks 翘辫子(指死)
The attack was so sharp that he was very nearly off the hooks. 病势来得这样凶,他险些儿丢了性命。
on one's own hook 美口独力地,不依赖别人地;自担风险地,自己负责地
start in business on one's own hook 开始自己做买卖
on the hook
1. 担负责任;陷入困境(或圈套)
2. (故意)耽搁;等待
ring off the hook 美口(电话)铃声响个没完
sling (或 take) one's hook = hook it
with a hook at the end (在表示同意时)有所保留地




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