

单词 hold¹
释义 hold¹ /həʊld/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr.
I (过去式 held /held/,过去分词 held 或hold·en /ˈhəʊldən/)

1. 拿着;抓住;夹住;固定住;托住;支承
hold the money tightly 紧紧攥着钱
hold the dish in (或 with) two hands 双手端着盘子
We held (each other's) hands. 我们(互相)手握手。
hold sb. by the sleeve 抓住某人的袖子
The girl is holding the baby in her arms. 那姑娘抱着婴儿。
I saw a dog holding its tail between its legs. 我看见一条狗夹着尾巴。
hold a cigarette between one's lips 嘴里叼着烟卷
Pillars hold the roof. 柱子支撑屋顶。
2. 使保持特定状态(或姿势等)
He had difficulty in holding the teapot steady when he poured out tea. 他在倒茶时很难拿稳茶壶。
You must hold yourself ready to go to South America at a day's notice. 你必须准备好在接到通知后的第二天就出发到南美去。
She held us silent for a moment with a lifted hand. 她举起一只手让我们肃静了片刻。
We've held the job open for him for one week now. 这个工作我们已为他保留一个星期了。
hold sb. prisoner 监禁某人
hold sb. in suspense 使某人焦虑不安
3. [hold oneself](在举止方面)表现
He holds himself the soldierly way. 他举止像军人。
The little girl attempted to hold herself as her mother held herself. 小女孩试图学她母亲的举止动作。
4. 使遵守,使受…的制约(to)
hold sb. to his word (或 promise) 使某人遵守诺言
We shall be obliged to hold you to your contract. 我们将不得不迫使你方履行合约。
5. 抑制;止住;约束;控制
hold one's breath 屏息
hold one's temper 忍着性子(不使脾气发作)
The dam held the flood waters. 大坝挡住了洪水。
hold price increases to a minimum 把价格的上涨限制在最低水平
Hold your tongue! 住嘴!
There's no holding him. 他这人管不住。
It held him from committing his worst. 这阻止了他去干最坏的事。
6. 留下;保留;扣留,拘留;推迟,延迟;移后投递(信件等)
This package will be held until called for. 这个包裹留下待领。
hold a room 保留房间
The arrested students were held without trial from 84 days to six months. 被捕的学生被拘留84天至6个月而未予审讯。
hold a hostage at gunpoint 用枪口挟持人质
hold sb. against the release of another 拘留某人以换取另一人的释放
hold the presses to insert a late story 推迟印刷以插入晚到的报道
7. 占据,守住;吸引(注意等)
hold a position 据守阵地
They held the castle against the enemy. 他们坚守城堡,不使沦于敌手。
The city is held by the enemy. 该城被敌人占领着。
The professor's speech held our attention. 那位教授的讲演使我们听得入神。
8. 容纳,装得下;包含;准备着,贮藏着
This theatre holds 1500 people. 这个剧场能容纳1500人。
The street holds two department stores and four banks. 这条街上有两家百货商店和4家银行。
This suitcase will hold all my clothes. 这只衣箱装得下我所有的衣服。
She realizes that his eyes hold neither pity, nor scorn. 她意识到他的目光里既无怜悯,也无轻蔑。
What does the future hold for us? 我们的前途如何?
9. 会喝(酒),不易醉(酒)
He holds his liquor badly. 他不会喝酒。(或:他容易喝醉。)
10. 举行(会议、会谈等);召集,主持;进行(讨论、调查等);庆祝(节日)
hold a meeting (a match, talks) 举行会议(比赛,会谈)
hold court 开庭
hold a service 做礼拜
We have decided to hold an inquiry into the question. 我们已决定对此问题进行调查。
Not everyone holds Christmas. 并不是人人都过圣诞节的。
11. 拥有,握有,持有;获得,被授有,保持
hold estates in Ireland 在爱尔兰有产业
He holds a captain's certificate. 他持有船长证书。
Who's holding the ace of spades? 黑桃A在谁手上?
She holds a Ph. D. 她有哲学博士学位。
hold a medal of honour 被授有荣誉勋章
hold the high-jump record 保持着跳高记录
12. 怀有(见解、感情、信念等)
hold a good opinion of sb. (sth.) 对某人(某事)有很高的评价
I hold the view that he's an honest man. 我的看法是,他是个诚实的人。
hold sb. in contempt (in great respect) 蔑视(非常崇敬)某人
He holds certain very odd beliefs. 他有某些非常古怪的信念。
13. 认为,想;相信;记住
We hold that this plan is practicable. (或 We hold this plan to be practicable.) 我们认为这计划可行。
I hold you (to be) responsible for all damage. 我看全部损失要由你负责。
He holds his reputation dear (cheap). 他珍视(看轻)自己的名声。
I can't hold all these details in my head at once. 我不能一下子把这些细节全记住。
14. 掌握(权力等);担任(职务等)
hold power 掌权
hold a captaincy in the navy 在海军中任舰长之职
hold the office of mayor 担任市长职务
He was a poet and held no job. 他是个诗人,没有职业。
15. 维持,满足…的需要
We have enough food to hold us for a week. 我们有足够维持一星期的食物。
16. 使用(侮慢的语言等)
17. [hold oneself] 使(自己)打起精神
18. 使对准,把…对准(on)
hold a gun on sb. 把枪口对准某人
19. (在体育比赛等中)使(对手)占不到优势
20. 延长(音符或休止),继续唱(或演奏)(音符)
21. 裁定;用契约约束;依法占有
The court held that the accused was innocent (sane). 法院裁定被告无罪(精神正常)
1. 顶住,支住;支持得住
Our forces held fast in a series of fierce clashes. 在一连串的猛烈交锋中,我部队固守阵地。
The rope held. 绳子没有断。
The anchor held in the rough sea. 铁锚在汹涌的波涛中牢牢吃住不动。
2. 持续;保持;(天气)保持晴好;保持坚定(或忠诚等)
The nation's unemployment rate held steady at 9.8 percent in August. 全国的失业率8月份稳定保持在9.8%。
His blood count has stabilized and is holding. 他的血细胞计数已稳定并持续不变。
He is holding. 他没有挂断(电话)
His luck was holding. 他一直走运。
The (good) weather held throughout the weekend. 整个周末天气一直晴好。
3. 握住;抓住
hold tight 紧握
Finally he stood up, but held onto the table for support. 最后,他站起身来,但抓着桌子支撑自己。
4. 继续前进
hold on one's way 继续行进
He held south for ten miles. 他往南继续行进10英里。
5. 有效,适用
The agreement still holds. 协议仍有效。
This argument still holds. 这个论点仍适用。
The rule holds in any case. 这条规则适用于任何情况。
6. (在举止方面)表现
ask sb. to hold still 要求某人别动
7. 克制(或抑制)自己
8. [常用于命令式]停止
9. (导弹发射等时)延迟倒数,(发射前准备)暂停,中断
10. 保持,保存
11. 获得所有权(或占用权),获得(from, of)
12. 携有违禁毒品;有毒品出售

II n.
1. 拿,握;掌握,控制,约束;把握力,控制力
release one's hold on sth. 松手放开某物
put sb. on hold 让某人不挂断(电话)等着
They got a firm hold on public opinion. 他们牢牢控制着舆论。
Those boys are pretty wild — they need a firm hold keeping on them. 这些孩子野得很,得严加管教。
have a firm hold over sb. 有左右某人的力量
exert a powerful emotional hold on sb. 对某人的感情产生一种强有力的影响
2. (摔跤等中的)擒拿法
He knows the basic holds of judo. 他懂得柔道的基本擒拿技巧。
3. 供手攀(或脚踏)的东西;(供把握的)把,柄;支撑点;支撑物,固定物
The rocks afford no hold for hand or foot. 岩石上没有供手攀或脚踏的地方。
4. 盛物的东西,容器
5. (导弹等发射前倒数的)中断;暂停;延迟;中断(或暂停等)通知;保留通知
Unless there has been a last-minute hold, the spacecraft should now be on its way. 除非在发射前的最后一分钟暂停,不然航天器现在应该在飞行中了。
announce a hold on all take-offs until the weather clears 宣布所有班机暂停起飞直至天气放晴
put a hold on hotel rooms 预定酒店客房
6. (人、动物等的)栖身处;躲避处;隐匿处
7. 监牢;监禁,关押
8. 延长记号(亦作 pause, fermata)
9. (一节舞蹈完毕时的)亮相
10. (发音时发音器官保持发音位置的)持续(时间)
11. 堡垒,要塞
12. 拥有,保有;保卫
[<OE healdan; 与 ON halla, Goth haldan to tend sheep < IE kel- to drive, incite to action 有关]
phr. catch (或 claw) hold of 抓住,握住,夹住;掌握,控制;理解
catch hold of sb. (by the neck) 抓住某人(的脖子)
cop hold of = take hold of
get hold of 1. = catch hold of
2. 得到,获得;找到,找着…与之接触(或联系)
get hold of the ball 得球
It is not easy to get hold of a taxi in the city centre. 在市中心很难叫到出租汽车。
Make sure your friends know where to get hold of you. 一定要让你的朋友们知道在什么地方可找到你。
get (或have) hold of the wrong end of the stick 完全误解
grab hold of = catch hold of
hold a candle to见candle
hold aloof 避免与别人交往,保持孤高;不参加,不介入
He held aloof from the others. 他不与别人交往。
Buyers are holding aloof. 买方持观望态度。
hold back 1. 阻挡;阻止…前进;使留在原级(或原阶段、 原水平等)
The police held back the crowd. 警察拦住人群。
hold a pupil back 使学生留级
He felt that he was held back from further promotion. 他感到他不会得到进一步的提升。
2. 抑制,控制
She could not hold back her tears. 她忍不住掉下眼泪。
He is accustomed to holding back his emotions. 他惯于控制自己的感情。
3. 保守(秘密等),隐瞒
hold back on sb. 对某人保密
He was holding something back from me. 他有什么事在瞒着我。
4. 扣住,保留;留下…给自己
hold back sb.'s salary 扣住某人的薪金
hold back a sum to cover incidental expenses 保留一笔钱以支付杂费
5. 克制住自己;犹豫;退缩
I held back from telling him what I thought of him. 我克制住自己,没把我对他的看法告诉他。
The shy little girl held back from meeting the visitor. 怕羞的小女孩退缩着不肯去见来访的客人。
hold by 1. 坚持;遵守
hold by one's principles 恪守自己的原则
hold by custom 遵守风俗习惯
2. 接受;赞成
I hold by what you say. 我赞成你所说的。
hold down 1. 使垂下;压下;压住;不让(吃下的食物)呕出
hold one's head down in (或 with) shame 羞愧地低下头
They held the thief down, to prevent him escaping. 他们把小偷按倒在地,不让他逃走。
He still couldn't hold down any food. 他仍旧吃什么吐什么。
2. 抑制,控制;限制;压制
hold down imports (prices) 控制进口(价格)
Hold down that noise, please. 请把那噪声弄轻些。
He is holding down to three cigarettes a day. 他限制自己每天抽3支烟。
rulers who hold the people down 压迫人民的统治者
3. 保有(工作等),胜任而保持(职位)
hold down a well-paid job 保住报酬优厚的职位
Hold everything! (或 Hold it!) 停止! 慢着!
hold forth 1. 说教;(当众)滔滔不绝地讲
A sergeant was holding forth as instructor. 一名军士摆出教官的架势在给大家训话。
He held forth for hours on that subject. 他一连几个钟头滔滔不绝地讲述那个问题。
2. 提出,提供,展示;奉献
As a candidate, he held forth the promise of a bright future. 作为一个候选人,他许诺带来一个光明的前途。
Mass was held forth every day. 每天都举行弥撒。
hold good 见 good
hold hard 停住,等一等
Hold hard! There's no great hurry to start. 等一等! 不用急着开始。
hold in 1. 约束;控制住(马等)
The horse is bolting. Try to hold it in. 马要脱缰了,设法牵住它。
2. 克制;保持沉默
hold oneself in 克制自己的感情
hold in one's anger 忍住火气
He thought it better to hold in. 他认为保持沉默为好。
hold off 1. (使)保持一定距离,(使)不接近;阻止;抵挡住
The ship will have to hold off from the shore until this storm passes. 在风暴没过去前,船不得不与岸保持一段距离。
His high rank and chilly manner held people off. 他的高贵官阶及冷淡态度使人们不敢接近他。
They held off the attacks of a numerically superior enemy. 他们抵挡住在人数上占优势的敌军的进攻。
2. 推迟,拖延;(雨等)不下
He tried to hold off making decisions. 他试图推迟作出决定。
The rain holds off. 雨暂时不会下。
hold on 1. 抓牢;固定住
hold on to a piece of plank 抓住一块板
This screw holds the lid of the box on. 这颗螺丝固定箱盖。
2. 继续;坚持;保持;忍住
Can I hold on to this book for another week? 这本书我可以再看一个星期吗?
He held on and at last met with success. 他坚持不懈,终于获得成功。
The soldiers held on in that isolated position until reinforcements arrived. 士兵们坚守在那个孤立无援的阵地上,直至援兵到来。
3. 停住;等一下,(打电话时用语)别挂断
Hold on! Wait until I get my camera. 停一下! 等我拿照相机来。
hold on until a connection is made 等候接通电话
on hold (电话拨号后)等待接通中
hold one's ground 见 ground¹
hold oneself aloof = hold aloof
hold one’s own见own¹
hold out 1. 伸出;端出
He held out his arms to embrace his son. 他伸出双臂拥抱他的儿子。
I held the pen and paper out to her. 我把笔和纸递给她。
2. 提出;提供
For those not totally deaf, electronics holds out hope. 电子学给非全聋的人带来了希望。
3. 抵抗;坚持;坚定不移,不退让;拒绝妥协,拒绝达成协议
The city held out for three months under siege. 该城在围攻下坚持抵抗达3个月。
We held out against the strong wind and big waves for three days and nights. 我们在大风大浪中坚持搏斗了3昼夜。
The strikers hold out for better pay and conditions. 罢工工人拒绝妥协,坚决要求提高工资并改善工作条件。
4. 维持;继续生存(或运行等)
Will the water supply hold out through the summer? 能维持整个夏季的供水吗?
This tyre won't hold out another mile. 这只轮胎再跑不完1英里了。
His grandfather will not hold out through the winter. 他的祖父捱不过这个冬天。
5. 美口扣留
hold out information important to the case 扣压有关案件的重要情况
6. 声称
He held himself out as a competent employee. 他自称是个称职的员工。
hold out on
1. 不答应,不向…屈服
He's been holding out on me. 他一直不答应我(的要求)
2. 瞒着;扣留,扣下
Why didn't you tell me at once, instead of holding out on me? 为什么你不马上告诉我而是瞒着我?
hold out on sb.'s dividends 扣下某人的红利
hold over 1. 推迟,使延迟
The last two items on the agenda we will hold over until the next meeting. 议程上的最后两个项目我们将推迟到下次会议讨论。
2. 保有;保留
a conviction held over from school days 学生时代保留下来的信念
3. (期满后)留任;留用,续用
hold over till one's successor is appointed 在继任者被任命前留在任上
The theatre held the acrobats over for another two weeks. 剧场约请杂技演员再演两周。
4. 延长…的期限
The film will be held over for another week. 这部电影将继续放映一个星期。
5. 以…威胁;以…胜过
He knew of my past and was always holding it over me (或 my head). 他了解我的过去,所以总是以此来威胁我。
6. 使(音)延续一拍(或一小节)
hold the bag 见 bag¹
hold the fort 见 fort
hold the line 见 line¹
hold to 1. 紧握;使固定于
hold to the rope 紧紧抓住绳索
2. (船等)保持(特定航向)
The ship held to a westerly course. 船继续向西航行。
3. 坚持,遵守,忠于
He holds to a simple life. 他坚持过着简朴的生活。
He held to his own counsel. 他按照自己的意见行事。
I hold to my promise. 我恪守诺言。
hold together 1. (使)连在一起
These nails are too small to hold the case together. 这些钉子太小了,不能把箱子钉牢。
2. (使)团结一致
The Party held together during the crisis. 党在危机中团结一致。
He hoped to hold the family together through the difficult period. 他曾希望把一家人团结起来渡过难关。
hold true 见 true
hold up 1. 举起,抬起,提起
hold up one's head 昂着头
hold up one warning finger at sb. 对某人伸出一只手指以示警告
2. 承受住,支撑;保持不倒,直立
The pillars hold up the roof. 柱子支承着屋顶。
The chair was too weak to hold him up. 那椅子不够结实,承受不了他的体重。
This house holds up well despite its age. 这幢房子虽老,但仍完好地矗立着。
3. 展示,举出
The teacher held up excellent models of composition for his class to imitate. 教师展示出一些范文供学生仿效。
He used to hold her up as an example to emulate. 他过去经常以她为学习榜样。
He was held up for the position. 他被提出作为那个职位的候选人。
4. 维持;保持良好
Sales held up well. 销售保持旺势。
We hope the weather will hold up. 我们希望天气继续晴好。
5. 延迟;停止;使停顿;阻碍
The ship was held up by fog for several hours. 船因遇雾而耽搁了几小时。
The rain will hold up very soon. 雨马上就要停了。
Negotiations are likely to be held up by differences between them. 由于他们间的意见分歧,谈判可能陷于停顿。
6. 经受考验
7. 拦劫;持械抢劫
hold up a car 拦路劫车
Several masked men held up a bank. 几个蒙面人持枪抢劫银行。
8. 美口向…索高价
9. 使遭到,使成为…的目标(to)
hold water 见 water
hold with [常用于否定句和疑问句]同意;赞成;支持;容忍
He doesn't hold with married women going out to work. 他不赞成已婚妇女外出工作。
Do you hold with it, too? 你也同意这个吗?
lay hold of (或 on) 1. 握住;抓住
The policeman laid hold of the thief. 警察抓住了小偷。
They laid hold of the rope and pulled lustily. 他们抓住绳子使劲拉。
2. 控制;掌握;占有,获得
Some ideas in this book are hard to lay hold of. 这本书中有一些概念很难理解。
He was lucky to lay hold of a block of shares before the price went up. 他在股票价格上涨前掌握了大宗股票,运气真好。
leave (或 loosen, lose) hold of 撒手放开;放弃
no hold(s) barred 1. (摔跤中)不受任何擒拿规则约束
2. 无清规戒律约束,不受任何限制;任何方式方法均可采用
quit hold of = leave hold of
seize hold of= catch hold of
take hold生根;固定下来;确立
I broke him of his bad habit before it could take hold. 在他的坏习惯还没有变得根深蒂固之前,我使他改了它。
This idea has taken hold. 这个观念已经为大家所接受。
take hold of (或 on) = lay hold of (或on)
there is no holding sb. 无法阻止某人去干某事




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