释义 |
hob·nob /ˈhɒbnɒb/ vi. | n. | ad. I (-nobbed; -nob·bing) vi. 1. 过从甚密;亲近 hobnob with the rich and influential 与有钱有势的人交往密切 2. (亲切随便地)交谈 What are you two hobnobbing about? 你们俩在拉扯些什么? hobnob over steaks and wine 一边吃牛排喝酒一边谈心 3. 共饮
II n. 1. 关系亲密;(非正式的)交谊聚会;亲密交谈 2. 共饮
III ad. 〈英方〉随意地 [<旧词 drink hobnob to drink to one another in turns < OE habban to have + nabban not to have] |