释义 |
in·flate /ɪnˈfleɪt/ vt. | vi. ❶ vt. 1. 使充气;使膨胀,使胀大 inflate a balloon 给气球充气 His modest wartime exploits have been inflated to heroic proportions. 他在战争期间的功绩平平,却被吹捧到大智大勇的程度。 2. 使得意,使骄傲 One could inflate or diminish a person by a few words. 人们寥寥数语可以把一个人捧得趾高气扬,也可以把一个人贬得无地自容。 3. 抬高(物价);使(通货等)膨胀 The buyers bid against each other and often inflate the prices they pay. 买主们竞相投标,往往人为地提高价钱。 The government would inflate the economy and then put on price controls. 政府将先让经济膨胀,然后再实施物价管制。 ❷ vi. 1. 充气;膨胀,胀大;扩大 The blockade may rapidly inflate to a full-fledged crisis. 封锁可能会迅速演变为一场十足的危机。 2. 得意,自傲 inflate with pride 傲气凌人 [< L inflāre to blow into < flāre to blow] |