

单词 herself
释义 her·self /hɜːˈself/ pron. | phr.
1. [反身代词]她自己
She hurt herself while rescuing the child. 她在救孩子时伤了自己。
She doesn't seem pleased with herself. 她好像对自己不满意。
She considers herself lucky. 她认为自己是幸运的。
She bought herself a new coat. 她给自己买了一件新外套。
She made a snowman as big as herself. 她堆了一个跟她自己一样大的雪人。
2. [用以加强语气]她亲自;她本人
She herself told me the news. (或: She told me the news herself.) 这消息是她亲口告诉我的。
Let her do it herself. 这事就让她自己做吧。
In debt herself, she could offer no financial help. 她自己已债务缠身,不能提供什么资助了。
It's herself she's trying to convince. 她想要说服的就是她本人。
3. [用于 be, become, feel 等后]她的正常情况(指健康、情绪等)
She is not quite herself today. 她今天不大舒服。(或:她今天情绪有些反常。)
She is beginning to feel herself again. 她正在开始恢复健康。(或:她情绪正在开始恢复正常。)
4. 爱尔兰[用作主语]
5. 爱尔兰苏格兰主妇,女主人;重要的女人
phr. (all) by herself 1. 她单独地,她独自地
She lives by herself in the country. 她独自一人住在乡间。
She was quite by herself. 她相当孤单。
2. 她独力地,全靠她自己地
I'm sure she can fulfil the task by herself. 我确信她能独力完成这一任务。
come to herself (她)恢复知觉(或正常情绪)
The blow knocked her unconscious and when she came to herself she was lying in the road. 她被打得失去了知觉,等她醒来时她正躺在路上。
She lost her temper, but soon came to herself. 她发了脾气,但很快就冷静下来了。




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