释义 |
hem² /hem/ int. | n. | vi. | phr. I /hem, hm/ int. 哼!(轻咳或清嗓子声,表示迟疑、怀疑或唤起别人注意等)
II n. “哼”声:clear one's throat with two or three hems 咳两三声清清嗓子
III (hemmed; hem·ming) vi. 1. 发“哼”声;清嗓子 The guest came to the foot of the stairs and hemmed. 客人走到楼梯脚边,轻咳一声。 2. 说话吞吞吐吐
phr. hem and haw [亦作 hum and haw] 1. 说话吞吞吐吐,支支吾吾 hem and haw a lot before answering 嗯嗯呃呃了好一阵才回答 2. 搪塞着不表态,推诿,拖延 The administration hemmed and hawed over the student's demands. 校方对学生的要求抱不表态的敷衍态度。 |