

单词 heel¹
释义 heel¹ /hiːl/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr.
I n.
1. (足)
have a blister on one's heel 脚后跟有个水泡
2. (鞋、袜等的)后跟
wear high (low) heels 穿高 (低) 跟鞋
I have a hole in the heel of my sock. 我的短袜后跟上有个洞。
3. (马等的)后肢蹄踵,蹄的后部;(马等的)后脚
4. 踵状物;底部,根部,后部;(近腕部的)手掌根;(梯子的)底脚;(木料的)下端,柱脚;(琴弓的)弓根;(滑橇的)后端;(步枪的)托踵;(刀刃等的)近柄部分,刀根;书脊下部
He pressed the heels of his hands into his temples. 他用手掌根使劲按太阳穴。
5. (硬的)面包头,干酪硬皮;残余物;酒脚;(烟斗里的)余烬
6. 龙骨后端;桅脚,桅根;舵踵,舵板根
7. 高尔夫球杆弯头
8. (园艺学用语)
9. (会议、演说等的)结束部分,末尾
10. 卑鄙的家伙,可恶的人;小偷
11. 美俚越狱;潜逃
12. [heels] 高跟鞋

II vt.
1. (鞋等)装跟
2. 紧跟;紧追
heel sb. upstairs 紧随某人上楼
3. 用脚后跟踩(或碰、蹬等);用脚后跟跳(舞)
heel a cigarette butt out 踩灭烟头
heel a horse 用脚跟踢马使前行
4. (斗鸡)装上距铁
5. 高尔夫用球杆弯头击(球)
6. 用脚跟往回传(球) (out)
7. 美口供钱给;武装,使带枪
1. 在后紧随;紧追;快跑
a dog that heels well 紧跟而不乱跑的狗
2. 用脚后跟触地;用脚后跟跳舞
3. 用脚跟往回传球 (out)
[< OE hēla; 与 ON hæll, OE hōh 有关]
phr. air one's heels 游荡,闲逛
at heel 紧紧在后
follow (或 keep close) at heel 紧跟在后
at (或on) the heels of 紧紧地在…后面(以进攻或捕捉)
follow (hot) at sb.'s heels 紧跟在某人后面
Famine often follows at the heels of war. 战乱之后常发生饥荒。
betake oneself to one's heels = take to one's heels
bring sb. to heel迫使某人听命
clap sb. by the heels = set sb. by the heels
cool one's heels<>久等,空等
He kept me cooling my heels in his office for twenty minutes. 他让我在他的办公室里空等了20分钟。
cop a heel 美俚越狱,从警察手中逃跑
dig one's heels in 见 dig
down at (the) heel (或 down at the heels) 1. (鞋子) 鞋跟磨掉的
2. (人) 穿鞋跟磨破的鞋的;衣衫褴褛的;邋遢的
He is always down at the heel in appearance. 他总是衣着邋遢。
drag one's heels 1. 拖着脚步走
2. 拖拖拉拉,行动迟缓
get (或 have) the heels of sb. 超越 (或胜过) 某人
hairy about (或 round, at, in) the heel(s) 没教养的,没礼貌的,粗野的
Heel! 跟着! (唤狗用语,系 come to heel 的省略)
heel in 用土暂时盖住 (植物) 的根以备栽种,埋植,假植
heels over head(或head over heels)见head
kick one's heels 久等,空等;不耐烦地等待
leave sb. kicking his heels 让某人不耐烦地等着
kick up one's heels 1. (马) 踢跳 (表示工作后的松快);欢跳;主美(工作后) 轻松愉快一阵;庆祝
knock sb. back on his heels = set sb. (back) on his heels
lay sb. by the heels1. 给某人上镣铐;把某人逮捕下狱
2. 推翻某人;挫败某人
on the heels of = at the heels of
out at (the) heels1. 鞋跟穿破的;袜跟有洞的
2. 衣衫褴褛的;邋遢的
set sb. (back) on his heels 使某人吃惊,突然惊扰某人;使某人困窘,使某人狼狈;拖某人的后腿
His death set us back on our heels. 他的去世使我们大吃一惊。
She was doing very well in school until sickness set her back on her heels. 她在校成绩一向很好,但疾病使她退步了。
set (或 rock) sb. by the heels 给某人上镣铐;把某人逮捕下狱
show a clean pair of heels (或 show one's heels) (尽快地) 逃跑;逃离
take to one's heels 逃走,滑脚溜走
the heel of Achilles 阿喀琉斯的脚踵,致命弱点,唯一的弱点
to heel 1. (狗) 紧紧在后
Come (或 Keep) to heel. 跟着。(唤狗用语)
2. 受控制;就范;顺从
bring inflation to heel 控制通胀
The naughty child had to come to heel when he went to school. 那个顽皮孩子上了学就不得不听话了。
tread on the heels of 1. 踩到…的脚跟
2. 紧随…之后
Disasters come treading on each other's heels. 灾难接踵而来。
turn on (或 upon) one's heel 急向后转;转身离去
He turned on his heel and walked away. 他转身就走。
under heel 受控制,受支配
bring sth. under heel 对某事加以控制
under the heel(s) of 在…统治 (或控制) 下;遭着…践踏
under the heel of fascism 在法西斯的统治下
upon the heels of = at the heels of




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