释义 |
hedge /hedʒ/ n. | vt. | vi. | a. | phr. I n. 1. (矮树)树篱 a quickset hedge 绿篱 (或生篱) a dead hedge 柴篱 2. 围栏;障碍(物);界限;限制 a hedge of stones 石头围墙 a hedge of convention 习俗的束缚 3. 防护物;防御物;保护(或防御)手段 a hedge against tooth decay 防龋齿剂 a hedge against complacent thinking 防止自满思想的手段 They store two years' food supply as a hedge against crop failure. 他们储备两年的食粮以防歉收。 4. (避免或减轻经济损失的)保值措施;【商】套期保值,套购保值 a strong hedge against inflation 避免通货膨胀损失的强有力的保值措施 5. (赌博中为防损失的)两面下注 6. 模棱两可的话,不明确的话
II ❶ vt. 1. 用树篱围住(或隔开) hedge a garden 用树篱把花园围起 2. 围住;卫护;设障碍于,阻碍 a meadow hedged by forest 由森林围住的牧草地 hedge sb.'s path with difficulties 在某人的道路上设置困难 the difficulties hedging all approach 无从解决的困难 3. 以套期保值避免(或减轻)(投机、投资等)的损失;两面下注以避免(或减轻)(赌博、冒险等)的损失;避免由(通货膨胀等)造成的损失 hedge one's bets 两面下注以防损失 hedge the imminent inflation by buying farmland 购置农田以减少即将发生的通货膨胀所带来的损失 4. 避免直接回答(问题);回避 hedge the question of unemployment 回避失业问题 ❷ vi. 1. 栽种树篱;筑树篱;修整树篱 2. 避免直接答复,闪烁其词;避免明确表态;回避问题;闪避;藏匿 hedge on (或 over) critical questions 对关键性问题不明确表态 3. 以套期保值避免(或减轻)损失;两面下注以避免(或减轻)损失;采取保值措施以避免损失 Many traders sold to hedge against wheat they expect to have on hand. 很多商人抛出期货以免即将到手的小麦因行市下跌而遭受损失。
III a. 1. 树篱的;树篱下的;树篱旁的 a hedge plant 绿篱植物 2. 偷偷摸摸的;名声不好的;下等的,低档的;次的,差的 a hedge marriage 秘密结婚 a hedge tavern 下等酒店 a hedge lawyer 蹩脚律师 3. 套期保值的;两面下注的 hedge buying 买进保值期货 hedge selling 卖出保值期货 [< ME hegge < OE hecg; 与 OE haga hedge, hawthorn, L colum sieve 有关]
phr. be on the hedge 抱骑墙态度;保持中立;犹豫不定 hedge in (或 about, around, round) 1. 用树篱 (或其他障碍物) 围住 (或隔开)Our garden is hedged in to keep the chickens out. 我们的园子用篱笆围着防鸡进入。2. 围住;卫护;限制 This small town is hedged in by hills. 这个小镇四面环山。hedge sb. in with rules and regulations 用条条框框限制某人 He felt hedged in on financial matters. 他感到在财务方面受到束缚。hedge off 1. 用树篱 (或其他障碍物) 把…划分出 (或隔断) 2. 两面下注 hedge out 用树篱 (或其他障碍物) 把…隔出;关出,除出 sit on the hedge = be on the hedge |