释义 |
heave /hiːv/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr. I (heaved 或 hove /həʊv/) ❶ vt. 1. (用力)举起,提起;拉起 heave a heavy axe 抡起重斧 heave oneself up from one's chair 从椅中费力地站起 heave sb. to his feet 拉某人站起 2. 〈口〉(用力)投掷;举起抛出 heave a stone through a window 掷石穿窗而过 heave the shot-put 推铅球 3. (沉重地)发出(叹息、呻吟等) heave a sigh of relief 松一口气 heave a groan 发出一声呻吟 4. 使起伏;使隆起;使鼓起 heave one's chest in breathing heavily 喘大气时胸部上下起伏 The tsunamis heaved the sea. 海啸掀起万丈波涛。 5. (用力)拉,拖;推;绞(缆绳、锚链等);使(以某种方式或朝某一方向)移动 heave the anchor 起锚 heave the capstan around 转动绞盘 heave a ship ahead 收链使船前进 6. 呕吐 He got carsick and heaved his lunch. 他晕车了,把午饭吃的东西都吐了。 7. 【地】使(矿脉等)平错(或隆起) ❷ vi. 1. (用力)举起;拉,拖;推;绞(at, on) heave (away) at a heavy box 费力搬动重箱 heave on a rope 用力拉绳 heave at the capstan 起锚 2. (有节奏地)起伏;升起;被抛起;被举起;隆起,鼓起 The ship heaved and rolled. 船颠簸摇晃。 His chest was heaving with emotion. 他的胸部激动地起伏着。 The earth heaved for 25 seconds. (地震时) 地面波动了25秒钟。 The waters were heaving up in great swells. 海水汹涌,波涛滚滚。 3. 喘息,喘气 He lay heaving from the strain of his effort. 由于用了好大的劲,他躺着直喘气。 4. 呕吐;恶心 After drinking too much, he heaved up. 他饮酒过多,呕吐了。 5. 努力,使劲 heave to bring forth the Asian Cup 为安排亚洲杯比赛费尽力气 6. 使船(以某种方式或朝某一方向)行驶;(船)(按指示的方式)行驶 The schooner hove alongside. 纵帆船并靠着行驶。
II n. 1. (用力)举;拉;推;扔;〈口〉扔的距离 give sb. a heave 用力拉某人一下 With a mighty heave, we pushed the boat into the water. 我们猛一使劲,将船推入水中。 a heave of 63 feet 63英尺的一扔 2. (有节奏的)起伏;升起;鼓起 the heave of the sea 海水的翻腾 give a heave to one's shoulders 耸耸肩 3. 【地】平错,隆起 4. 〈美俚〉(警察用语)避风雨处 5. [heaves] [用作单或复](马的)肺气肿 6. [the heaves] [用作单或复]一阵呕吐 [< OE hebban; 与 OHG hevan to lift, L capere to take 有关] phr. Heave away! (或: Heave ho!) (水手在起锚等时的呼声) 用力拉! 绞! heave down 使 (船) 向一侧倾斜 (以便检修或清洗等) heave in (或 into) sight (或 view) 进入视野,可被见到,出现 A ship hove in sight just above the distant horizon. 就在远处地平线上一艘船出现了。I was just about to leave when he hove into view. 我刚想要离开,他在我眼前出现了。heave out 松 (索或帆) heave to 1. 顶风停 (船); (船) 顶风停航,顶风漂泊 When the ship received the signal, she hove to. 船收到信号后就顶风停下。2. 〈口〉停下 (并转身) |