

单词 heat
释义 heat /hiːt/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr.
I n.
1. 热;高温
the heat of fire (the sun's rays)(阳光) 发出的热
a heat of 500 degrees 500度的高温
2. 热的程度,温度
at low heat 以低热度
intense heat 强热
What is the heat of the water in this swimming pool? 这个游泳池的水温是多少?
3. 体温;发烧,热度
relieve the heat of the fever 退烧
4. 热的感觉;(身体的)发热;(皮肤的)发烫
get into a heat by running 跑得身体发热
feel the heat rise in one's face 感到脸上开始火辣辣的
5. 炎热,暑热;炎热天气(或气候、季节)
stifling heat 闷热
get away from the heat 避暑
Take your coat off. We can't be formal in this heat. 把你的上衣脱下吧。天气这么热,我们不必拘礼了吧。
6. 热的地方(或环境);炉火
out in the heat 在外面炎热的地方
7. (对房间等的)供暖
His rent includes heat. 他的房租包括供暖费。
8. 强烈的感情;热情;激情;激动;愤怒;辱骂;批评
speak without (with much) heat 心平气和 (非常激动) 地说
take a lot of heat for one's beliefs 因信仰而备受攻击
9. 激烈;热烈;最激烈(或热烈)的时刻(或阶段)(颜色、感情、效果等的)强烈
in the heat of battle 在战役的白热阶段
add more heat to the argument 使辩论更激烈
10. (芥末等的)辣味
11. 一举,一下子;一阵子
do sth. at a (single) heat 一口气做某事
12. (赛跑等的)(一个)赛次;分组赛,预赛
win two heats out of three 三赛两胜
He swam in the second heat and won, but lost out in the final race. 他在第二场游泳预赛中赢了,但在决赛中输了。
13. (一次)熔炼;(一次)熔炼量;装炉(量)
14. (尤指母畜的)发情;发情期
be in (或on, at) heat 正在发情
15. [the heat]压力;胁迫;(来自官方的)批评
They feel the heat on all sides. 他们感受到来自方方面面的压力。
16. (警察对罪犯等的)穷追,大力侦查;侦查活动地区
The heat's on. 警方正查得紧。
during the heat on the bank robbers 在大力追捕银行抢劫犯期间
17. 警方;警官
a member of the heat 一名警察
18. 美俚枪;枪击
turn on the heat 开枪
give sb. the heat 用枪打死某人
19. 美俚(喝酒或吸毒后的)迷醉
have a heat on 正迷醉中

II vt.
1. 使热,把…加热;使暖
heat milk 把牛奶烧热
heat the oven to 350 degrees 把炉子加热到350度
The flat is centrally heated. 这套房间是中央供暖的。
He was heated by the long climb. 长时间的攀爬使他浑身发热。
2. 使激动;使愤怒;激发
His arrogance heated us beyond enduring. 他的傲慢态度使我们怒不可遏。
1. 变热;变暖;发热
The water in the kettle is heating slowly. 壶中的水正在慢慢热起来。
The room quickly heated. 房间很快就暖和了。
2. 激动起来;发怒
He cannot see injustice without heating. 他看到不平免不了要气愤。
[< ME hete < OE hǣtu; 与 OE hāt hot, OFris hēte heat 有关]
phr. heat up 1. 使热;变热
She heated up some soup. 她热了一点汤。
The water has heated up a bit. 水有点热了。
She was instantly embarrassed and could feel her face heating up. 她当即窘得不行,只觉得脸上一阵发烧。
2. 加剧;激化,变得激烈
That change seems certain to heat up inflation. 那一变化看来一定会加剧通货膨胀。
The campaign has heated up in its final days. 竞选活动在最后阶段已趋于白热化。
If you can't stand the heat stay out of the kitchen. 要是你怕热,就别呆在厨房里。(系美国第三十三任总统 Harry S. Truman 名言,意指倘若缺乏精力、胆量以及忍受尖锐批评的勇气,就不要谋求总统职位)
in the heat of the moment 一时激动之下;盛怒之下;一时性起
a remark made in the heat of the moment 一时激动所说的话
hit sb. in the heat of the moment 在气头上打某人
pack heat 美俚携枪
put (或 turn) the heat on 对…施加压力;加劲努力;穷追 (罪犯)
put the heat on to do sth. 使劲干某事




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