

单词 head
释义 head /hed/ n. | a. | vt. | vi. | phr.
I n.
1. (人、动物等的)头;头部
The rock fell and hit him on the head. 石头掉下来砸着他的头。
2. 头状物;头状花序;(聚生植物茎梗顶端的)叶球,子实
a match head 火柴头
the head of an arrow (a shell)(弹)
hit the head of a nail with the head of a hammer 用锤头击钉子的头
a head of cabbage 一棵卷心菜
a head of grain 谷穗
3. 上端,顶部;前端,前部;上首;(床、墓穴等的)放头一端;(鼓、圆桶等的)一面
the head of a sail (a mast)(桅)
the head of a staircase 楼梯顶部
at the head of the parade 在游行队伍的最前面
sit at the head of the table 坐在上首 (通常为主人的座位)
the head of a couch 睡椅搁头的一端
4. 首脑,首领;头儿;主任,长;(学院的)院长;(小学)校长
heads of state 国家领导人
the head of the English Department 英语系主任
the head of the family 家长
Take these boys to the head. 把这些男孩带到校长那儿去。
5. 领导(地位);领头(地位);首位
at the head of the administration 身为政府首脑
at the head of the class 名列班级第一
at the head of the poll 以最多的得票
6. 人;个人
a hot head 性子急躁的人
crowned heads 国王和王后
count heads 点人数
Tickets averaged £20 a (或 per) head. 票价平均每人20镑。
7. [单复同](牛羊等的)头数;(动物)数量,(猎物)
ten head of cows (sheep) 10头母牛 (羊)
a large head of game 大批猎物
8. 一头的长度
She is half a head taller than her sister. 她比她妹妹高半个头。
9. 头脑;才智,天资,能力;想象力;理解力;克制力
He has some queer notions in his head. 他脑子里有些怪念头。
use one's head 动脑筋
The old man has a wise head. 那位老人足智多谋。
have a good (poor) head for mathematics 很有 (没有) 数学天才
have a good (bad) head for heights 攀高时不会 (会) 头晕
keep a cool head in an emergency 在紧急情况下保持镇静
10. (报、刊的)标题;(演讲、文章等的)主要部分,题目;要点;天头,眉头,书眉
The Times put the story under a two-column head. 《泰晤士报》以双栏标题刊登这篇报道。
a speech arranged under five heads 分为5个部分的讲话
the main heads of a dialogue 对话的要点
11. 紧要关头,决定性时刻;顶点,极点;结束
This incident brought matters to a head. 这事件使事态达到紧要关头。
12. (疖、丘疹等的)脓头
13. 人头像;[常作 heads] [用作单](铸有头像的)硬币正面
a bronze head of Lincoln 林肯的青铜头像
Heads or tails? (你猜) 正面还是反面? (以掷硬币碰运气或赌输赢时说)
14. (角)(尤用于地名,如 Beachy Head)
15. (啤酒等倒出后所生的)泡沫;(浮在牛奶表面的)奶脂层
beer that has a good head 泡沫多的啤酒
16. 艏,船头;[亦作 heads](沟形或坑形供船员用的)船首厕所;厕所
17. 鹿角
a deer of the first head 初生角的鹿
18. 河源,上游;(磨坊等的)水头;水位差,压位差;水压;蒸气压力
the head of the Nile 尼罗河的源头
19. 中心成分,中心词,主导词
20. (刀具、钻机等的)头;(泵缸或汽缸的)盖,帽
21. 电子磁头 (= magnetic head)
22. 水平巷道,(煤层中的)开拓巷道
23. (音符的)符头
24. (肱骨等的)圆头;(肌)
25. 进展;逐渐增进的力量
26. 狂热爱好者
a film head 影迷
a chilli head 爱吃辣椒的人
27. 头发
comb one's head 梳头
wash one's head 洗头
28. 脑袋,生命
It cost him his head. 这要了他的性命。
29. (尤指宿醉或头部挨打引起的)头痛
I've got a bad head. 我头痛得厉害。
30. 汽车顶
31. = headlight
32. 吸毒成瘾的人,瘾君子
33. 美俚
Keep your head shut. 别开口。
34. 美俚勃起的阴茎(头)
35. 美俚口交,口淫
36. 美俚(吸毒后产生的)飘飘然快感

II a.
1. 头的;头部的;头戴的
He died of head injuries. 他死于头部受伤。
head wrappings 包头布
2. 在前头的;在顶端的
the head group of a parade 游行队伍的先头组
the head name on the list 名单上的头一个名字
3. 自前面来的;对面的
a head current 逆流
head tides 逆潮
4. 首要的,首位的;领头的,领导的
the head post office 邮政总局
the head football coach 足球主教练
the head cook 厨师长
a head waiter 侍者领班

III vt.
1. 行进在…的前头;位于…的顶部;为…之头;居…之首;先于,超越,胜过
head a parade 走在游行队伍的最前列
His address headed the letter. 他的地址在信的上端。
This canyon heads the list of natural attractions. 这个峡谷在天然美景中居首位。
She will head the cast. 她将担任主角。
He heads all the records. 他打破所有记录。
2. 使朝特定方向行进;使走向;使趋向
head a ship southward 使船向南行驶
head a boat toward the shore 使船驶向岸边
3. 对着…行进;拦挡,拦阻
head the waves (driving rain) 迎着波涛 (瓢泼大雨) 行进
head a herd of cattle 拦截一群牛
4. 为…的首脑;主管;率领;指挥,领导
head a department 主管一个部门
head an expedition 率领一个探险队
head a revolt 领导起义
5. 为…装头(或顶);构成…的头部(或顶部);放在…的顶部;给…加标题
head an arrow 为箭装头
head a cask 为木桶装顶盖
a church tower headed by a spire 建有尖顶的教堂塔楼
Each page was headed with the writer's name. 每页上端都有作者的名字。
6. 去掉…的头;修剪(树等)的顶枝;割穗收获(作物)
head celery 摘去芹菜头
head and gut fish 切除鱼头并取出内脏
7. (小溪、湖泊等)的源头而过;集(水)形成水头
8. 用头顶(球)
1. 朝特定方向行进
head toward town 朝城里去
The ship is heading north. 船正向北行驶。
Heading along the street, I found a restaurant. 沿街走去,我找到一家餐馆。
Where are you heading? 你上哪儿去?
He changed his mind and headed back to Nanjing. 他改变主意回南京去了。
The region has headed into its traditionally dry season. 这个地区已进入传统的旱季。
That country is heading toward grave economic problems. 那个国家将面临严重的经济问题。
2. (植物)长头,(作物)结穗;(疖、丘疹等)出脓头
Cabbage heads quickly. 卷心菜叶球长成得快。
3. (河流等)发源,起源
The river heads in the mountains. 这条河发源于群山中。
[< OE hēafod]
phr. above sb.'s head 1. 在某人头顶上;(危险等) 迫在某人眉睫
2. 太高深而超过某人的理解力
Your lecture was a bit above my head. 你的演讲比较深奥,我不太理解。
We shouldn't talk above the heads of our students. 我们讲的内容不应该超越学生的理解水平。
a head of hair (尤指引人注目的) 一头头发
a fine (red) head of hair 一头秀 (红)
an old head on young shoulders 年轻而又老练,少年老成
He has (或 is) an old head on young shoulders. 他少年老成。
bang (或 beat, bash) one's head against a brick wall 以头碰壁;试图干不可能成功的事;试图获得不大可能得到的东西;枉费心机,白费力气
bang people's heads together (尤指为制止他人争吵而)严厉地呵斥他人
beat sb.'s head off 彻底打败某人,使某人一败涂地
Better be the head of an ass than the tail of a horse. 宁为鸡口,毋为牛后。
be weak in the head 智力低下,蠢,笨
bite sb.'s head off 对某人大声怒吼,对某人凶狠无礼地说话,呵斥某人
I only asked you a question. There's no need to bite my head off. 我只是问你一个问题。你何必对我这么凶。
break Priscian's head 见 Priscian
bring to a head 使达到决定性阶段(或紧要关头)
bury one's head in the sand不正视事实;逃避现实;不愿正视困难,采取鸵鸟政策
by the head 1. = down by the head
2. 微醉
He was a little by the head. 他微有醉意。
come into sb.'s head = enter sb.'s head
come to a head1. (疖、脓疮等) 出脓头,化脓
2. (事情) 达到决定性阶段 (或紧要关头);达到顶点
Things came to a head in mid-August. 8月中情况到了严重关头。
The dispute came to a head yesterday. 昨天那场争论达到了白热化的程度。
cry one's head off 大哭
do sb.'s head in 英口使某人感到不安(或困惑)
down by the head船头吃水比船尾深的
drag in by the head and shoulders (不相干的话题) 硬扯进来
eat one's head off 大吃,吃得很多;吃得过多
eat sb.'s head off 粗暴地 (或严厉地) 对某人说话
enter sb.'s head [常用于否定句] (主意、计划等) 被某人想到
It never entered my head that you would be arriving on that train. 我从没想到你会乘那班火车到达。
fash one's head 见 fash
from head to foot (或 toe) 从头到脚,全身
be dressed in black from head to foot 穿一身黑
tremble from head to foot 全身颤抖
gather head 1. (疖等) 化脓
2. (阴谋等) 酝酿成熟,即将爆发;(力量) 渐增
get into (或through) one's head 充分理解,明白;相信,固执地认为
At last she got it through her head that she had failed to pass the test. 她终于明白了自己考试没有及格。
He has got it into his head that some newspapermen have been out to smear him. 他固执地认定有些报人千方百计要诽谤他。
get into (或through) sb.'s head使某人理解,使某人明白;使某人相信
get one's head down 英口
1. 躺下睡觉
I'll have to get my head down for a bit before going out. 我要先睡一会儿再出去。
2. 重新坐下来工作
I'll have to get my head down in order to finish all this work. 为了把所有这些工作做完,我还得坐定下来好好干。
get one's head out of one's ass 美俚开始留意,集中注意力
get one's head round (around) 英口[常用于否定句]理解;接受
get out of one's head 不去想;把…忘掉,把…抛在脑后
I wish I could get the picture of that awful accident out of my head. 但愿我能把那意外事故的可怕情景忘掉。
give (good) head 美俚行口淫,舔吸阴茎
give one's head for the washing 俯首受辱,忍气吞声
give sb. his head 让某人随意而为 (原指让马自由驰骋)
Give him his head. 随他便吧。
go out of sb.'s head 被忘记
go soak your head 见 go¹
go to sb.'s head 1. (酒) 上某人头,使某人醉
2. (成功、名利、赞扬等) 使某人过于兴奋,冲昏某人的头脑,使某人骄傲自满
You mustn't let this success go to your head. 你不能让这次成功冲昏你的头脑。
hang one's head (羞愧地) 垂下头
have a (good) head on one's shoulders 有见识,有能力 (尤指会做生意)
have a head 美俚(酗酒或吸毒后)感到头痛不适
have a head full of bees 头脑里全是空想 (或怪念等)
have a head like a sieve 记忆力极差,什么也记不住
have a long head 有远见,有先见之明
have a swollen (或 swelled) head 自负,骄傲自大
have one's head examined 检查一下脑子是否正常
have one's head in a tar barrel 陷入困境,陷于窘境
have one's head in the clouds 心不在焉;(爱) 想入非非
have one's head screwed on (right 或 the right way 或 properly) 头脑清醒;明智;有见识;不愚蠢
have one's head up one's ass 美俚表现愚蠢,老出岔子
head and ears 全身;深深地,完全
He's head and ears in debt. 他背了一身债。
head and front (行动的) 领头者;(罪过等的) 要点,主要部分;最高程度
head and shoulders 1. 以头和肩之差
This basketball player is head and shoulders taller than the other boys. 这名篮球运动员比其他队员高出一头和双肩。
2. 大大地,远远
He towers head and shoulders above his contemporaries. 他在同代人中是出类拔萃的。
This book stands head and shoulders above all other publications available on the subject. 这本书远较现有的其他所有有关本题的出版物出色。
3. 强行,用武力
He was dragged in head and shoulders. 他被硬拖了进去。
head first (或 foremost) 1. 头向前地
He went head first into the river. 他一头栽进河里。
2. 仓促地,匆匆;鲁莽地
plunge head first into a stranger's room 冒冒失失一头冲进陌生人的房间
head for 1. (使) 朝…行进,(使) 走向
head the horse for home 驱马回家
We (were) headed for London. 我们前往伦敦。
He is heading (或 headed) for retirement. 他即将退休。
2. 注定 (…) 要遭受
You are heading (或 headed) for trouble (disaster). 你将碰到麻烦 (灾祸)
head off 1. 上前拦住 (使退回或转变方向),拦截
head off the stampede 拦截受惊乱窜的畜群
2. 转移…的思想 (或注意力);阻止,防止…发生
He will get into trouble if we don't head him off. 如果我们不拦阻他,他会遇到麻烦。
head off a conflict (split) 防止冲突 (分裂) 发生
head of the river (皮艇追撞竞赛中的) 领先位置;划船比赛;划船比赛优胜者
head on 迎面地,正面地
The ship struck the rocks head on. 那条船船头触礁。
head out 1. 朝特定方向行进;(使) 面朝特定方向
The ship headed out to sea. 船驶向大海。
The car was parked beside the house and headed out towards the street. 汽车泊在屋边,头朝着大街。
2. 出发,启程
We headed out to the farm. 我们出发去农场。
head over ears = over head and ears
head over heels (或 heels over head)1. 头朝下地,颠倒地
He fell head over heels into the gully. 他一个跟斗跌进了沟里。
2. 纷乱地;鲁莽地;匆促地
The children all tried to come in the door at once, head over heels. 孩子们推搡着,想一下子拥进屋来。
They are falling head over heels to propose new solutions. 他们正手忙脚乱地试图提出新的解决办法。
3. 完全地, 深深地,非常
be head over heels in debt 债台高筑
fall head over heels in love with sb. 神魂颠倒地爱上某人
Heads I win, (and) tails you lose. 反正我赢定了。(或我总不吃亏。) (源自掷钱币打赌时说:正面我赢,反面你输。)
Heads up! 注意! 小心!
Heads will (或 would 或 are likely to) roll. 有些人将被解雇 (或蒙受耻辱等)
The company has lost many customers because of its bad work. Heads will roll for this. 该公司由于业绩不佳失去了许多顾客,为此,将有一些雇员丢饭碗。
head to head 头对头,面对面
talk head to head 促膝谈心
head up 1. 封住 (桶等) 的顶部,用盖盖住…的顶部;把…放入桶中盖上
2. 在…的最前面;领导,带领
head up a parade 走在游行队伍的最前列
head up a government 领导政府
3. (河流等) 发源,起源
4. (植物) 长头,(作物) 结穗;成长
hide one's head (羞愧地) 掩面
hide one's head in the sand = bury one's head in the sand
hit one's head against a brick wall= bang one's head against a brick wall
hold one's head high昂首,不垂头丧气;自豪地(或勇敢地)行动
You have done no wrong. Hold your head high. 你没有做什么错事,别垂头丧气。
hold up one's head 昂起头;显示自尊心;不感到惭愧;感到骄傲
Now that he has been proved not guilty, he can hold his head up once more. 他既然已被证明无罪,自然又可昂首挺胸了。
I'll eat my head if ... 见 eat
keep one's head 保持镇静,不慌张;不激动;不害怕
Luckily the driver kept his head, or there might have been a serious accident. 幸亏司机保持镇定,否则可能发生严重车祸。
keep one's head above water 1. 使自己免遭灭顶
2. 使自己免于负债 (或失败、损失等);凑合着活下去
keep one's head down 1. 使自己不引人注意,不抛头露面
2. 避免麻烦 (或危险等);防止分心
knock head 叩头
knock one's head against 迎头碰上 (不愉快或不利的事情)
knock one's head against a brick wall = bang one's head against a brick wall
knock on the head1. 当头一击打昏 (或打死)
2. 制止 (计划等);使不可能实现
The increase in the price of cars knocked their hopes for a new one on the head. 汽车涨价使他们购置新车的希望化为泡影。
knock people's heads together 用武力制止争吵 (或阐明道理)
knock sb.'s head off (为惩罚或报复) (威胁要) 揍扁某人
laugh one's head off 大笑,狂笑不已
lay heads together 共同商量 (或计划、策谋)
They laid their heads together and formed a plan. 他们集思广益,制订出一个计划。
let sb. have his head = give sb. his head
lift up one's head重新振作起来
light in the head 1. 头晕的
He felt light in the head. 他感到头晕。
2. 头脑简单的,愚蠢的
3. 疯癫的,神经错乱的
lose one's head 1. 被砍头;丧命
Many nobles lost their heads during the French Revolution. 在法国大革命中许多贵族上了断头台。
2. 慌乱,仓皇失措;失去自制,激动起来
Don't lose your head in an emergency. 遇到紧急情况不要慌乱。
make head 前进;取得进展;进行抵抗
There have been many delays, but they are at last making head. 有过多次耽搁,但他们终于开始取得进展了。
make head against the winds 迎风前进
make head or tail of [常用于否定句] 弄清楚,了解,弄明白
I can't make head or tail of her letter. 我一点也看不明白她的信。
need one's head examining (或 examined) 需要检查一下脑子是否正常
off one's head<英口>发疯的,精神错乱的
off the top of one's head 见 top¹
on one's head 1. 倒立地,脚朝天地;颠倒地
stand history on its head 颠倒历史
2. 轻而易举地
Anyone can do it (standing) on his head. 这事谁做都易如反掌。
on sb.'s (own) head 由某人 (自己) 负责;落到某人 (自己) 头上
The children's safety was on the teacher's head. 孩子们的安全由那教师负责。
He refused all offers of help, so the failure is on his (own) head. 他拒绝别人提供任何帮助,所以这次失败是咎由自取。
out of one's head 1. 出于自己的头脑,由自己所想出
It came from you, and not out of my own head. 这是你想出来的,而不是我的意思。
2. 被忘记
3. 精神错乱的,发疯的;说胡话的,说疯话的
be drunk out of one's head 醉得神志不清
The patient is feverish and out of his head. 病人在发烧,神志不清。
over head and ears 1. 没顶地
He plumped over head and ears into the water. 他扑通掉入水中淹没了。
2. 深深地,完全地
be over head and ears in debt 债台高筑
be over head and ears in love 深坠情网
be over head and ears in work 埋头于工作
over sb.'s head 1. 在某人头顶上;(危险等) 迫在某人眉睫
2. 太高深而超过某人的理解力
Don't teach over the pupil's heads. 讲课的内容不要超过学生的理解力。
His writings go over my head. 他的著作太深奥,我看不懂。
3. (晋升、上告等) 超过(或越过)某人
pull one's head in 澳新口管自己的事
put a head on sb. 美俚
1. 拳打某人,揍某人
2. 使某人住嘴,迫使某人不作声
put heads together = lay heads together
put into sb.’s head向某人提示(想法等)
put one's head in (或 into) a noose 自入圈套,自投罗网;自寻死路
put one's head in (或 into) the lion's mouth 把脑袋放进狮子大口,使自己处于危险地位,冒大险
put (或 lay) one's head (或 neck) on the block 冒名誉被毁的风险
put out of one's head 不再想 (某事);放弃 (某念头)
put out of sb.'s head 使某人忘掉 (某事)
Something put it out of my head. 有件事使我把这事忘了。
raw head and bloody bones 骷髅头和交叉骨 (死亡的象征);用来吓唬小孩的妖物
rear an (或 its) ugly head (常指不受欢迎的事物) 冒头,出现
run one's head against a brick wall = bang one's head against a brick wall
scratch one's head搔头,抓头皮(表示迷惑、为难等)(对问题、事情)不知如何答复(或应付)(over)
He was scratching his head over his teacher's question. 他抓耳挠腮不知如何回答老师的问题。
scream one's head off 大声尖叫
set on one's head 颠倒;打乱,扰乱
shake one's head 摇头 (表示否认、拒绝、不同意、怀疑、悲伤等)
shout one's head off 大喊大叫
show one's head 到场,出现,露面
Until the time of his arrest, he did not show his head to anyone. 在他被捕前,他一直没有在任何人面前露过面。
shut your head 住口
snap sb.'s head off = bite sb.'s head off
stand(或turn)sth.on its head使人彻底改变对某事的想法
standing on one's head 毫不费力地
I could draw this map standing on my head. 我画这幅地图毫不费力。
take it into one's head (突然)打算;(未加思索地)决定;认为,信以为
He took it into his head to study medicine. 他突然决定去学医。
She took it into her head that I was secretly opposing her. 她认为我在暗中反对她。
talk one's head off 喋喋不休,说个不停
talk sb.'s head off 对某人说个不停,唠叨得使某人感到厌烦
turn heads 广受瞩目;引起极大兴趣
turn sb.'s head 1. 使某人骄傲自满,使某人头脑发热
She has not allowed success to turn her head. 她没有让成就冲昏她的头脑。
2. 影响某人的思想
3. 使某人头晕目眩;使某人神魂颠倒
The dancing had turned his head. 跳舞跳得他晕乎乎的。
Two heads are better than one. 两人智慧胜一人。
upon sb.'s (own) head = on sb.'s (own) head
where sb.'s head is at<美俚>某人的心思所在
win by a (short) head (赛马时) 仅以一个马头的距离获胜;以极小的差别获胜,险胜
A won by a short head over B. 甲险胜乙。
with one's head in the air 1. 趾高气扬的 (地),盛气凌人的 (地)
2. 心不在焉的 (地);想入非非的 (地)
with one's head in the clouds 不现实的 (地),空想的 (地),想入非非的 (地);心不在焉的 (地)




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