释义 |
hat /hæt/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr. I n. 1. 帽子(通常指有檐的帽子, cap 和 bonnet 则无檐) 2. 区别职务的帽子;职务,职位 the cardinal's hat 天主教红衣主教戴的四角红帽 (或红衣主教的职务) 3. 〈美俚〉贿赂;非法所得
II (hat·ted; hat·ting) ❶ vt. 给…戴上帽子;向…提供帽子 She was hatted against the sun. 她戴着帽子遮阳。 ❷ vi. 制造帽子;供应帽子 [< OE hæt; 与 ON höttr cap, L cassis helmet 有关]
phr. a bad hat 〈英俚〉道德败坏的人,坏人 at the drop of a hat 见 drop be all hat and no cattle 〈美口〉自夸;自吹自擂 beat into a cocked hat 见 cocked hat black as one's hat 墨黑的 go shit in your hat = shit in your hat hang one's hat on依靠,指望 He had nothing to hang his hat on. 他没有什么可依靠的。 Hang on to your hat! 〈口〉当心! (或准备好!) hang up one's hat 1. (在某处) 住下 He hung up his hat in this house. 他在这所房子里住了下来。 2. 停止惯常的活动 (尤指工作) At the age of 60, he hung up his hat. 他60岁时退休了。 hat in hand 手执帽子;卑躬屈膝地;谦恭地 go hat in hand to ask for aid 卑躬屈膝地去请求援助 He was standing hat in hand before his teacher. 他恭恭敬敬地站在老师面前。 Hats off to 让我们向…表示敬意 (或钦佩) Hats off to this company for making such a fine product. 让我们向这家制造出这样好的产品的公司致敬。 Hold on to your hat! = Hang on to your hat! keep sth. under one's hat 保守秘密 knock into a cocked hat 见 cocked hat My hat! 〈英口〉 1. [表示惊讶等] 啊! 2. 胡说! 我不信! out of a hat 1. 随便地,任意地 Take one out of a hat. 随便取一个。 pull a crisis out of a hat 随手制造出一场危机 2. 像变魔术般地 pass the hat (round) 〈美〉(向…) 募捐 pass the hat (round) for sb. 为某人募捐 He passed the hat round the crowd of people. 他向周围群众募捐。 pick out of a hat 随机选择(竞赛胜出者) put a hat on it 〈美口〉(快餐柜用语) 除所点饮食外最后来客冰淇淋 raise one's hat to sb. = take off one's hat to sb. send the hat round= pass the hat(round) shit in your hat<美俚>去你的,滚你妈的蛋 take off one's hat to sb. 〈英〉向某人脱帽致敬;(为某事) 向某人表示赞赏 (或钦佩) I take off my hat to him for his courage. 我钦佩他的勇气。 take the hat round = pass the hat (round) talk through(或out of)one's hat<美口>信口开河;胡说八道 Don't take any notice of what he says; he's just talking through his hat. 别听他的话;他是在胡说八道。 throw (或 toss) one's (或 a) hat in (或 into) the ring 〈口〉参加竞选 (或竞赛、讨论等) touch (或 tip) one's hat to 以手触帽檐向…致敬;对…表示尊重 under one's hat 〈美口〉秘密的 Keep it under your hat for the moment. 暂时保密。 wear one's ... hat 担任…职务 wear two hats 同时担任两个职务 |