

单词 harvest
释义 har·vest /ˈhɑːvɪst/ n. | vt. | vi.
I n.
1. 收割,收获
I helped with the harvest last month. 上月我帮助收割。
The autumn harvest has started. 秋收已开始。
The numbers of fish were reduced through intensive harvest. 由于集中捕捞,鱼的数量减少了。
2. 收获季节,收获期
The weather changed at (the) harvest. 收获时节天气变了。
3. 收成,收获量;产物
a succession of good harvests 连续的好收成
the harvest of the sea 海产的捕捞量
The harvest is ripe. 庄稼熟了。
4. 结果,后果;成果
the tyrant's harvest of hate 暴君所得到的仇恨的报应
reap the harvest of one's hard work 获得辛勤劳动的成果
5. 秋季

II vt.
1. 收割,收获
harvest rice 收割稻谷
2. (地里)收割作物;从…获取产物
Many temperate lands are regularly harvested for berries. 许多温带地区可按时采获浆果。
harvest the ocean on a vast scale 在海洋中大规模捕捞海产
3. 获得,得到(成果或后果)
Our team harvested several awards. 我队获得数奖。
4. 定期捕杀(受保护的野生动物中的劣者)以改良品种及防止物种过剩;捕捉(野兽)
5. 贮存(收获物)
6. 切除,分离(人或动物的细胞、组织或器官)供实验或移植
[< OE hærfest; 与 L carpere to pluck, Gr karpos fruit, Sans krpāna shears 有关]




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