释义 |
har·mo·ny /ˈhɑːmənɪ/ n. | phr. n. 1. 和睦;融洽;友好; 一致 There was perfect harmony between the two brothers. 兄弟俩感情非常融洽。 2. 和谐;协调;调和 the beautiful picture of the harmony of sea and sky 海天一色的美景 harmony of colour and a design in a picture 图画中色彩与图案的协调 3. (内心的)平静 4. 【音】和声;和声学 5. 和谐悦耳的声音(或音调) the harmony of the birds 鸟儿的啭鸣 6. 对类同叙述(尤指基督教《圣经》四福音书或其他经文)的对照统一 [< L harmonia concord of sounds < Gr harmos joint] phr. in (out of) harmony (with) (与…) (不) 协调一致; (与…) (不) 和睦融洽 His tastes (plans) are in harmony with mine. 他的趣味 (计划) 和我的相同。They live together in perfect harmony. 他们住在一起十分和睦。 |