释义 |
hare /heə(r)/ n. | vi. | phr. I ([复] hare(s)) n. 1. 野兔 2. 〈英俚〉坐车不买票的人 3. 赛跑跑道旁竖立的仿真兔
II vi. 〈主英〉飞跑 (off, away) hare (off) down the street 沿着街道飞跑而去 [< OE hara; 与 OHG haso, L canus hoary, grey 有关] phr. (as) mad as a March hare 疯野得像3月 (交尾期) 里的野兔 first catch your hare (烹饪前) 先得抓住你的兔子 (意指勿谋之过早) hold with the hare and run with the hounds (或 run with the hare and hunt with the hounds) 两面讨好 make a hare of sb. 愚弄某人 start a hare 1. 把野兔惊出藏匿处以便追猎 2. 〈英〉提出与主题无关的论点以引起争议 |