

单词 hang
释义 hang /hæŋ/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr.
I (hung /hʌŋ/ hanged)

1. 悬挂,吊
hang a picture on the wall 把一幅画挂在墙上
hang one's coat on the hook 把外套挂在挂钩上
hang a lamp from the ceiling 把一盏灯从天花板吊下
2. (用悬挂的东西)装饰(或遮掩)
The wall was hung with tapestry. 墙壁上装饰着挂毯。
hang a window with curtains 给窗装上帷帘
3. [过去式和过去分词常作 hanged] 吊死,绞死
hang oneself 上吊
He was hanged for murder. 他因杀人而被绞死。
4. [用于诅咒语中]
Hang it (all)! I forgot my keys. 真该死! 我忘了带钥匙。
Hang you! 你这该死的!
I'm hanged if I know. 如果我知道我就不得好死。(或:我真的不知道。)
5. 垂下
hang one's head in shame 羞愧得低下头
6. 安装…使能摆动(或转动)
hang a pendulum 装钟摆
hang a door (on its hinges) (用铰链) 把门装上
7. 使固定于恰当位置(或角度)
hang a scythe (to its handle) 给大镰刀安装长柄
8. (墙纸等)
9. 晾挂(肉类、野味等)使适于食用
10. 悬挂展出(画作等)
11. 修整(女裙等)的下摆(以使长度合适)
12. 使(陪审团)不能作出一致裁定
The trial ended with a hung jury. 审判结束,陪审团未能作出一致的决定。
13. (变向球)失效
14. 美俚变向,转向
hang a left (right) 向左(右)
1. 悬挂,吊着
My coat is hanging in the hall. 我的外套挂在门厅里。
2. 悬浮,飘浮
Cigarette smoke hung in the air. 香烟烟雾在空气中缭绕。
3. 垂下,披下;飘垂;低垂;俯
Her hair hung long in the back. 她的头发长长地披在身后。
The coat hangs loosely. 外套宽松地披在身上。
4. [过去式和过去分词常作 hanged] 被绞死,被吊死
He hanged for his crimes. 他因犯罪而被处绞刑。
5. 被安装得能摆动(或转动);绕轴转动
This door hangs badly. 这门装得不好。(或:这门开闭不灵。)
6. 悬而未决;犹豫不决,踌躇
The decision is still hanging. 尚未作出决定。
The question was left hanging. 问题未得解决而挂起。
7. 抓牢,紧握;紧盯,保持接触;倚靠
hang to the trolley-car strap 抓住电车车厢里的吊带
Dogs hung to the trail. 猎狗紧跟踪迹。
8. 逗留;徘徊;持续存留
hang between life and death 气息奄奄
The notion hung in his mind for days. 几天来他老是转着这个念头。
9. (画作等)被展出
His works hang in many museums. 他的作品在许多博物馆展出。
10. (陪审团)不能作出一致裁定
11. (投出的球)变向(或落点)失效
12. 死机
13. (与人)呆在一起,厮混

II n.

1. 悬挂方式;下垂,低垂
2. 做法;用法;诀窍
3. 意义,概念
comprehend the hang of sentences 领会句子的意思
4. 少许,少量;些微的关心(或担忧等)
He doesn't give (或 care) a hang about it. 他对此一点儿也不在乎。
5. (动作的)暂停,放松
6. (画作等的)展出
[< OE hangian; 与 ON hanga, OHG hangēn 有关]
phr. (a) hang of a 澳新[用以加强语气] 极,非常
It's a hang of a wet day. 天气十分潮湿。
get the hang of 掌握…的窍门,熟悉…的用法 (或做法);懂得…的意义
go hang
1. 不再被关心;被忽略;被忘却
let an opportunity go hang 让机会错过
Practise your English every day. You shouldn't let it go hang. 你们要每天练习英语,不要把它荒废了。
2. 自管自,不打扰别人
tell sb. to go hang 叫某人别管闲事
hang about (或 around) 1. (在某处) 闲荡;闲呆着
hang about the campus 在校园里荡来荡去
He stopped hanging about and did something useful. 他不再东荡西逛,而是做了些有益的工作。
2. (和人) 在一起,厮混
Don't hang about with them. 不要和他们鬼混。
3. 待在 (某处) 附近;等待;围集在…周围
She hung about until she saw him again. 她在附近待着,直至又见到他。
Hang about, don't go away. 等着,别走开。
The children hung about their parents. 孩子们围在父母身旁。
4. 迫近,即将来临
There is rain (thunder) hanging about. 马上就要下雨了 (打雷了)
hang back 1. 挂回
I didn't need the overcoat, so I hung it back in the wardrobe. 我不需要那件大衣,所以把它挂回到衣橱里。
2. 退缩,踌躇不前;落在后面;不情愿地行动
hang back in fear 畏缩不前
He hung back from asking questions. 他犹豫着没提出问题。
hang behind 1. 落后,缩在后面
That child hangs behind everywhere we go. 我们不管走到哪里,那个孩子总是跟在后面。
2. 在别人离开后仍逗留着
He hung behind after the lecture to ask the speaker some questions. 演讲结束后,他留下向演讲者提一些问题。
hang by a hair 见 hair
hang by a thread 见 thread
hang fire 见 fire
hang five (冲浪运动中) 作五趾驾驭 (即身体前倾用一脚的五趾勾住冲浪板前端)
hang heavily (时间)缓慢流逝
hang in (there) 不泄气,不胆怯;表现出勇气;坚持下去
Be prepared for a rough time. And hang in there. 准备吃苦,坚持下去。
hang it 美俚作静脉滴注,吊盐水
hang it easy 美俚慢慢来
hang it on (或 out) 故意拖延其事
hang loose 1. 摇晃,悬空
2. 保持镇定;放松,不急不躁
Stay cool and hang loose. 保持冷静,不要紧张。
hang off 1. 释放,松开
hang off the rope 放开绳子
2. 退缩,踌躇不前;犹豫;不情愿地行动
hang on 1. 紧紧握住,抓住不放
He hung on until the rope broke. 他紧紧抓着绳子,直到绳子断开。
2. 坚持,不放弃
Hang on at your present job until you can get another. 你在没有找到另一个工作前不要放弃目前的工作。
3. 等待片刻;(打电话时) 不挂断
Hang on and I'll come with you. 等一下,我这就和你一起去。
Hang on a minute while I look it up. 电话别挂断,我查一下。
4. (疾病等) 经久不愈;持续
a cold that hung on for three weeks 前后持续了3个星期的感冒
The strains of music hung on for a long time. 乐曲声久久回荡。
5. 倚,靠;成为…的负担
hang on sb. close 紧紧靠着某人
The worry hung on his mind. 他忧虑重重。
6. 有赖于,取决于
Everything hangs on your decision. 一切有赖于你的决定。
7. 倾听,注意地听;仔细考虑
We hung on the lecturer's every word. 我们全神贯注地听着演讲者的每一句话。
8. 把事情归罪于(某人)
hang one on 美俚
1. 向…猛击一拳,猛击
The boxing champion hung one on his challenger in the second round. 在第二回合中拳击冠军向他的挑战对手猛击一拳。
2. 喝得大醉
He went to a bar and hung one on. 他去了一家酒吧,喝得酩酊大醉。
hang on to 1. 紧紧抓住;依附
My child hung on to my apron, and would not let go. 我的孩子紧紧拉住我的围裙不放。
For the whole afternoon my little brother hung on to me. 整个下午我的小弟弟一直缠着我。
2. 保留,保有,持守
The hotel wouldn't let her hang on to her room. 旅馆不让她保留她的房间。
Whatever he's got he's going to hang on to. 他不管有些什么,都不会轻易脱手。
He swore he would hang on to the job until they fired him. 他发誓在他们解雇他之前决不主动放弃这个工作。
3. 依靠,求助于
The police have only one fingerprint to hang on to. 警方只有一个指纹印可作线索。
hang out 1. 挂出;伸出
hang out the washing 把洗好的衣服晾出去
The flags were hanging out of every window. 每个窗口都挂着旗子。
Your shirt tail is hanging out. 你的衬衣下摆露出来了。
The dog hung out its tongue. 狗伸出舌头。
2. 探出身子
Don't hang out of the window. 别把身体伸出窗外。
3. 居住,住宿;经常出没
Do you know where he hangs out? 你知道他住在什么地方?
The police know where the thieves hang out. 警察知道那些小偷常出没于哪些地方。
4. 闲荡;厮混
do a lot of hanging out in barrooms 常上酒吧泡着
Don't hang out with that guy any longer. 别再和那个家伙鬼混了。
5. 坚持;持续;拖延
We hung out until help came. 我们一直坚持到有人来救援。
The juryman hangs out against an agreement. 陪审员坚持不同意见。
Their food hung out for only five days. 他们的食物只维持了5天。
hang out for a better offer 一直拖延着以待更高的出价
hang over 1. 挂在…之上;悬浮在…之上
A pall of smoke hung over the city. 城市上空烟雾迷漫。
2. 靠近
They hung over the fire on a cold night. 在寒冷的夜晚,他们在火边取暖。
3. 凸出 (或伸出) 在…上方
trees hanging over the river 伸出在河面上的树
4. 逼近;威胁;笼罩
Our exams are hanging over us. 我们的考试临近了。
An economic crisis was hanging over (the head of) that country. 一场经济危机正在威胁着那个国家。
There is always doubt hanging over the possibility of changes in the law. 法律是否有可能作某些更动一直有疑问。
5. 搁置起来以待处理 (或解决);被延期
Let the final decision hang over until next month. 留到下个月再作最后决定吧。
6. 继续下去;被遗留下来
Revanchism still hangs over some parts of that country. 复仇主义仍遗留在那个国家的某些地区。
hang round hang about
hang sb. out to dry<美俚> 袖手不管某人
hang ten (冲浪运动中) 作十趾驾驭 (即身体前倾用两脚十趾钩住冲浪板)
hang together 1. (被) 挂在一起
2. 团结一致,互相支持
We can come through any crisis if we hang together. 我们如果团结一致,便能渡过任何危机。
3. 形成一体;粘在一起
That old car still hangs together. 那辆旧汽车仍完好无缺。
4. 符合逻辑;连贯,一致
His story of why he was absent from the meeting seems to hang together. 他把缺席会议的原因说得似乎合情合理。
These statements do not all hang together. 这些陈述并不完全连贯一致。
hang tough 不泄气,坚持下去
He decided to hang tough rather than give in. 他决定寸步不让决不屈服。
hang up 1. 挂起
hang up one's coat 把外套挂起来
hang a picture up on the wall 把一张画挂在墙上
2. 挂断电话;放下 (听筒) 挂断电话
She was so angry she hung up on him. 她气得挂断了他的电话。
3. [常用被动语态] 推迟,拖延;搁置;中断
Rehearsals were hung up by the illness of the leading actor. 由于主要演员生病,排演推迟了。
The peace talks were hung up. 和谈中断了。
4. (使) 碰到障碍无法行动
The ship (was) hung up on a sandbar. 那船搁浅在沙洲上。
5. (纪录)
He hung up a record for long-distance swimming. 他创了长距离游泳的纪录。
6. [常用被动语态] 使产生心理上 (或感情上) 的问题,烦扰;使着迷
She is strangely hung up about meeting new people. 她对会见生人竟会很不自在。
be hung up on a girl 迷恋一个姑娘
hang upon 倚,靠;有赖于,取决于;倾听,注意地听 (hang on)
have the hang of = get the hang of
let it all hang out美俚
1. (变得) 轻松随便,不拘礼节
2. (变得) 坦白;和盘托出,无所隐瞒
like hang 澳新[用以加强语气] 极,非常
It hurts like hang. 痛得要命。
Time hangs heavy on sb.'s hands. 见 time




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