

单词 hand
释义 hand /hænd/ n. | vt. | a. | phr.
I n.
earn a living with one's hands 靠自己双手劳动谋生
stretch out the hand of friendship to sb. 向某人伸出友谊之手
2. (猿猴的)脚;(甲壳动物的)螯;(鹰)爪;(四足兽的)前脚;(猪的)前腿肉
3. (钟表等的)指针
4. 人手,雇员(指工人、船员等)
a factory (farm) hand 工厂 (农场) 工人
be short of hands 缺少人手
The project requires many hands. 这项工程需要许多人手。
5. 专业人员;行家
a good hand at some work 某项工作的能手
a new (an old, a green) hand(老,生)
three pictures by the same hand 出自同一人之手的三幅画
an old China hand 老资格的中国通
6. 手艺,技能
a hand for pastry 做糕饼的手艺
This sculpture shows a master (或 master's) hand. 这件雕塑品显示了高超的技艺。
His hand is out. 他的技能荒疏了。
7. 字迹,手迹
write a good (legible) hand 字写得好 (清楚)
write in a clear hand 写得字迹清楚
write a letter in one's own hand 亲笔写信
8. 签字
set one's hand to a document 在文件上签名
get hands to a petition 征集在请愿书上签名
under sb.'s hand and seal 已由某人签名盖印的
9. [hands] 支配,掌管;照顾
I shall put the matter into the hands of my solicitors. 我将把这件事交给我的律师们去处理。
The child is in good hands. 这孩子由人妥善照看着。
10. 插手,参与;经手;轮值
have a hand in sth. 参与某事
Let me have a hand now. 现在该轮到我了罢。
11. (尤指动手的)帮助
12. 方面,面
at (或 on) sb.'s left (right) hand 在某人左 (右)
men fighting on either hand 在左右两边作战的士兵们
13. [与序数词连用,表示来源]第…手
learn (hear) sth. (at) first hand from sb. 直接从某人处得知 (听到) 某事
material at second hand 第二手材料
14. 允婚;答允
ask for a girl's hand 向一女子求婚
The talks finished and he gave me his hand on the deal. 谈判结束了,他答应我做这笔交易。
15. 像手的东西;(香蕉的)一串;(烟草、麻等的)一束;(生姜的)分枝根茎
a hand of bananas 一串香蕉
16. (纸牌游戏中的)一手牌;打牌人;牌戏的一盘
have a good (bad) hand 有一手好 (坏)
finish a hand 打完一盘牌
17. (谈判等中的)实力
18. 一手之宽(等于4英寸,用来量马的高度等)
19. 鼓掌
give sb. a good (或 big) hand 向某人热烈鼓掌
20. (织物、皮革等的)手感,手觉
The fabric has a satin-like smooth hand. 这种织物摸上去如缎子一般平滑。
21. (罗马法中的)夫权
22. 一拳,一击
knock sb. out with a good right hand 用一记漂亮的右拳将某人击倒

II vt.
1. 交,递,给,提供
Hand me the dictionary, please. 请把词典递给我。
hand sb. a blow 给某人一击
It handed them a laugh (surprise). 这使他们大笑 (吃了一惊)
2. 搀扶
hand sb. into (out of) a bus 扶某人上 (下) 公共汽车
hand an elderly woman across a street 搀扶一位老太太过街
3. 收卷(风帆)
4. 用手操纵;对付

III a.
a hand signal 手势信号
[OE; 与 OHG hant,? Goth hinthan to seize 有关]
phr. a cool hand 1. 沉着勇敢的人
2. 厚脸皮的人;精明鬼
a free hand 1. 自由行动 (权),自行决定 (权)
give sb. a free hand to do sth. 放手让某人做某事
have a free hand in running the business 拥有经营企业的便宜行事权
2. 慷慨,大方
serve guests with a free hand 慷慨地款待客人
a hand's turn [常用于否定句] 举手之劳
The lazy girl doesn't do a hand's turn in the house. 那懒姑娘在家里什么事也不干。
All hands on deck! 所有船员上甲板!(船遇险时所用命令)
an open hand 慷慨,大方
He used to have an open hand. 他过去一向挥金如土。
with an open hand (或 with open hands) 慷慨地
at close hand 在近处,在附近
at hand 1. 近在手边,在附近;供使用
When she writes, she always keeps a dictionary at hand. 她写作时总放本词典在手边。
the evidence at hand 手头的证据
2. 即将来到,即将发生
A major international crisis is at hand. 一个严重的国际危机即将出现。
3. 被考虑中
Your question is not related to the matter at hand. 你的问题与眼下审议的事无关。
at (或 by) the hand(s) of 从…那里,由于…的作用
receive favours at the hands of sb. 受到某人的恩惠
The old way of life became outdated at the hand of the new technology. 新技术使老的生活方式过时了。
bear a hand 1. 出一把力,帮助
Will you bear a hand? 请你帮帮忙好吗?
2. 插一手,参与
3. (水手用语) 干起来
bear in hand 1. 管理,控制
2. 坚持认为;指控;允诺
bite the hand that feeds one 恩将仇报,忘恩负义
by hand 用手;用体力;由专人
The signature must be written by hand. 必须亲手签字。(指不可用打字替代)
be brought up by hand 由人工喂养大
The letter was delivered by hand. 此信是由专人传递的。(指非经邮寄)
by the strong hand 强制地,断然,用暴力
change hands 换主人,易主;易手
The house changed hands many times. 这幢房屋曾多次易主。
come into the hands of sb. = fall into the hands of sb.
come to hand到手,被收到
Your letter of August 15 has just come to hand. 你8月15日的来信刚收到。
cross sb.'s hand 见 cross
die by one's own hand 自杀
dip one's hand in(to) one's pocket (或 purse) 见 dip¹
dirty one's hands 弄脏自己的手;玷污自己 (的好名声)
Do you think I would hit you? I wouldn't dirty my hands on you. 你以为我会打你? 我才不愿打你而弄脏自己的手呢。
He never dirtied his hands with political intrigue. 他从不参与政治阴谋玷污自己。
eat out of sb.'s hand 完全听命于某人,完全受某人支配
fall into the hands of sb. 落到某人手里;成为某人所有
A rare picture fell into his hands. 一幅稀世珍画落入他的手中。
force sb.'s hand (在某人尚未作好准备或不愿意的情况下) 迫使某人行动 (或表态)
We must find a way to force their hand. 我们必须设法迫使他们采取行动。
from hand to hand 从一人之手转到另一人之手,经转手
The letter was passed from hand to hand until all had read it. 那封信几经传阅,大家都读过了。
(from) hand to mouth 现挣现吃地,仅够糊口地
Being out of a job, he lived (from) hand to mouth. 由于失业,他勉强对付着过日子。
get one's hand in 使自己熟练起来
It won't take one long to get one's hand in at cards. 学会熟练地玩纸牌不需花费很长时间。
get one's hands on 把…弄到手
get sth. off one's hands 摆脱某事物;卸脱对某事的责任
give a (helping) hand 给予帮助,助一臂之力
He has always been willing to give a hand to anyone who asked. 任何人有求于他,他总是乐于帮助。
give one's hand to sb. 1. 向某人伸手 (准备握手)
2. (女子) 答应和某人结婚
grease the hand of 见 grease
hand and foot 1. 手脚一起;完全地,彻底地
bind sb. hand and foot 把某人牢牢捆住 (或完全束缚住)
2. 辛勤地;勤勉地
serve (或 wait on) sb. hand and foot 殷勤地伺候某人
hand and (或 in) glove 1. 亲密,密切
He is hand and glove with that writer. 他跟那作家关系很密切。
2. 密切合作;勾结着
The feudal and warlord forces worked hand in glove to oppress and exploit the people. 封建势力和军阀势力狼狈为奸,压迫和剥削人民。
hand back 归还,交还
He handed back his room key before leaving the hotel. 他在离开宾馆前交还了房间钥匙。
hand down 1. 把…往下递;搀扶…下去
Please hand down that dictionary to me from the shelf. 请把书架上那本词典拿下来给我。
He handed an old man down to the ground floor. 他搀扶一位老人下底楼。
2. 把…传下去
This custom is handed down from the past. 这个习惯是过去传下来的。
That gold watch has been handed down in his family. 那块金表是他家祖传的。
3. 正式宣布,颁布;向下级法院发送 (受理上诉的法院决定);宣判
The conference handed down its decision a few days ago. 几天前会议公布了决议。
The jury handed down a verdict of guilty. 陪审团宣判被告有罪。
hand in 交上;提交,呈送
hand in one's homework on time 按时交家庭作业
He solemnly handed in his application. 他庄严地递交了申请书。
hand in hand 1. 手拉手,携着手
Two girls walked along hand in hand in the park. 两个女孩子手拉手在公园里散步。
2. 同时并进地;密切关联地
Selfishness and unhappiness often go hand in hand. 自私的人通常无幸福可言。
hand it to sb. 赞扬某人,承认某人的长处
You've got to hand it to him; he's quite a salesman. 你不能不称赞他,他是位满不错的推销员。
hand off 美橄手递手传 (球),把 (球) 传给另一名卫线队员
The quarterback faked to fullback and handed off to the halfback. 四分卫做了个要把球传给后卫的假动作,却把球手递手传给了前卫。
hand on 1. 转交,转送,传递
hand on a package to sb. 把包裹转交给某人
2. (尤指从上代往下传)
The story was handed on from father to son. 那故事从父亲传到儿子。
hand out 1. 拿出,取出
2. 搀扶…出来
hand sb. out of the bus 扶某人下公共汽车
3. 分发;散发;给予;施舍
The teacher handed out the examination papers. 老师分发试卷。
I don't need you handing (me) out that sort of advice! 我不需要你给我那种劝告!
He was said to like handing out. 据说他乐善好施。
hand over 交出,移交
hand over one's business to one's son 把生意交给儿子经营
The thief was handed over to the police. 小偷被移交警方。
hand over fist 迅速大量地
A snowstorm is coming up hand over fist. 一场暴风雪汹汹然行将来临。
make (或 earn) money hand over fist 发大财
hand over hand 1. (爬绳等时) 双手交互使用地
He is letting out the rope hand over hand. 他双手交替着一节节放出绳索。
2. 稳步地
build a factory step by step and hand over hand 逐步而稳当地建造工厂
hands down 1. 容易地,轻易地,不费力地
win the game (election) hands down 在比赛 (竞选) 中轻易获胜
2. 无疑地
He is hands down one of the best writers in our country. 他无疑是我国最优秀的作家之一。
Hands off! 不许动手!不许碰!不许干涉!
Hands off ...! 不许碰…! 不许干涉…!
hands on 用手操作,手控地
Hands up! 1. 举起手来! (要对方投降的命令)
2. 举手! (要求别人表示赞成、同意,或准备回答时用)
hand to hand (或 fist) 逼近地;短兵相接地
fight hand to hand 肉搏
hand up (起诉书) 上交上级法院
have one's hand in 经常练习,保持熟练
have one's hands free 1. 空着手;没有事情干
2. 可以自行其是
have one's hands full 忙得不可开交,手头事情应接不暇
With small children to take care of, Mary has her hands full. 由于要照顾小孩,玛丽忙得不可开交。
heavy in (或 on) hand (马等) 难驾驭的;(人) 难对付的,难取悦的;沉闷的;行动迟缓的
hold hands (尤指互相爱慕地) 手搀着手
hold one's hand 住手,罢手;迟迟不下手,手下留情
hold sb.'s hand 给某人以手把手具体周到的指导;给某人以 (道义上的) 支持
in hand 1. 被执于手中;被拥有
He stood there, book in hand. 他站在那儿,手里拿着书。
We have enough data in hand. 我们手头拥有足够的数据。
He figured that his cash in hand would be enough to buy a laptop. 他估计手头的现钱够买一台手提电脑了。
2. (工作等) 在进行 (或讨论、研究) 中;待办理
The work is in hand, and will soon be completed. 工作在进行中,很快就将完成。
Finish the work you have in hand before you begin something new. 先完成手头的工作,然后再接手新的事情。
I have much business in hand. 我有许多事情要办。
3. 在掌握中,在控制下
have the situation well in hand 完全掌握局势
keep one's feelings well in hand 稳稳控制住自己的感情
He had himself in hand. 他控制 (或克制) 了自己。
join hands 1. 携手
2. 合伙,联合
3. 结为夫妻
keep a firm hand on (或 keep one's hand on) 有力地控制
keep a slack hand 放松缰绳;漫不经心地管理
keep one's hand in 经常练习以保持熟练
play just enough to keep one's hand in 进行足够的练习以保持熟巧
keep one's hands off 不碰;不拿;不偷
kiss hands (或 the hand) 吻君王的手 (一种礼仪)
kiss one's hand to 向…飞吻
last hand 最后的修饰,最后一笔,最后的润色
He put his last hand to the work. 他对那部著作作了最后的润色。
lay hands on 1. [常用于否定句、疑问句或条件从句] 攫取;找到;得到
2. 对…行凶,攻击;伤害
lay (violent) hands on oneself 自杀
3. 逮捕,抓住
4. (炮) 瞄准
5. (祝福、授圣职等时) 对…行按手礼
lay one's hand on the table = show one's hand
If I lay my hands on that book, I'll let you know. 如果我搞到那本书,我会告诉你的。
lend a (helping) hand = give a (helping) hand
lie on sb.'s hands (或 lie on hand)1. (商品) 滞留在某人手中未卖出;(物品) 尚在某人手中未用掉
2. (时间) 使某人感到无聊
lift a hand (to do sth. ) 费举手之劳 (去做某事)
lift one's hand 举手宣誓
lift one's hand against = raise one's hand against
light in hand(马等)容易驾驭的;(人)易被左右的
Many hands make light work. 人多好办事。
near at hand 1. 邻近,在近旁
I have my reference books near at hand. 我手边备有参考书。
2. 在不久的将来
The examinations are near at hand. 不久就要考试了。
offer one's hand 1. 伸出手来 (准备握手)
2. (向女子) 求婚
off sb.'s hands 不再由某人照管 (或负责等)
Her friend has taken the child off her hands. 她的朋友已把照管小孩的工作从她的手里接过去了。
on all hands (或 on every hand) 在各方面;到处;四面八方
on hand 1. 现有,在手头;在近处
have a large sum of money on hand 手头有一大笔钱
He always has his electronic dictionary on hand when he studies. 他学习时总是把电子词典放在手边。
2. 在场,到场,出席
He likes to be on hand to supervise things. 他喜欢亲临现场督察。
3. 待处理,待执行
have many contracts on hand 有许多契约待执行
4. 即将发生 (或出现)
It was reported that there was trouble on hand. 据说将会发生麻烦。
on one's hands 受着照管;需要负责;可自由支配
She has a large family on her hands. 她有一大群子女要照顾。
I have an empty house on my hands. 我手中有一所空房子要处理掉。
He has got much time on his hands. 他有许多时间可自由支配。
on the mending hand (病人、病情或事态) 在好转中
on (the) one hand ..., (and) on the other (hand) 一方面…,另一方面…
on the other hand (从) 另一方面 (来说)
out of hand 1. 无法控制,不可收拾;不听话,不守纪律
The situation is out of hand. 局面无法控制。
His wrath got out of hand. 他怒不可遏。
The child often gets out of hand. 那小孩常常不听管教。
2. 立即,即席;不假思索地
His application was rejected out of hand. 他的申请当即遭到了拒绝。
3. 处于已完成 (或告终) 状态
put sth. out of hand 把某事做完
play a lone hand 单枪匹马地干,完全独立地行动
play (for) one's own hand 为一己利益而干
play into sb.'s hands 干对某人 (常指对手) 有利的事,让某人占便宜 (而反使自己吃亏)
He was playing into the hands of the opposition. 他正在干的事使反对派得益。
put one's hand in one's pocket 伸手入袋掏钱;花钱
put one's hand(s) on [常用于否定句、疑问句或条件从句] 找到;得到
I'm afraid I can't put my hand on your letter just at the moment. 恐怕我一时找不到你的信。
put one's hand to 着手做
He succeeded in whatever he put his hand to. 他无论着手干什么,都取得成功。
put one's hand to the plough 着手一项工作;努力工作
If we all put our hands to the plough, we can finish the work tomorrow. 如果我们大家都尽力干,明天就能完成这项工作。
raise one's hand against 举手要打;威胁要攻击
Don't you ever raise your hand against your father again! 看你再敢威胁要打你父亲!
(ready) to one's hand 就在手边;就可用
reveal one's hand = show one's hand
set one's hand to1. 着手做
He does a good job at everything that he sets his hand to. 凡他着手做的事,他都做得很好。
2. 在…上签字;批准,认可
He set his hand to the contract after he had consulted his lawyer. 他与他的律师商量后,在合约上签了字。
set one's hand to the plough = put one's hand to the plough
shake sb.'s hand (或shake hands with sb. 或shake sb. by the hand)同某人握手;同某人握手定约
show one's hand 摊牌;表明自己的真实目的 (或立场、意见、计划等)
sit on one's hands 不热烈地鼓掌,(对演出等) 反应淡漠;什么都不干
I asked him for help, but he sat on his hands. 我请他帮助,但他没有行动。
soil one's hands = dirty one's hands
stay one's (sb.'s) hand(使某人)住手不采取行动;(使某人)暂缓行动
strengthen one's (sb.'s) hand 增加自己 (某人) 的资本,增强自己 (某人) 的实力
strengthen sb.'s hand(s) 帮助某人,支援某人;加强某人的地位
strike hands (with sb.) (同某人) 紧握右手表示同意,(同某人) 拍掌定约
strike hands upon a bargain 拍掌成交
take a hand 参加,介入;起一份作用
take a hand in helping to stabilize the situation 参与协助稳定局势
Fate took a hand: six months later, he was invited to become their conductor. 命运起作用了:6个月以后他被邀请去当他们的指挥。
take hands 以手拉手
They took hands and danced in a circle. 他们手拉手围成一圈跳舞。
take in hand 1. 担负起对…的责任,照管
Somebody far more expert than Sammy has taken Madge in hand. 一位比萨米经验多得多的人已接手管教玛奇。
2. 承接;着手处理
The matter will be taken in hand before long. 这事不久将着手处理。
3. 尝试
take it in hand to give sb. pecuniary assistance 试图资助某人
The right hand doesn't know what the left hand's doing. (团体、组织内部)一片混乱。
throw in one's hand( 或 throw one's hand in) 认输,甘拜下风;退出竞赛;放弃斗争
throw up one's hands (因绝望等而) 举摊双手;认定无望而放弃尝试
throw up one's hands in horror 惊恐绝望
tie sb.'s hands [常用被动语态] 束缚某人的手脚,使某人无法行动
tip one's hand = show one's hand
to hand1. 近在手边;在手中
I often consult the two dictionaries that lie to hand. 我时常查阅放在手边的两部词典。
draw to hand 渐渐行近
2. 在控制下,在管束下
bring beasts of prey to hand 把食肉猛兽管制起来
try one's hand 试做;试身手
try one's hand as teacher 试当教师
try one's hand at fishing 试着钓鱼
try one's hand at negotiation 试试谈判能力
turn one's (或 a) hand to = put one's hand to
wash one's hands of politics 不再过问政治
He washed his hands of the schemers. 他与那些阴谋家断绝关系了。
wash one's hands with invisible soap (and imperceptible water) (由于忸怩、紧张等) 搓手
with a bold hand 大胆地
with a firm hand 坚决地
with a heavy hand 1. 粗手粗脚地,笨拙地
2. 高压地;严厉地,坚决地
with a high hand 用高压手段;傲慢地;专断地
He acted with a high hand in this matter. 这件事他独断独行。
with a (或 the) strong hand 用强硬手段,强硬地,断然
with clean hands 清白地;廉洁地
with one hand tied behind one's back 轻而易举地
with one's hand in the till 不容抵赖地
work (a week, a month, etc.) in hand (受雇后第一个星期,第一个月等) 未拿工资先干活
wring one's hands (over sth.) (为某事) 苦恼 (或悲痛、绝望) 地绞扭双手




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