

单词 hammer
释义 ham·mer /ˈhæmə(r)/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr.
I n.
1. 锤子,𨱍头
2. (钟、电铃等中的)小锤子;锣锤;(钢琴等的)音锤
3. (拍卖人等用的)小木槌
4. 锤;冲击式凿岩机
5. (用以击动撞针或击穿火帽从而使枪炮得以发射的)击铁,击锤
6. 链球
throw the hammer 掷链球
7. 锤骨
8. 美俚(汽车的)加速器,油门
9. 美俚阴茎

II vt.
1. 用𨱍头敲,用锤击;煅造;锤击钉子把…钉住(down, up); 锤击钉子把…拼合 (together)
Hammer this nail into the wall. 把这枚钉子敲入墙。
The metal was hammered into arrowheads. 金属被锤打成箭头。
hammer down a lid 钉住盖子
He hammered together a picture frame. 他用锤子和钉子敲了个画框。
2. (反复)敲打
The postman hammered the door until he got an answer. 邮递员砰砰敲门,直到有人应声 (开门)
hammer a typewriter 在打字机上打字
3. (不断重复)强使;反复推敲;通过不懈努力作出
hammer an idea into sb.'s head 不断重复以把一个观念硬灌入某人头脑
hammer sb. into submission 强使某人屈服
The programme was hammered into shape last year. 那方案是去年经反复研讨而制定的。
4. 击败,大败
5. (证券交易所)击槌宣布(某会员)无力偿债,击槌宣布(某会员)不履行债务(1970年后伦敦证券交易所已废止击槌而改用打铃)
6. 猛烈地抨击或批评
7. 迫使(股票)价格下跌
1. (反复)敲打
He hammered against (或 on) the door with his fists. 他用双拳砰砰敲门。
Her heart hammered with a terrible excitement. 她的心因极度激动而怦怦直跳。
2. 拼命干,作不懈努力;反复推敲;不断重复,强调
[< OE hamor; 与 OHG hamar, Gr akmē point, edge 有关]
phr. a knight of the hammer 打铁工人,铁匠
between (the) hammer and (the) anvil 腹背受敌,被两面夹攻
drop the hammer 美俚加速,加大油门
get the hammer down 美俚开足油门一路疾驰
hammer and tongs 竭尽全力地,拼命地;闹哄哄地
go (或 be) at sb. hammer and tongs 对某人大吵大嚷
be (或 go) at it hammer and tongs 激烈地辩论 (或大声争吵)
hammer at 1. 锤击,(反复) 敲打
hammer at a door 砰砰敲门
hammer at a typewriter 在打字机上啪啪打字
2. hammer away at
hammer away at 1. 努力做,不懈地致力于
He hammered away at mathematics. 他刻苦钻研数学。
2. 反复强调,不断重复
hammer away at the need to do sth. 反复强调做某事的必要性
3. 向…反复强调;向…不断要求
hammer away at David trying to change his mind 反复做戴维的工作试图改变他的主意
The little child was hammering away at his mother to let him play outdoors. 小孩再三恳求母亲让他到外面玩耍。
4. 频频攻击
hammer away at the enemy troops 向敌军频频发起攻击
hammer out 1. 锤成,煅造出;敲打出
hammer out beautiful dishes in silver 煅造出漂亮的银碟
hammer out a few pages of notes 在打字机上劈里啪啦打了几页笔记
He sat at the piano for hours trying to hammer out an original tune. 他在钢琴旁坐了几小时,试图弹奏出一支新颖的曲调。
2. 锤平;用锤击去除;消除 (分歧等)
They hammered out the dents in the metal sheet. 他们把金属薄板上的凹痕敲平。
3. 尽力作出,推敲出;(经讨论、争辩、讨价还价等后) 得出 (答案、解决办法等);详细讨论 (问题等) (以作出决定)
hammer out a new policy 作了大量工作后制订出一项新政策
under the hammer 被拍卖
come (或 go, be) under the hammer 被拍卖
up to the hammer 第一流的,极好的




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