释义 |
grin /ɡrɪn/ vi. | vt. | n. | phr. I (grinned; grin·ning) ❶ vi. 1. 咧嘴而笑,露齿而笑;龇牙咧嘴 He grinned at her. 他向她咧着嘴笑。 grin from ear to ear 笑得合不拢嘴 They were frequently together, sometimes grinning about something, but as often solemn. 他们老在一起,时而为某事龇牙咧嘴地笑,时而又一本正经。 The wolf grinned in an ugly way. 那条狼咧着嘴一副狰狞相。 2. (一层涂料透过其上面一层)显露出来 (through); 【纺】(织物)有稀路织疵 ❷ vt. 咧嘴而笑地表示 She grinned (her) approval. 她露齿一笑表示赞许。 grin a silly grin 龇牙咧嘴地傻笑
II n. 龇牙咧嘴的笑,露齿的笑;龇牙咧嘴 wear a grin from ear to ear 合不拢嘴地笑 a grin of derision 露齿的嘲笑 [<OE grennian; 与 OHG grennen to snarl, ON grenja to howl 有关] phr. grin and bear it 苦笑忍受 grin like a Cheshire cat 见 Cheshire cat grin on the other side of one's face 回想起来而暗自苦笑(表示懊悔) grin through a horse-collar 见 horse-collar |