释义 |
grill¹ /ɡrɪl/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr. I n. 1. 烤架;大平底锅;(使热向下辐射的)煤气炉燃烧器;(电灶的)焙盘 2. 一盘烤菜(尤指烤肉) a piping hot grill of oysters and bacon 一盘滚烫的烤牡蛎和熏咸肉 3. 〈英〉便装餐馆(或餐室);烧烤店 (亦作 grilled room) 4. 烤炙
II ❶ vt. 1. (在烤架等上面)烤炙 2. 以炎热折磨 be grilled by the full heat blast of the merciless sun 被无情的太阳火辣辣地烤着 3. 拷问;盘问,审问 He will get an intense grilling from lawmakers. 他将受到议员们严厉的质询。 He grilled candidates for the job seriously. 他认真地对求职者进行严格的面试。 ❷ vi. 受炙烤;受热的折磨 [<Fr gril gridiron < L crātīcula fine wickerwork, small griddle; 见 GRILLE] phr. put on the grill 〈美〉严刑拷打 (罪犯) |