

单词 give
释义 give /ɡɪv/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr.
I (gave /ɡeɪv/, giv·en /ˈɡɪvən/)

1. 赠送
I have something given me every birthday. 每年生日都有人送东西给我。
He gave his books to the library. 他把他的藏书赠送给图书馆。
2. 给予(任务、许可、机会、爱、信任等);授予;赐(名)
give an actor a role 给演员派角色
Give me a chance to try the job. 给我个机会试试这个工作吧。
Give me time to consider your plan. 给我时间考虑你的计划。
She gave him her confidence. 她信任他。
be given the title of 被授予…的称号
The baby was given the name of John. 婴儿取名为约翰。
3. 交给,托付;嫁出
Give the porter your bags. 把行李交给搬运夫。
The sheriff gave the prisoner to the warden. 治安官把犯人交给监狱长。
give one's daughter in marriage 嫁女儿
4. 付;卖
What price did you give? 你付的价钱是多少?
How much will you give me for my old car? 你愿意出多少钱买我的旧车?
I'd give anything for a bigger apartment. 我愿付任何代价住进一套较大的公寓房子。
I gave it to him for $3. 我以3块钱的代价把那东西卖给他了。
5. 提供;提出;举出(事例等);说出,说明
give food to the hungry 为挨饿的人们提供食物
give evidence at court 在法庭作证
Can you give me some advice on this? 在这个问题上你能给我提供一些意见吗?
give a suggestion 提出一项建议
I shall give you some examples. 我将为你举一些例子。
Can you give me your telephone number? 你可以把你的电话号码告诉我吗?
give one's name and address 报出自己姓名和地址
6. 传递(消息等);传授(知识等);发布(命令等)
give a message 传口信
They gave her bad news about her husband. 他们向她报告了关于她丈夫的坏消息。
give sb. piano lessons 教某人弹钢琴
give instructions 下达指示
7. 指定;规定,限定(时间);估计出(时间等)
give homework to a class 向班级布置课外作业
He gave us Friday as our day of meeting. 他指定星期五为我们见面的日子。
Give him an hour to finish the job. 限他在1小时内完成这项工作。
Judging by the wind, he gave the storm three minutes before it reached us. 根据风力,他估计暴风雨在3分钟内会袭到我们这里。
8. 主动伸出(手、臂)
I got up and gave him my hand. 我站起来,向他伸出手。
9. 生产;生育;产生(结果、效果等)
Cows give milk. 乳牛产奶。
Our farm gives good crops. 我们的农场收成好。
She gave him four sons. 她给他生了4个儿子。
The research has given no result. 研究没有产生任何结果。
Four into twenty gives five. 4除20得5。
The news gave us a shock. 这消息让我们大吃一惊。
10. (疾病等)(染)
He gave me his sore throat. 他把喉痛传染给我了。
Your cat has given me fleas. 你们的猫把跳蚤传给我了。
11. 发出(光、热、声音等);做(一个动作);作
The sun gives light and heat. 太阳发出光和热。
give an immense sigh 长叹一声
The dog gave loud barks. 狗大声吠叫。
give sb. a kick (hug, kiss)(搂,吻)某人一下
His heart gave a jump. 他的心怦地一跳。
He gave a recital of his poetry. 他朗诵自己的诗。
give a reply 作答
give a speech 作演讲
The actor gave a remarkable performance in “Hamlet”. 这位演员在《哈姆雷特》中作了精采的表演。
12. 举行;演出
give a concert (dinner) 举行音乐会(宴会)
give a play 上演一出戏
13. 要求为…干杯
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you our country. 女士们,先生们,为祖国干杯!
14. 介绍(演讲者)
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you our speaker for tonight. 女士们,先生们,让我向诸位介绍今晚的演讲者。
15. 显示出;表明;载入
He gave every indication of being a fool. 他处处显示出是个傻瓜。
The moon gives no sign of life. 月球上没有生命的迹象。
That clock gives the right time. 那只钟走时准确。
The thermometer gives 30℃ in the shade. 温度计显示阴影处为30摄氏度。
The census gives the population of the town as 21856. 人口调查表明这个城镇的人口为21856名。
This word is not given in the dictionary. 此词没有收入这部词典。
16. 牺牲,献出 (for,to); [give oneself] 使埋头,使专注 (to)
give one's life for a cause 为事业牺牲生命
give one's life to art 献身于艺术
She gives all her time to her work for charity. 她把全部时间用于慈善事业。
children giving themselves to their play 一心一意玩耍的孩子们
17. 让步;承认
give a point in an argument 争论时让一步
I'll give you that. 我承认你在这一点上有理。
18. 转达
give regards to sb. 向某人转达问候
19. (将电话等为通话者)接到
Please give me Mr. Johnson. 请给我接约翰逊先生。
Give me police station. 给我接警察局。
20. [give oneself] (女子)委身于(男子)
21. (医生等)(病人)服用(药物)
give medicine to a baby 给婴儿服药
give an injection 注射
22. 作出(判决等);施行(惩罚等)
The decision was given for the defendant. 法庭作出被告胜诉的裁决。
He was given 3 months. 他被判处3个月监禁。
give the boy a whipping 把男孩鞭打一顿
23. 订立(契约)
All new employees must give bond. 所有新雇员必须签订契约。
24. 把…归于
give all the glory to God 把一切荣耀归于上帝
He gave me the blame. 他归咎于我。
25. (作为已知数据)提出;假定…为已知
Three points of a circle are given. 已知一圆的三点。
26. [通常用于否定句]在乎
He does not give a damn about it. 对于那事他毫不在乎。
1. 赠送;捐助;施舍
He gives freely to the poor. 他对穷人慷慨解囊。
2. 支持不住;弯曲;塌下,下陷;断裂;收缩;(皮革、绳子等拉紧后)伸展
My courage will never give. 我永不气馁。
My legs gave under me. 我两腿发软。
The foundations are giving. 地基在下沉。
With a cracking noise, the lock gave. 锁啪地裂开了。
3. 让步;妥协
The two countries reached an agreement after each had given a little. 双方稍作让步后两国达成了协议。
4. 有弹性;适应
This mattress gives comfortably. 这床垫富有弹性,很舒服。
The passengers gave to the motion of the ship. 乘客随着船的摆动而摆动。
5. 面向;通向
Our dining-room gives on (或 upon) the garden. 我们的餐室面朝花园。
The door gives onto the garden. 门通向花园。
6. 发生
He demanded to know what gave. 他要求知道发生了什么事。
7. (天气)变温和;(冻土)解冻
8. 说话,提供情况
He just won't give. 他就是闭紧嘴巴不肯说话。
Come on. Give! 快讲吧!
9. 美口承认失败,投降
I give! 我认输(或:我投降)!

II n.
1. 支持不住;(在压力下的)弯曲;塌下,下陷;断裂;(拉紧后皮革、绳子等的)伸展性
Shoes get slightly larger after wearing because of the give in the leather. 由于皮革有伸展性,穿过的皮鞋要比原来稍大一些。
2. 弹力(性);灵活性
There is no give in a stone floor. 石头地面没有弹性。
There is no give in his moral views. 他的道德观念决不通融。
3. [gives] 内幕消息,内线情报
[< ME given < OE giefan; 与 L habēre to have, hold 有关]
phr. give and take 1. 公平交换;互相让步,互相迁就
2. 互相驳斥;互殴
give as good as one gets 毫不示弱地反击(或反驳);防卫得法
give away 1. 赠送
2. 分发(奖品等)
give away medals at a sports meeting 在运动会上分发奖牌
3. 在婚礼上将(新娘)交给新郎
Mary was given away by her father. 在婚礼上玛丽由她父亲交给新郎。
4. 泄露;暴露
The examiners have given away the answer. 考官们泄露了答案。
Don't lie! Your face gives you away. 别说谎!从你的表情可以看出你在说谎。
5. 告发,出卖
The thief gave his companions away to the police. 小偷向警方告发了他的同伙。
6. 丧失
He gave away his last chance of winning the election when he said the wrong thing. 他无意中说了错话,失去了当选的最后机会。
7. 澳新停止做
He has given away the work at hand. 他停下手中的工作。
give back 1. (归)还;恢复
I hope the holiday will give him back his good spirits. 我希望假日会使他恢复愉快的情绪。
2. 反射(光、声音等)
3. 后退,后撤
give down (母牛)(奶)
give forth 1. 发出(声音);散发(烟、气味等)
2. 发表(意见、著作等);报道
It was given forth that the murderer had killed himself. 据报道,杀人犯已自杀。
give in 1. 投降;屈服;让步
give in to one's fate 屈服于命运
2. 交上;呈交
Give your examination papers in when you've finished. 考卷做完后交上来。
give in one's resignation 递辞呈
give it away 澳俚放弃;停止
I only hit him a few times, then I gave it away. 我只打了他几下,后来就住手了。
give it (to) sb. 1. 责罚某人;责骂某人;打某人
I'll give it (to) him (hot, straight). 我将(狠狠,当面)责骂他。
The crowd yelled for the prizefighter to give it to his opponent. 人群嚷嚷着鼓动拳击手狠揍他的对手。
2. 美俚与某人性交
give it up 美口[常作祈使句]鼓掌
give me 我宁愿要,我宁可选择;我更喜欢
Give me liberty or give me death. 不自由,毋宁死。
Some people like town life, but give me the country. 有些人喜欢城市生活,我可是喜欢乡村。
give of 提供,献出
They gave generously of their experience and advice.他们慷慨地提供自己的经验和忠告。
He gave of his intelligence and heart to his fellowmen.他将自己的智慧和热诚献给了人类。
give off1. 发出
give off a bad smell 发出恶臭
give thick smoke off 冒浓烟
Some economic statistics are giving off negative signals. 有一些经济统计数字正发出不祥的信号。
2. 长出(分枝等)
Arteries give off many branches. 动脉分出许多支脉。
give of oneself (为帮助别人而)献出自己的时间和精力
give or take (估计时)相差不到…,出入至多…
a man 80 years old, give or take a year 不计1年的误差,一个80岁的老翁
give out 1. 发出(光、热、声音、信号等)(在教堂唱诗时)唱出(赞美诗)的歌词
2. 分发(试卷、金钱等)
3. 发表,公布,宣布
They had been requested not to give out details of the machines' construction. 他们被要求不公布机器结构的细节。
4. 用完;筋疲力尽
The supply of food gave out. 食物贮存告罄。
His strength gave out. 他气力用完。
We waved until our arms gave out. 我们挥手直到手臂发酸。
5. 宣布…出局
The umpire gave the batsman out. 裁判员宣布击球员出局。
6. 停止运转
The engine of the boat suddenly gave out. 船上的发动机突然停止运转。
The bus gave out halfway up the hill. 公共汽车驶到半山腰熄火抛锚了。
give over 1. (托)
The keys were given over to our neighbours during our absence. 我们不在时钥匙交托给邻居。
We gave him over to the police. 我们把他交给了警察。
2. 留出,把…留作特定用途
The main body of the article is given over to analysing three poets. 这篇文章的主要部分用于分析三位诗人。
3. 英口停止;抛弃(习惯等)
Please give over crying. Do give over! 请别哭了,千万别再哭!
It's time you gave over such childish behaviour. 该是你改掉这种幼稚行为的时候了。
4. 放任(自己)
She gave herself over to laughter before she could go on. 她纵情大笑了一阵后才能继续讲下去。
give sb. to understand(know, believe) 使某人理解(知道,相信)
Am I given to understand that he is a liar? 是要告诉我他是个骗子吗?
give sb. what for 严厉惩罚某人;痛揍某人一顿;痛骂某人
give up 1. 交出;让出
The criminal went to the police station to give himself up. 罪犯到警察局去投案自首。
He gave up his seat on the bus to an old woman. 在公共汽车上他把坐位让给一位老大娘。
2. 放弃,抛弃;辞去
give up one's throne 放弃王位
give up smoking 戒烟
All hope of finding the missing plane was given up. 要找到那架失踪的飞机已毫无希望。
give up one's job 辞去工作
3. 不再指望…到来;对找到…不再抱有希望;对…的复原不再抱有希望
You took so long to arrive that we had almost given you up. 你迟迟不来,我们几乎以为你不会来了。
The missing climbers were given up for lost. 人们认为失踪的登山者已经遇难了。
The baby was dying, but the doctors did not give it up. 婴儿已奄奄一息,但医生并没停止抢救。
4. (猜谜语、解数学难题等时)承认无能为力,承认失败,认输
I give up, tell me the end of the story. 我猜不出,把故事的结局告诉我吧。
5. 献出(生命、时间等);使(自己)致力于(某项活动),使(自己)沉溺于(to)
give up one's life for one's country 为祖国献出自己的生命
give oneself up to a cause 献身于事业
give oneself up to a life of crime 一生从事犯罪活动
give oneself up to heavy drinking 酗酒
6. 使(自己)陷入(某种感情)(to)
give oneself up to despair 陷入绝望
7. 泄露,透露;供出(某人)的躲藏处
give up the names of one's accomplices 供出同犯的名字
They tortured her, but still she wouldn't give me up. 他们拷问她,可是她还是拒绝把我供出来。
8. 停止
The snow had given up. 雪停了。
9. 不再同…交往;不再同…谈恋爱
10. (当投手时)准许(得分)
11. = give up on
give up on 对…表示绝望
I give up on you: you'll never be a qualified teacher. 我对你不再抱任何希望,你永远成不了合格的教师。
a kind of mystery that one gives up on 你我永远没法理解的那种疑案
give with 美俚给予,提供
What gives?美口[见面招呼用]你好吗?怎么样?




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