

单词 anticipate
释义 an·tic·i·pate /ænˈtɪsɪpeɪt/ vt. | vi.
1. 预期,期望;预料
anticipate a pleasant vacation 期望度过一个愉快的假期
anticipate deriving much instruction from a book 期望从一部读物中获得良多教益
You're always anticipating trouble. 你这人总是事情还没发生便往坏处想。
The directors anticipated a fall in demand (或 that demand would fall). 董事们预料市场需求将下降。
2. 早于别人做成(或做);先于…前行动
The Chinese anticipated the European discovery of gunpowder. 中国人早于欧洲人发明了火药。
Columbus was probably anticipated by the Vikings in discovering America. 北欧海盗也许在哥伦布之前就发现了美洲。
The director fished in his pocket for cigarettes. His secretary anticipated him by clicking open a cigarette case and holding it toward him. 主任在衣袋里摸烟卷。秘书抢在他前面啪地打开了烟盒,递了过去。
She stirred in bed as if to anticipate the alarm clock. 她在床上动了动身子,仿佛是要赶在闹钟铃声之前起来。
3. 先发制(人)(以抢先行动来)防止,使无由施展
anticipate the enemy 先发制敌
A good football player anticipates his opponent's moves. 一个优秀的足球运动员会先发制人,使对手无所施其技。
4. 预先考虑并满足(请求、需要、希望等);未待下达就执行(命令);未待提出就回答(问题)
Our service comes from the heart and anticipates your every need. 我们衷心为您服务,且会预先考虑到您的各种需要。
5. 过早地考虑;过早地提出
anticipate a point in the argument 在辩论中先期提出一个论点
6. 使提前发生;加速
The lazy boy anticipated his dismissal by stealing stamps. 那个懒孩因偷窃邮票而遭提前开除。
7. 提前支用(钱财);提前享受
anticipate one's next month's salary 提前支用下月工资
anticipate the happiness of heaven 生前就体味天堂的幸福
8. 提前偿还(债务);提前履行(义务)
[< L anticipāre to take before, realize before < anti- ante- + capere to take]




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