释义 |
gain¹ /ɡeɪn/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr. I ❶ vt. 1. 获得,取得,得到;博得;赢得 gain a fortune 获得一笔财产 gain the right to vote 获得选举权 gain the upper hand 占上风 gain support (acceptance) 得到支持(接纳) the pleasure to be gained from books 读书所得到的乐趣 gain an ovation 博得欢呼 gain the battle 打胜仗 2. 使获得;使博得;使赢得 gain sb. a supporter 使某人获得一位支持者 gain sb. the trust and respect of many people 使某人获得许多人的信任和尊敬 3. 增加,增添 gain five pounds in weight 体重增加5磅 gain momentum (strength, weight) 增加势头(力量,体重) The car gained speed as it went down the hill. 汽车下山时越开越快。 4. (经过努力)到达 gain one's destination 到达目的地 They advanced up the gangway and gained the deck. 他们经舷梯登上甲板。 5. 推进(一段距离) gain 10 yards 推进10码 6. (钟、表等)走快 The clock gains a minute a day. 这钟每天快1分钟。 ❷ vi. 1. 受益,得益 Everyone would gain by (或 from) it. 人人都能从中得到好处。 2. 增加,增添;取得进展;增进健康 Fertilizer use gained in 1986. 1986年化肥使用增加了。 gain in importance 变得更重要 She is gaining in weight. 她的体重在增加。 The sick child is gaining and will soon be well. 病孩正在好转,并将很快恢复健康。 3. (钟、表等)走快 This watch neither gains nor loses. 这表走得既不快也不慢。
II n. 1. 获得,取得,得到 be blinded by the gain of success 因获得成功而利令智昏 2. 增加,增添 a gradual gain in speed 速度的逐渐增加 The baby had a gain of half a pound last week. 婴儿的体重上星期增加了半磅。 3. 获得的东西;取得的进展;[gains]收益,利润 ill-gotten gains 不义之财 make big gains in elections 在选举中取得巨大进展 make gains at others' expense 损人利己 4. 获取财富 the love of gain 爱财 with the hope of gain in the future 巴望着将来发财 5. 【电子】增益;放大 [< OFr gaaignier < Gmc; 与 OHG weidenen to forge, hunt 有关] phr. gain by comparison 比较之下显出长处,相形增色 gain on (或 upon) 1. 逼近,接近 (被追赶的人或物);跑得比…快 gain on one of mankind's most dreaded diseases 接近于战胜人类最惧怕的疾病之一 gain on one's pursuers 比追赶者跑得更快 2. (海)侵蚀 (陆地) 3. (在生意等方面)超过,胜过 (竞争者) 4. 〈古〉博得…的好感,巴结上 gain sb. over 把某人争取过来;说服某人倒向自己一边 No gains without pains. (或No pains, no gains.) 〈谚〉不劳则无获。 |