释义 |
fu·ry /ˈfjʊərɪ/ n. | phr. n. 1. 狂怒,暴怒 be filled with fury 怒火满腔 fly into a fury 勃然大怒 be in an unbridled fury 怒不可遏 2. 狂暴;激烈;猛烈;暴力时期 South Florida felt the full fury of the storm. 南佛罗里达遭到暴风雨最猛烈的袭击。 3. 性子暴烈的人;泼妇 4. 奋力;迅猛 work with fury 使劲苦干 5. [F-]【希神】【罗神】复仇三女神之一 6. 复仇精灵;复仇的热狂 be haunted by the furies of one's father's blood 狂热地要为父亲报仇 7. 〈古〉灵感 [< L furia rage < furere to be furious, rage] phr. like fury 〈口〉奋力地;猛烈地;迅猛地 ride like fury 拼命骑 rain like fury 下暴雨 |