释义 |
for·ti·fy /ˈfɔːtɪfaɪ/ vt. | vi. ❶ vt. 1. 筑防御工事于;筑堡于 fortify a city 筑工事以巩固城防 a fortified zone 设防地带 2. (在肉体、精神、道德方面)增强;给…以勇气 fortify oneself against the cold with a heavy coat 穿厚上衣以御寒 The coffee fortified him. 咖啡使他的精神振奋起来。 His initial success fortified his resolve to be a scientist. 他的初步成就增强了他当科学家的决心。 be fortified by prayer 通过祈祷变得坚强 3. 加固…的结构 fortify a dam against the flood 加固水坝以防洪水 4. (加入维生素和矿物质)强化(食品),提高(食品)的营养价值;给(酒)加度,增加(酒)的酒精含量 The bread is fortified with various vitamins. 这种面包因含有多种维生素而提高了营养价值。 5. 支持,证实 fortify an argument with facts 用事实支持论据 ❷ vi. 筑防御工事;筑堡垒 [<OFr fortifier < LL fortificāre < L fortis strong + facere to make] |