

单词 form
释义 form /fɔːm/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr.
I n.
1. 形状;外形,轮廓
Squares and circles are geometric forms. 方和圆是几何图形。
a tombstone in the form of a cross 十字架形的墓碑
the dark forms of trees in the early morning light 晨光熹微中树木黑黝黝的轮廓
I saw a form in the dark. 我在黑暗中看见一个影子。
2. (人、动物的)形体;体型;(展示服装用的)人体模型,模特儿
the well-proportioned form of an athlete 运动员匀称的体型
3. 模型;模壳,模板
4. (事物的)存在形式;形态
be published in book form 以单行本的形式出版
Ice is water in solid form. 冰是固态的水。
This disease often takes the form of high fever. 这种疾病常以高烧症状出现。
5. 种类,类型
Democracy is a form of government. 民主制度是一种政体。
The ant is a form of insect. 蚂蚁是一种昆虫。
minute forms of life 微生物
6. (规定或惯常的)方式,方法;(运动员技术上的)动作方式,姿势
an established form 一种公认的方式
a contract drawn up in due form 按规定格式草拟的契约
That's the common form. 那是通常的做法。
Tom worked to improve his form in diving. 汤姆努力改进跳水的姿势。
7. (无实际意义的)形式;虚礼
These laws exist only in form. 这些法律名存实亡。
The judge asked him his name for form's sake. 法官官样文章地问了他的姓名。
They shook hands as a matter of form. 他们握手为礼。
8. 惯例,常规;事态,情况
There are certain forms that must be followed in diplomatic circles. 外交界里有若干惯例必须遵守。
Having spent most of his life in the Middle East, he knows the form. 他在中东过了大半辈子,懂得那里的规矩。
He came along to the hotel each morning to find out the form. 他每天早晨到旅馆来看看情况。
9. (宗教仪式、法律文件等中的)公式化语句
the form of a wedding announcement 结婚启事中的惯用语句
10. [常和 good,bad,poor 连用] 行为,举动
It was not good form to insist on talking about oneself. 一味讲自己如何是不礼貌的举动。
It was poor form of her not to go to her grandfather's funeral. 她不去参加祖父的葬礼是不合常礼的行为。
11. 表格;按一定格式印就的用纸
fill in a registration form 填写登记表
an order form 定货单
Please indicate your choice on the form. 请在表格上表明你的选择。
12. (区别于题材内容的)形式,结构;条理,组织;(文艺作品等的)表现形式,体裁;模式
the unity of form and content 形式和内容的统一
These papers will be graded on form as well as content. 这些论文将根据内容和结构评分。
Your ideas are fuzzy and lack form. 你的思想模糊,缺乏条理。
The sonnet is a poetical form. 十四行诗是一种诗的体裁。
arguments of the same logical form 逻辑模式相同的论据
13. (赛马、运动员等的)竞技状态,能发挥的水平;良好的健康(或精神)状态
I always study the form of a horse before I bet on it. 我在对马下赌注前总要先研究一下它的竞技状态。
The horse has been in (good) form. 这匹马的竞技状态良好。
The player was in bad form (或 out of form, off form). 这位选手的竞技状态不佳。
When the horse is in (或 on) form, no other horse in the country can beat it. 这匹马的竞技状态良好时,国内其他的马都战胜不了它。
a singer at the top of his form 才能发挥到最佳状态的歌手
14. (赛马的)过去成绩;(赛马、运动员等的)成绩表;(根据过去成绩的)预测
On form the horse is likely to win the race. 根据以往的成绩判断,这匹马很可能在这次比赛中获胜。
react according to form (对赛马下赌注时)根据预测作出反应
15. (良好的)情绪
Bob was in great form at the party; he danced all the time. 在社交会上鲍勃兴高采烈,一直在跳舞。
He was back in form, being all things to all men. 他心情又愉快如常,对各种各样的人应付裕如。
16. (野兔等的)窟,穴
17. 无背长板凳
18. (英国中等学校、美国一些私立学校的)年级
He is in the first form. 他读一年级。
the sixth form 六年级(最高年级)
19. 美,秀丽
20. 词形,形式;语言形式
“Am” is a form of the verb “be”. am是 be 的一种形式。
the passive form 被动式
21. 主美印版
22. (晶)面式
23. 形式
24. 形式,型
an equation in parametric form 参数式方程
25. = formwork
26. 英口犯罪记录
He has form for false pretences. 他有犯诈骗罪的记录。

II vt.
1. 使成形,使具有一定形状,塑造;制作
Form the dough into a ball with your hands. 用手把面团搓成球。
form a vessel out of clay 用黏土制器皿
form a thing after (或 by, from, on) a pattern 按照某种模式制作一件东西
2. 形成,变成
coal deposits formed in prehistoric times 史前时期形成的煤层
Petrol forms vapour above a certain temperature. 超过一定温度时,汽油变成蒸气。
3. 构成,是…的组成部分;起…作用
Peasants form the bulk of the population. 农民占人口的大多数。
Barley, hops, yeast and water form the basic ingredients of beer. 大麦、 蛇麻、 酵母和水是啤酒的基本原料。
This plank will form a bridge. 这块木板将充作桥梁。
His courage formed an example to us all. 他的勇敢是我们大家的榜样。
4. 组织;建立(联盟等)
form a cabinet 组阁
The workers formed a union. 工人们组成了工会。
form a friendship with sb. 与某人建立友谊
5. 养成
form a good habit 养成一种好习惯
6. (通过教育、训练)培养,锻炼
School helps to form a child's character. 学校教育有助于培养儿童的品德。
form the mind and body of the young 陶冶青少年的身心
7. 清晰地发出(词)的音
Her lips were quivering and would not form words. 她的嘴唇颤动着,讲不出话来
8. 排列成;把…编排成;把…编成队形 (into)
The boys formed a line. 男孩们排成一行。
The teacher formed the children into three lines. 教师把孩子们排成三行。
The students formed themselves into four groups. 学生们把自己编成四组。
form a regiment into columns 把一个团编成几路纵队
9. (通过派生、屈折变化等)(词);造(句、短语等)
The verb forms the past in -ed. 这个动词用加 -ed 的方式构成过去式。
10. 构想出;作出(估计等)
form a plan 构想出一项计划
form a conclusion (judgement) 作出结论(判断)
1. (物体)成形,被形成
Ice formed on the window. 窗上结冰了。
2. 列队;编排成;编成队形 (into)
The boys formed into a line. 男孩们排成一行。
The students formed into three groups. 学生们编成三组。
The platoon formed into open order. 这个排编成疏开队形。
3. (计划、希望、信念等)开始存在,产生
An idea formed in my mind. 我的头脑里产生了一个主意。
A spirit of discontent was rapidly forming among the people. 在人们中间很快出现了不满情绪。
[<OFr forme < L forma shape, model]
phr. be in (或 on) top form 竞技状态极佳;才能发挥到极致;身心处于最佳状态
form on(队伍)紧接着…列队
The company commander ordered the group to form on the last platoon. 连长命令这一组紧接着那个排列队。
form up (使)列队
The children had to form up (into lines) before being allowed into school. 孩子们获准进校以前得先排好队伍。
The troops have been formed up in review order. 部队已被排成检阅队形。
(run) true to form (在作风等方面)一如往常
True to form, he made an instant decision. 和往常一样,他立刻作出了决定。
Jack's luck was running true to form. 杰克的好运气一如既往。
take form 具有看得见的形状;(思想等)形成,产生
The streets of the town slowly took form as we sailed into the bay. 我们的船驶进海湾时,那个城市的街道开始隐约可见。




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