

单词 force¹
释义 force¹ /fɔːs/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr.
I n.
1. 力,力量
a gale of great force 强风
The love of justice has been a powerful motivating force in his life. 热爱正义是他生活中强大的动力。
the force of a blow 打击力
2. 武力,暴力;强制力量
resort to force in dispersing a mob 用武力驱散暴徒
oppose force with force 以暴力反抗暴力
by force 用暴力(或用强迫手段)
3. 暴力行为
4. 力气;体力
He had to use force to get the lid off the tin. 他得用力把罐盖打开。
the force of manhood 成年男子的体力
5. (精神上的)力量;魄力
The force of her personality can be seen in the way her friends imitate her. 从朋友们都仿效她这一点可以看出她的人格力量。
a man of great force and determination 具有很大魄力和决心的人
6. (事物的)影响,支配力;说服力;感染力
the force of circumstances 环境的影响
the force of public opinion 舆论的压力
There's force in what you say. 你讲的话有说服力。
He writes with force. 他的文笔生动有力。
7. 势力;威力;有影响的人(或事物)
the forces of evil 恶势力
the forces of nature 大自然的威力(如风暴、 地震等)
a force for good 促人从善的因素
He was a force behind the passing of that bill. 他是促使该项议案通过的有影响人物。
8. 军事力量;陆(或海、空)军部队;[forces] [总称] (国家或指挥官管辖下的)兵力,军队
a small force of infantry 一支人数不多的步兵部队
land and sea forces 陆军和海军部队
join the Forces 参军
9. (共同从事某种活动的)一群人;队伍;(有特种用途的)一批东西
a sales force 一支销售队伍
10. [the force]英口警察队;[总称]警察
11. 力;力的强度;风力等级
magnetic force 磁力
What is the force of gravity at sea level? 海平面的地球引力为多大?
a force nine gale 九级大风
The ship had engine failure in a Force Ten. 在十级大风中船的引擎发生了故障。
12. (词、句、段落等的)确切意义;要点
What is the force of “but” here? 这里“but”的确切意义是什么?
miss the force of something said 没有领会言词的要点
13. (法律、条约、规章等的)效力,约束力
the force of an agreement 协定的约束力
A promise made under compulsion is of no force. 被迫作出的诺言无效。
14. 逼叫,逼打

II vt.
1. 强迫,迫使(人或动物)
force sb. to do (或 into doing) sth. 强迫某人做某事
He forced himself to stay awake. 他迫使自己不睡着。
Fear of you forced them into silence. 他们怕你才只得保持沉默。
Ill health forced him out of the army. 他因健康不佳被迫退伍。
The rider forced his horse on through the storm. 骑者冒着暴风雨催马前进。
2. [与表示方向的介词或副词连用] (仿佛)用强力推动,克服阻力而促使
force an article into a filled box 把一件东西硬塞进已装得满满的盒子
force a nail into wood 使劲把钉子敲入木头
force water to the top story 把水汲引到最高一层楼
force back one's tears 强忍眼泪
force a bill through the legislature 在立法机关强行通过一项议案
The landlords forced up the rents. 房东们强行提高房租。
3. 用强力攻占(或夺取)
They forced the town after a long siege. 长期围困之后他们攻占了这座城镇。
I forced the gun from his hand. 我从他手中夺下了枪。
4. 用强暴手段开辟(或获得,促成)
force a passage through the crowd 强行挤过人群
force a way in 强行闯入
force a confession from sb. 逼某人招供
The strike forced the closure of the factory. 罢工迫使工厂关闭。
5. 强行打开
force (open) a door (lock, safe) 把门(锁, 保险箱)砸开
6. 把…强加于 (on,upon)
He forced his attentions on her. 他硬要向她献殷勤。
force one's views on others 强迫他人接受自己的看法
7. 勉强作出(或发出,挤出);牵强地使用(言词);曲解
force a smile 强作笑颜
force a laugh 勉强哈哈一笑
force one's voice 勉强提高(或压低)嗓音
His voice was not low enough for the song; he had to force several low notes. 他的嗓音不够低沉,几个低音他只好硬逼出来。
force tears from one's eyes 勉强挤出几滴眼泪
force a metaphor 牵强地使用比喻
8. 竭力使用;竭力提高;竭力加快…的进程
force one's brain 拼命开动脑筋
force the bidding (拍卖时)抬价
I don't want to force things, but we have to reach a decision soon. 我不愿仓促行事,可是我们总得早日作出决定。
9. (用人工方法)加速(蔬菜、瓜果等)的生长;加速养肥(家畜)(通过学习过于艰深的学科等方法)加速提高(学生)的学业,加速(智力等)的发展
force flowers in a greenhouse 在温室里催花早开
10. (击球手)迫使(跑垒员)进垒;使(跑垒员)封杀出局;(因四坏球自由上垒或投球击中身体)使(跑垒员)得分
11. 逼使(对手)(特定牌张);要求(搭挡)(或出)
12. [force oneself] 强奸(on, upon)
13. 实施(法律、法令等)
14. 加强;重视
1. 凭借武力前进
Our troops forced ahead. 我们的部队强行向前挺进。
2. 逼叫;逼打
[OFr<? VL fortia<L fortis strong]
phr. by force of 凭借,由于;以…手段
They overwhelmed the guards by sheer force of numbers. 他们全凭人多势众制服了看守人员。
by force of circumstances 由于形势所迫
by force of contrast 通过对比
by main force 用全身气力;以全力
come (或 go) into force (法律、 协议等)开始生效,开始实施
force down 1. 迫使(飞机)降落
2. 迫使吞咽…
3. 迫使(物价等)下降
The big purchaser used every pretext to force down prices. 那个大买主用一切借口压低价格。
force sb.'s hand见hand
force the issue 见issue
force the pace 见pace
in force 1. (法律等)有效;在实施中
The law remains in force. 这项法律继续有效。
the system in force 现行制度
The curfew was put in force on Sunday. 星期天开始实施宵禁。
2. 人数众多地,大批地
attack the enemy in (great) force 向敌人大举进攻
The enemy is in (great) force behind the mountains. 敌人在山后集结了大量兵力。
People went in (great) force to see the parade. 人们蜂拥着去看游行。
3. (尤指谈话、 讲演时)精神抖擞
He is always in (great) force and full of gossip. 他总是精神抖擞,满肚子的街谈巷议。
in full force 1. 全体,全数
The guests turned up in full force. 被邀客人全都光临。
2. 完全有效,在全面实施中
At the time censorship was still in full force in Italy. 当时意大利尚在全面实施新闻检查。
3. 充分发挥威力
the depression of the 1930s in its full force 20世纪30年代经济萧条的最严重阶段
join forces (with) (同…)会师;(同…)联合,与(…)合作
They will join forces to start a new kind of school. 他们将共同合作开办一所新型学校。
We're joining forces with some friends to hire a band for a dancing party. 我们打算与一些朋友联手去租一个乐队,以便举行舞会。




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