释义 |
foot /fʊt/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr. I ([复] feet /fiːt/) n. 1. (人或动物的)脚,足;(无脊椎动物的)运动(或吸附)器官 My feet are sore from walking so far. 走这么远,我的脚都疼了。 2. (床、墓等)放脚的一端,下端;下首坐位 He sat at the foot of his son's bed. 他坐在他儿子的床脚处。 The foot of the table was left vacant. 桌子的下首坐位空着。 3. 最下部,底部;底座;(桌、椅等的)脚 the foot of a page 一页的下端 the foot of a hill 山脚 the foot of a lamp 灯的底座 4. (长袜等的)脚部 5. 〈主英〉[总称] 步兵 a regiment of foot 步兵团 Reinforcements of 1000 foot were sent up to the front. 1000名增援步兵被派往前线。 6. 英尺(略作 ft.) a six-foot man 身高6英尺的男子 six foot (或 feet) three 6英尺3英寸 She's five foot. 她5英尺高。 I'm six foot (或 feet) tall. 我6英尺高。 The measurements are in feet. 那些尺寸是以英尺为单位的。 7. (诗的)音步 8. (缝纫机的)压脚板 9. (系列等的)末尾 the foot of the list 名单的末尾 10. 写在底部的东西(如数字的总额) 11. 步;脚步;步态;步行;跑步;〈废〉行走(或奔跑)能力 have a light foot 脚步轻快 12. 快速 13. 【植】花托;发根;(地衣的)足胞;基足 14. 【海】(帆的)下缘 15. (活字)字脚;(书页)地脚 16. [foots] [用作单或复]沉淀物,渣滓;油渣;粗糖 There's much foots in the cider. 苹果酒里有很多沉淀。 17. [foots] (舞台上的)脚灯
II ❶ vt. 1. 步行,走 The students footed the whole twenty kilometres. 这些学生步行了足足20公里路。 2. 结算 (up) foot up an account 结算账目 3. 〈口〉支付(账单或费用) 4. 〈古〉走在…上,跑在…上,踏在…上;在…上跳舞;跳(舞) foot the road 走(或跑)在路上 foot a measure 跳慢步舞 5. 做(或换) (袜子等)的底 foot a stocking 换袜底 6. 〈古〉建立 7. (用爪子)抓捕 8. 〈废〉踢;抵制 ❷ vi. 1. 步行 2. 〈古〉跳舞 3. (帆船等)快速行驶,行进 4. 总计 The bill will foot up to $2000. 账单结算总共将为2000美元。 [<OE fōt; 与 OHG fuot, L pēs, Gr pous, Sans pad 有关] phr. at foot (驹)在母马身旁 at sb.'s feet (或 at the feet of sb.) 〈口〉在某人的支配下;作为某人的门徒 (或臣民等)Her voice kept audiences at her feet for years. 她的歌声多年来使听众拜倒在她的脚下。The country lies at the feet of the dictator. 那个国家受独裁者的统治。be carried out feet first (或 foremost) 被抬出去埋葬 by foot 步行 carry sb. off his feet= sweep sb. off his feet catch sb. on the wrong feet〈口〉使某人措手不及 change foot (或 feet) 换步 change (one's) feet 〈口〉换鞋 die on one's feet 〈口〉垮掉,失败 dig one's feet in 见 dig drag one's feet 1. 拖着脚步走 2. 拖拖拉拉,行动迟缓 drag one's feet on reforms 拖延改革 drag one's feet in doing sth. 在做某事时拖拉 fall on one's feet 〈口〉安然脱离困境;运气好 You'll fall on your feet all right. 你将会安然摆脱困境。 feet of clay 〈喻〉泥足,根本的弱点,致命的弱点 find one's feet 1. (小孩或小动物)学会走路 2. 〈英〉习惯于新的环境(或新的工作);(在某领域)立足,站稳脚跟 He's only been at the school 2 weeks, and he hasn't really found his feet yet. 他到学校才两星期,还没有真正习惯于新的环境。 find the length of sb.'s foot 见 length foot it 1. 步行;跑 Let's foot it back to the hotel. 让我们走着回旅馆吧。 2. 跳舞 3. 快速航行(或行进) get a foot in (或 into) the door 〈口〉获得机会参加;迈出实现目标的第一步 He has already got a foot in the door. 他已经跨出了第一步。 They tried to get a foot into the theatre's door. 他们试图进入戏剧界。 get (或have) itchy feet 〈口〉酷爱旅游,爱四处走动 get one's feet under the table 〈主英〉在新局面下牢固地确立自己的地位 get one's feet wet 开始参与,初试 It's not hard to dance once you get your feet wet. 跳舞不难,一跳就会。 have a foot in both camps 脚踏两只船 have a foot in the dish 获得立足点;占一份 have a (或 one, one's) foot in the door= get a foot in (或 into) the door have one foot in the grave 见 grave¹ have one's (或 both) feet on the ground 注重实际,脚踏实地 have one's foot on the neck of sb.= set one's foot on the neck of sb. have the ball at one's feet见 ball¹ jump in (或 into) with both feet 〈美〉全心全意投入,踊跃参加 keep a foot in both camps= have a foot in both camps keep one's feet站稳脚跟,不跌倒 keep one's (或 both) feet on the ground= have one's (或 both) feet on the ground kiss the hare's feet迟到 knock sb. off his feet 把某人击倒;使某人惊奇得不知所措 The unexpected raise really knocked him off his feet. 突如其来的加薪真使他惊奇得不知所措。 land on one's (或 both) feet 〈口〉安然脱离困境;(无论发生什么)总会成功 measure another man's foot by one's own last 以己度人,以自己的标准衡量别人 my foot 〈口〉算了吧,去你的吧[表示不信对方的话] He didn't know, my foot! Of course he did! 他不知道,算了吧! 他当然知道的! not (或 never) to put a foot wrong 不犯错误 not to put a foot right 屡犯错误 1. 〈口〉躺着;坐着;站立不住地 The patient has to stay off his feet. 病人只能躺着。 I was run off my foot with jobs to do. 我有许多工作要做,忙得疲于奔命。 2. (感情上)控制不住自己 of foot 在步行(或跑步)中 be swift (或 fleet) of foot 步履轻捷 on foot 1. 站立着;步行 return home on foot 步行回家 2. 在进行中 a new scheme on foot 正在实行的新计划 on one's feet 1. 站着,起立(尤指起立发言);走动着 He fell down, but was on his feet again in a second. 他摔倒了,但马上就站了起来。 They have to be on their feet all day, going from one lathe to the other. 他们得整天脚不停步,从一台车床走到另一台。 2. (经历困境后)恢复;(病后)复原,可以下床走动 get a company back on its feet 使公司重新站住脚 She was on her feet soon after the operation. 手术后她很快就康复下床了。 3. 自立,经济上独立 We are financially on our feet. 我们在经济上是独立的。 4. 警觉的(地) 5. 即兴地,临时地 Good debaters can think on their feet. 出色的辩论家能够即兴构思。 on the right foot 〈口〉处于有利地位 get (或 set, start) off on the right foot 一开始就顺利(或打响第一炮) on the wrong foot 〈口〉处于不利地位 get (或 set, start) off on the wrong foot 出师不利 pull foot 〈口〉逃走 put a foot wrong [常用于否定句]犯错误 put one's best foot forward (或 foremost) 〈口〉 1. 全力以赴 2. 企图给人以尽可能好的印象 When he applied for the job, he put his best foot forward. 申请这工作时他尽量给人以好的印象。 3. 尽快地走(或跑);全速行进 If you put your best foot forward, you'll reach the hotel before the evening. 如果你以最快速度行走,天黑前就能到达旅馆。 put one's feet up 〈口〉(双腿搁起)休息 If you're feeling tired, come and put your feet up. 如果你感到疲劳,就来休息一会儿。 put one's foot down 〈口〉 1. 表现坚定,果断行动;坚持;坚决压制 She put her foot down, forcing her family to sanction her engagement. 她固执己见,迫使家人同意她的婚约。 2. 〈英〉踩油门,加快车速 put one's foot in it 〈口〉因处理不当而招惹麻烦;说话(或行动)不得体;犯错误 I'd like to say something but I'm afraid I'll put my foot in it. 我想说几句,但又担心自己会说错。 put one's foot in (或 into) one's mouth 〈口〉讲话很不得体,讲错话 put sb. (sth.) on his (its) feet 使某人(某物)自立;使某人(某物)复原 put the steel industry on its feet 扶植钢铁工业 A few days of rest would put her on her feet. 休息几天她就会复原的。 regain one's feet (跌倒后)重新站起来 rush (或run) sb. off his feet 使某人奔忙 An epidemic of flu rushed the doctors off their feet. 流感蔓延,大夫们疲于奔命。 scrape one's feet 用脚擦地作响 set foot in (或 on) 进入;到达 set foot in a concert hall 进入音乐厅 set foot on Chinese soil 踏上中国国土 set one's foot on the neck of sb. 完全制服某人 set on foot 开始(行动等) set a plan on foot 开始实施计划 set sb. (sth.) on his (its) feet= put sb. (sth.) on his (its) feet shoot oneself in the foot〈口〉(因笨拙无能而)伤害自己 show the cloven foot 见 cloven foot sit at sb.'s feet 受教于某人;崇拜某人 six feet under 〈口〉已安葬,已入土 sling a nasty foot〈美俚〉舞跳得顶呱呱 stand on one's own feet 独立自主,自立 sweep sb. off his feet 1. 使某人狂热(或激动) John was swept off his feet when he won the contest. 约翰比赛获胜,欣喜若狂。 2. 给某人深刻的印象;制服某人 The officer swept Mary off her feet. 这位军官使玛丽倾心不已。 think on one's feet 思维敏捷 A good basketball player has to be able to think on his feet. 一位优秀篮球运动员一定要反应快。 throw oneself at sb.'s feet 拜倒在某人脚下;崇拜某人 As soon as he met her, he threw himself at her feet. 他一认识她,就拜倒在她的脚下。 to one's feet 起来 get to one's feet 站起来 struggle to one's feet 挣扎着站起来 jump to one's feet 跳起来 The invaders didn't bring the people to their knees, instead, they brought the people to their feet. 入侵者并没有使人民屈服,相反倒使人民奋起反抗。 trample (或 tread) under foot 压迫;虐待;轻视 He protested that his rights were being trampled under foot. 他抗议说他的权利正遭到践踏。 under foot 1. 妨碍着,阻碍着 2. 被掌握,处于屈从地位 keep sb. under foot 控制某人 3. 在地面上 wet under foot 地面湿 There is a loose sandy soil under foot. 脚下是松软的沙质土。 under sb.'s feet 阻碍着某人 vote with one's feet (用离去、 逃避等方式)表示不赞同 The departing spectators voted with their feet. 观众以离场表明他们的厌恶态度。 with both feet 强烈地;坚决地;强调地 He came down with both feet against the proposal. 他坚决反对这项提议。 with one's foot on the neck of 完全支配着… |