

单词 fly²
释义 fly² /flaɪ/ vi. | vt. | n. | phr.
I (flew /fluː/, flown /fləʊn/)

1. 飞,飞行
Most birds fly. 大多数鸟会飞。
a spacecraft flying towards Mars 飞向火星的宇宙飞船
2. 飘扬,飘荡;飞扬;飞溅
The king's banner was flying above his tent. 国王的帐篷上飘扬着王旗。
bits of paper flying about 四处飞扬的碎纸
Sparks fly upward. 火星向上飞溅。
3. 乘飞机(或宇宙飞船)
We are flying to Madrid next week. 下星期我们将乘飞机去马德里。
4. 驾驶飞机(或宇宙飞船)
The pilot has flown for years. 这位飞行员已飞行多年了。
5. 飞跑,冲;迅速扩展;(时间)飞逝;传播
The train flew past. 火车疾驶而过。
He flew from the room. 他一个箭步冲出房间。
She came flying into the office. 她飞也似地奔进办公室。
Rumours were flying among the strikers. 谣言在罢工者中间迅速传播。
Our vacation simply flew. 我们的假期简直像飞一般地过去了。
6. 腾飞;腾越栅栏
7. 跳起;赶紧
8. 逃跑;逃避;匆忙离去
You must fly from the danger! 你一定得立即避开危险!
I'm late; I must fly. 我已经晚了,必须赶快走。
9. 消失
Sleep went flying. 睡意消失得一干二净。
10. 碎裂;猛动
The glass flew into pieces. 玻璃杯一下子碎了。
He pressed the knob and the lid flew open. 他一按键钮,盖子便蓦地打开。
11. (flied) 棒击腾空球,击高飞球
12. 放鹰打猎;(猎鹰)飞击
13. (钱财等)很快花完
14. 奏效;得人心
The approach won't fly. 这种方法是行不通的。
15. (吸毒或饮酒后)觉得飘飘然
1. 使飞;放飞(鸽等)
2. 使飘扬;放(风筝等);悬挂(旗);升(旗)
fly a balloon 放气球
The warship was flying the national flag. 这艘军舰挂着国旗。
3. 乘飞机(或宇宙飞船等)飞越;乘(航空公司)的飞机
fly the Atlantic 飞越大西洋
I often fly CAAC. 我经常乘坐中国民航。
4. 驾驶(飞机或宇宙飞船)
He flew his Boeing 707 on to his destination. 他驾驶他的波音707飞机去目的地。
5. 空运(乘客等)
He was flown to the hospital by a military jet. 一架军用喷气式飞机把他送往医院。
6. 驾机执行(任务)
fly a bombing mission 驾机执行轰炸任务
7. 跃过(栅栏等)
8. 逃离;避免,躲开
The criminal flew the country. 罪犯逃到国外去了。
fly the approach of danger 避免接近危险
9. (鹰)打猎;放鹰追逐(猎物);鹰似地追逐
10. (用悬吊法)调换(舞台布景);在舞台上方悬挂(灯、布景片等)

II n.
1. 腾空球,高飞球
2. (衣服、裤子上的)纽扣遮盖;(遮盖着的)纽扣(或拉链等)
Your fly is open.(裤子)的拉链没拉上。
3. (帐篷的)门帘;(帐篷的)帆布外顶
4. 旗;旗的外沿
5. 公共马车;运货马车;[常作 flies] 主英(旧时的)单马出租马车
6. 飞轮
7. (时钟机构等的)整速轮
8. (手织机用的)滑轮梭子;锭翼,锭壳;落棉,飞花,飞毛
9. (书等的)飞页,扉页
10. [flies] 吊景区,悬吊布景的空间
11. 美橄飞越传球,高飞传球(接球员直接跑向前场接球)
12. 飞,飞行;飞行距离
a long fly 长距离飞行
13. 云梯顶部(= fly ladder)
14. 澳口尝试
[<ME flien<OE flēogan; 与OHG fliogan, OE flōwan to flow 有关]
phr. fly about 1. 翱翔
2. (消息、 思想等)四下飞速传播(或扩散)
fly apart 突然爆裂
fly around 急速地走来走去
fly at 1. 扑向;猛烈攻击
The fierce dog flew at the postman. 这只凶恶的狗向邮递员扑去。
She flew at him with bitter reproaches. 她把他痛斥一顿。
2. 放鹰去抓(猎物)
fly blind 1. 作仪表飞行
2. 瞎做;瞎说
I was flying blind when I fixed the car. 我修理汽车时只是在瞎搞一气。
fly contact 作目视地面飞行
fly high 1. 有雄心壮志;野心勃勃
Aren't you flying high, hoping for a place in the first team? 你希望进甲级队,这难道不是雄心壮志吗?
2. 情绪高昂
He was flying high after his team won the game. 他在自己的球队获胜之后欢欣鼓舞。
3. 繁荣昌盛;获得地位
fly in 乘飞机到达
An expert has flown in to do the job. 一位专家已乘飞机到达,来做这项工作。
fly into 突然迸发
fly into a rage (或 passion, temper) 勃然大怒
fly into raptures 欣喜若狂
fly low 销声匿迹
Those robbers are now flying low somewhere in Europe. 那些强盗眼下在欧洲某处隐匿着。
1. 突然离去
The car crashed when the wheel flew off. 当车轮突然脱开时,汽车撞毁了。
2. 赶紧离开;逃跑
She flew off home as soon as she heard of the accident. 她一听到出了事故就飞也似地赶回家。
fly off at a tangent 见 tangent
fly out 1. 乘机离去
She flew out to see her son in hospital. 她乘飞机去看她正在住院的儿子。
2. 突然发怒
What made him fly out like that? 什么事使他如此勃然大怒?
3. 击球员击出腾空球被接出局
fly past 主英(作为礼仪或表演)进行编队定点飞越;作低空编队飞行
To complete the military ceremony, 100 planes will fly past. 阅兵式结束前将有100架飞机作定点飞越。
fly right 美俚守道德,为人正直;循规蹈矩
You must fly right when you get to the party. 你们去参加宴会时一定要守规矩讲礼貌。
fly short of 达不到…的水平
They flew short of that spirit. 他们不能达到那种精神境界。
fly the nest 见nest
fly upon 猛烈攻击
let fly (at) 1. (向…)发射,投射
He let fly an arrow at the target. 他向靶发射一箭。
2. 激烈攻击,(对…)大骂,(对…)大发脾气;大发(脾气等);任凭感情发泄
She let fly at him for being late. 她因他迟到而对他发脾气。
let one's anger fly 发怒
let fly with a deluge of tears 任凭泪水横流
on the fly 1. 在飞行中;未着地时
The bird caught a bug on the fly. 鸟在飞行中捉到一只虫子。
catch a ball on the fly 接住一个未落地的球
2. 匆忙地;在忙碌之中;忙碌的
He had his breakfast on the fly. 他匆匆地吃早餐。
He can make decisions on the fly. 他能在匆忙中作出决定。
Housework keeps Mother on the fly all day. 家务劳动使母亲整天忙忙碌碌。
3. (计算机)运行中
send flying 1. 把…打翻在地;四处乱抛
His father punched him and sent him flying. 他父亲狠揍他,把他打倒在地。
The children sent all their toys flying. 孩子们把玩具扔得满地都是。
2. 驱逐




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