

单词 flourish
释义 flour·ish /ˈflʌrɪʃ;ˈflɜː-/ vi. | vt. | n. | phr.
I vi.
1. 茂盛;繁荣;兴旺;成功
This type of plant flourishes in tropical climates. 这种植物在热带气候下生长茂盛。
Their business flourished when they moved downtown. 他们搬到市中心后生意就兴隆了。
2. (作家等)处于旺盛时期,处于活跃时期;盛行
Painting flourished in Italy in the fifteenth century. 15世纪绘画在意大利达到顶峰。
The game only started to flourish in Europe during the middle ages. 这种游戏在中世纪才开始在欧洲盛行。
3. (人)健壮有力
I hope the children are flourishing. 我希望孩子们正健壮成长。
4. 炫耀,夸耀
5. 手舞足蹈
6. 用装饰音(或前奏曲形式)演奏即兴乐段;(喇叭)吹出响亮的声音
7. (讲话或写作中)使用华丽的词藻;(写字时)加花饰
8. 开花
1. 挥舞;有力地挥动(手臂等)
flourish a baton 挥舞指挥棒
She flourished her clenched fist at him. 她对他挥舞握紧的拳头。
2. 炫耀,夸耀
flourish one's wealth 炫富
3. (用颜色或光怪陆离的图案)装饰,盛饰

II n.
1. 挥舞;虚饰动作,炫耀性的动作;戏剧性的手势
He passed by with a flourish of his whip. 他挥鞭而过。
With a flourish the magician opened a box. 魔术师的手虚晃一下,打开了箱子。
2. 炫耀
The doctor showed us about his hospital with much flourish. 大夫领我们参观了他的医院,颇有炫耀之意。
3. 装饰颤音;即兴前奏曲;装饰乐句;(尤指显要人物进场时的)响亮的铜管乐声;喇叭齐鸣
4. 华丽的词藻;(手写花体字的)花饰
sign with a flourish 用手写花体签名
5. 全盛期
in full flourish 在全盛期
6. 茂盛;繁荣;兴旺;成功
7. 开花
[<OFr florir<L flōrēre to flower<flōs flower]
phr. a flourish of trumpets (报纸等的)大肆鼓吹




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