释义 |
flinch¹ /flɪntʃ/ vi. | vt. | n. I ❶ vi. 1. 缩;退缩;畏缩 She flinched as she touched the hot iron. 她碰到灼热的熨斗时缩了一下。 flinch at pain 因痛而畏缩 flinch from a difficulty (danger, duty) 面临困难(危险,义务)而退缩 flinch from doing sth. 对做某事畏缩不前 2. (打槌球时)缩脚(打“贴击”球时可把踏在球上的脚缩回) ❷ vt. 〈古〉对…退缩不前;从…退缩
II n. 1. 退缩;畏缩 He gave a flinch of pain as the doctor removed the bandage. 医生给他拆绷带时,他因为疼痛而畏缩。 2. 【牌】弗林奇(一种纸牌戏,玩牌者按规定次序在桌上叠牌) [<OFr flenchir to bend<L flectere to bend] |