

单词 flap
释义 flap /flæp/ vi. | vt. | n. | phr.
I (flapped; flap·ping)

1. 拍动;飘动;摆动
curtains flapping in the breeze 在微风中飘动的帷帘
A cold wind flapped from the opposite direction. 一阵寒风迎面吹来。
2. (鸟翼)振动;(鸟等)振翅(飞行)
The bird flapped slowly off. 那鸟慢慢地鼓翼飞走了。
3. (用扁平物)拍打,拍击
She flapped at the insect with a newspaper. 她用报纸拍虫子。
The clown's big shoes flapped along the ground. 小丑的大鞋子啪嗒啪嗒地拍打着地面。
4. 平卧,卧倒(down)
5. (帽边等)垂下
The brim of his hat flapped over one eye. 他的帽边下垂,盖住一只眼睛。
6. 讲蠢话;空谈,唠叨
There's no use flapping about it now. 现在关于这件事讲空话没有用了。
7. 激动;惊慌,慌乱;忧虑
8. (耳)注意地听
stand with one's ears flapping 站着竖耳谛听
1. 使拍动;使飘动;使摆动
The wind flapped the sails. 风吹动船帆。
flap one's arms 挥动手臂
2. (翅),振(翅)飞行
an eagle flapping its wings 振翅飞行的鹰
3. (用扁平物)拍打,拍击
flap the flies away (或 off) 赶苍蝇
The scarf flapped her face. 围巾拍打着她的脸。
4. 扔,掷
flap a book down angrily 气得把书一扔
5. 拉下(帽子)的边
6. 唤起…的注意
7. 用…示意走开
flap a hand at him in dismissal 用手示意他可以走了

II n.
1. 飘动;摆动;(翅的)振动
the flap of the flag 旗子的飘动
2. 拍打,拍动;拍打声;用以拍打的扁平物
3. 片状垂悬物;帽边;鞋舌;袋盖;信封(或纸板箱)口盖;蘑菇形盖;勒口(书的护封的内折边)
a cap with flaps to cover the ears 有耳盖的帽子
a tent flap 帐篷门(或窗)
the flap of a pocket 口袋的袋盖
stick down the flap of the envelope 封好信封盖
4. (印第安人用以遮盖下腹部的)肚罩
5. (折叠式桌子等的)折板,铰链板;(活板门的)活板
6. (鱼的)鳃盖
7. (飞机的)襟翼,副翼,阻力板
8. 激动;慌乱(或忧虑)状态;紧急情况,危机
cause a flap 引起激动(或慌乱)
get into a flap 激动(或慌乱)起来
She's in a bit of flap. 她有点慌乱。
Everything was working smoothly, there was no flap. 一切都很顺利,没有任何慌乱现象。
“What's the flap?” asked John. 约翰问道:“慌什么?”
find oneself in the biggest political flap 发现自己处于最大的政治危机中
9. 待命行动
10. (准备作移植用而尚未完全割下的)皮片,皮瓣
11. 闪音
12. (短期内在小范围里对空中不明飞行物的)集中观察
phr. sb.'s ears are flapping 某人正仔细聆听与自己无关的事情;某人在偷听




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