

单词 fish¹
释义 fish¹ /fɪʃ/ n. | vi. | vt. | a. | phr.
I ([复] fish(es))

eat two fish 吃两条鱼
catch (raise) a lot of fishes 捕获(养殖)许多种鱼
The fish weren't fresh. 鱼不新鲜。
Fishes swim. 鱼都会游水。
2. [常用以构成复合词]水生动物
cuttle fish 墨鱼
3. 鱼肉
a piece of boiled fish 一方煮熟的鱼肉
4. 人,家伙;怪人
a queer (或 an odd) fish 怪人
a poor fish 可怜虫(或倒霉的家伙)
5. 吊锚器
6. 美俚容易受骗的人,笨蛋;生手;力弱的对手;新来囚犯
7. 美俚天主教徒
8. 美俚美元
9. 鱼雷;潜水艇

II vi.
1. 捕鱼;钓鱼
fish in the sea 在海里捕鱼
fish for a living 以捕鱼为生
Let's go fishing. 我们去钓鱼吧。
2. 似用钓钩般探找,钓取
fish with a stick for one's watch 用棍棒探找手表
3. 摸找,搜寻
fish in one's pocket for a piece of paper 在口袋里摸索寻找纸片
4. (用捞、挖等办法)在水下寻找
fish for pearls 采集珍珠
5. (用不正当的手段)攫取;转弯抹角地引出;间接探听(for)
fish for fame and honours 沽名钓誉
fish for information 探听消息
6. (河流等)适于钓鱼
This stream fishes well. 这条小河有很多鱼可钓。
1. 捕,钓(鱼等);采集(珊瑚)
2. 在…中捕鱼;用(船、网等)捕鱼
fish a river 在河中捕鱼
3. 捕鱼似地在…中搜寻
fish a river for sth. 在河里仔细寻找某物
4. 掏出;捞取;从…捞出
fish an envelope out of one's pocket 从口袋里掏出一个信封
The body of the woman had been fished out of the river. 那个女人的尸体从河里被捞了上来。
5. 用吊锚器吊起(锚)
6. 用带钩的线在导管中(或地板间、墙壁间)牵引(电线)

III a.
[< OE fisc; 与 ON fiskr, Goth fiscs, Russ piskar, L piscis 有关]
phr. All is fish that comes to his (或 my, your) net. 抓到网里便是鱼。(意指能把任何东西变为有用或只要有好处的来者不拒)
a big fish 大人物
a loose fish 放荡不羁者
a pretty (或 nice, fine) kettle of fish 见 kettle
as mute as a fish 默不作声
big fish in a little pond 小塘中的大鱼(意指矮子中的高个儿或只在很小范围内有影响的人)
cry stinking fish 叫卖臭鱼;暴露自己的缺点,拆自己的台
drink like a fish 大喝,牛饮;喝过量的酒
feed the fishes 1. 葬身鱼腹
2. 晕船
Fish begins to stink at the head. (或 Fish begins to rot from the head.) 鱼要腐烂头先臭。(意指上梁不正下梁歪)
fish in troubled waters 见 troubled waters
fish or cut bait 要么全力以赴要么索性放弃;在两者中作出抉择;下定决心不再动摇
Jack couldn't decide whether to go to college or get a job, so his father told him to fish or cut bait. 杰克不能决定去读大学还是去工作,所以父亲要他快作抉择。
fish out 1. 把…中的鱼捕尽
That stream is completely fished out. 那条小河里的鱼全给捕光了。
2. 掏出;拖出;(经仔细询问等)探出(消息);把…从(水、容器等处)取出
fish out a key 摸出一把钥匙
fish up 捞起
fish up sunk ammunition 捞起沉在水底的弹药
have other (或 bigger) fish to fry 另有更重要的事要干;另有他图
like a fish out of water 如鱼离水;感到生疏(或不适应)
With these people he'd feel like a fish out of water. 与这些人在一起,他会感到格格不入。
like shooting fish in a barrel 轻而易举地;手到擒来地
make fish of one and flesh (或 fowl) of another 以不同态度对待两人;偏爱一方;厚此薄彼
neither fish, flesh, nor good red herring (或 neither fish nor fowl) 非驴非马;不伦不类;古怪的人(或物);难以理解的人(或事)
Never offer to teach fish to swim. 切勿教鱼游泳。(意指不要班门弄斧)
The best fish smell when they are three days old. 再好的鱼三天也要变臭。(意指久住招人嫌)
The best fish swim (或 are) near the bottom. 好鱼居水底。(意指有价值的东西不能轻易得到)
there are plenty more fish in the sea 天涯何处无芳草,天下好女人(或男人)多的是
There's as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it. 海里的好鱼是取之不尽的。(意指纵然失去一个机会不愁没有其他好机会)




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