

单词 fire
释义 fire /ˈfaɪə(r)/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr.
I n.
light the fire with one's remaining carbon copies 用剩下的复写副本来点火
Keep away from fire! 切勿近火!
2. 炉火
sit round the fire 围着炉火坐
Warm yourself at the fire. 来烤烤火吧。
pay for one's fires 付烤火费
3. 电炉;煤气取暖器
a fire stoked up in one's office 办公室生起的一只炉子
a coal fire 煤炉
4. 火灾,失火
Fire! 着火啦!
a forest fire 森林火灾
5. (燃烧状态的)燃料;柴火,引火物;烟火
6. 似火的东西;发光体,闪光;
the fire of lightning 闪电光
the fire of a gem 宝石的闪光
The blue eyes shot fire. 蓝色的眼睛射出火一般的光。
fires of heaven (或 heavenly fires) 星星
7. 热情;激情;强烈的感情;生气
a man full of fire and determination 充满热情和决心的人
breathe fire against sb. 骂某人一个焦头烂额
8. 生动的想象
Your lectures lack fire. 在你的讲课中缺乏想象的火花。
9. 剧痛;发烧;发炎
the fire of a wound 伤口的发炎
10. 苦难,磨难;严峻的考验
the fire of battle 战斗的严峻考验
11. 射击;炮火,火力
artillery fire 炮火
cease fire 停火
return fire 回击
12. 猛烈的批评,一连串的批评指责
run into critical fire 遭到评家攻击
He was subjected to a fire of reproaches. 他受到了一连串的指责。
13. (旧时的)火刑
14. (酒的)热效应;体内火辣辣的感觉
15. 雷电,闪电
16. (古代及中世纪哲学里构成自然界的元素之一)

II vt.
1. 使燃烧,放火烧;点燃
fire a house 放火烧屋
fire dry leaves 点燃干树叶
2. (炉子等)加燃料
fire a furnace 给炉子加燃料
3. (在窑内)烧制(陶器、砖等);焙,烘制(茶叶、烟草等)
4. 使发光;使发红;使发亮;使发热
5. 激起,唤起;使充满激情;激励
fire the masses with great enthusiasm 激起群众的巨大热情
fire one's imagination 激发想象力
The sight of him fired my blood. 一看见他我就热血沸腾。
be fired by sb.'s example 受某人榜样的激励
6. (枪、炮等);射出(子弹等);使爆炸;(在竞赛中)(分)
fire a gun at 向…开枪
fire a salute 放礼炮
fire a rocket 发射火箭
fire a shot 射出一发子弹
7. 猛烈地发出
fire questions at sb. 对某人提出连珠炮似的问题
8. 猛掷
fire a pebble at sb.'s window 向某人窗户掷卵石
9. 解雇,开除
be fired from one's job 被解雇
10. 烧灼
11. (似)用火赶走
1. 着火,开始燃烧,发出火焰;(内燃机汽缸)点火,发火
Damp wood will not fire. 潮湿的木头不会着火。
2. 烧火,司炉
There was no one to fire for them. 没有人替他们烧火。
3. 发热;发红;发亮
The strobe light fired, turning everything momentarily white. 频闪灯光亮起,使所有一切顿呈白色。
4. 激动;突然发怒;被激起;充满激情
His heart swells, and his imagination fires. 他心潮起伏,浮想联翩。
5. 开火,开枪;开炮;发射火箭;(枪等)射击
fire at the enemy 向敌人开火
fire upon the enemy works 炮击敌人的工事
fire on sb. with a revolver 用左轮手枪射击某人
The soldiers fired from the fort. 战士从堡垒开枪射击。
The gun wouldn't fire. 枪打不响。
6. (谷物因干旱等在成熟前)变黄
7. (陶器、砖等因烧制)引起变化,引起反应
This clay fires a deep red. 这种黏土烧后变成深红色。
[< OE fÿr; 与 OSax fiur, ON fūrr, OHG fūir, Gr pur pyre 有关]
phr. a running fire 1. 连发,连射
2. 一连串的抨击
between two fires 遭两面夹攻
I'm caught between two fires. 我腹背受敌。
blow (up) a fire 把火吹旺;煽动
build (或 light) a fire under sb. 催促某人行动起来;唤起某人
carry fire in one hand and water in the other 口不应心,施展两面手法,口是心非
catch fire 1. 着火,开始燃烧
Cotton catches fire easily. 棉花易燃。
2. 激动;得到广泛而热情的支持
The audience caught fire at the speaker's words and began to cheer. 听众听了演讲者的话群情激昂,一齐欢呼起来。
The delegates wondered why he had not caught fire with voters. 代表们不知道为什么他没有受到选民的热情支持。
draw fire 1. 吸引火力;成为靶子
The general's white horse drew the enemy's fire. 这位将军的白马成为敌人的靶子。
2. 招致批评;激起争论
The whole compensation program is drawing fire for two basic reasons. 整个赔偿计划由于两项根本原因而受到抨击。
fight fire with fire 以火攻火;以其人之道还治其人之身
fire and brimstone 地狱里的磨难
fire and sword (尤指侵略军的)大肆烧杀破坏
fire away (或 ahead) 1. 开枪
The captain barked the command, “Fire away!” 上尉大声命令:“开火!”
2. (弹药等)打光
3. [常用于祈使句]开始讲;干起来;开始像连珠炮似地提问(或讲话);口头攻击
Fire away. We're all listening. 开始讲吧。我们都在听着。
It's useless to fire away with such trivial details. 喋喋不休地谈这些琐碎的细节是无用的。
fire in the (或 one's) belly 志向,热情;雄心壮志;推动力 1. 开(炮等);发射(火箭等)
fire off the first artificial satellite 发射第一颗人造卫星
2. 耗尽,用完;射光
3. 恶狠狠地发出;匆忙寄发
fire off questions 激烈地提出质问
fire off an angry letter of resignation to sb. 向某人发出一封愤怒的辞职信
fire off another appeal to sb. for military assistance 急急向某人再次提出请求军事援助的呼吁
fire out 解雇,开除
fire up 1. 生火,点燃
fire up a cigar 点着一支雪茄烟
2. (使)发怒
She fires up at the least thing. 她常为了一点小事而发火。
fire up opponents 激怒对手
3. 发动(引擎等)
fire up one's truck 发动卡车
4. 激发;煽动
fire up the imagination 激发想象力
fire sb. up for the attack on sth. 煽动某人起来攻击某事
go on fire 苏格兰爱尔兰开始燃烧
go through fire and water 赴汤蹈火
hang fire 1. (枪、炮)不发火,打不响,迟缓发射
2. (行动)迟延,犹豫不决;(事件)进展过于缓慢
The cabinet hangs fire over bank strike. 内阁对银行罢工事件的处理举棋不定。
3. 悬而未决
an issue that has been hanging fire for years 多年来一直未予解决的问题
hold (one's) fire 忍着不表态
Mary held fire until she had enough information to convince the other club members. 玛丽要等到有足够材料可以说服其他俱乐部成员时才表态。
keep the home fires burning 维持现状
lay (或 make) a fire (把燃料放入炉中)准备生火
make up a fire 往炉火添柴(或煤等)
miss fire 1. (枪、炮)不发火,打不响
2. 失败;得不到预想的效果
Her plan seems to have missed fire. 她的计划看来已失败了。
nurse the fire 1. 看管着火使不熄灭
2. 紧靠着火,烤火
on fire 1. 起火,着火
The house is on fire. 房子着火了。
I've broken my arm. It's on fire. 我手臂断了,火辣辣地痛。
2. 充满火一般的热情,非常激动;热切
eyes on fire 火辣辣的眼光
on the fire 美俚在予以考虑(或审议)
You have anything on the fire yourself? 你本人在酝酿什么作品吗?
open fire 1. 开火,开始射击;开始投掷
The enemy opened fire on us before we reached safety. 在我们抵达安全地带前敌人向我们开火。
2. 开始
play with fire 玩火
He who plays with fire gets burned. 玩火者必自焚。
pull out of the fire 使转危为安;使免遭毁灭
We just pulled the game out of the fire. 我们好不容易胜了这场比赛。
put a fire under sb. = build a fire under sb.
sacred fire1. 神圣的爱情之火,真挚的爱
2. 天才
save out of the fire 把…从灾难中救出
set fire to 使燃烧;点燃
The sparks set fire to the oily rags. 火花使浸了油的破布烧了起来。
set on fire 1. 使燃烧,放火烧
set the house on fire with petrol 用汽油放火烧房子
2. 使激动
snatch out of the fire = pull out of the fire
soft fire makes sweet malt.文火煮出好麦芽糖。(意指慢工出细活)
strike fire (用火石等)打火
take fire 1. 着火,开始燃烧
The paper took fire. 纸着火了。
2. 激动起来
The audience took fire at his last words. 众人听到他最后几句话群情激昂。
under fire 1. 遭到炮火袭击
display conspicuous bravery under fire 在遭到炮火袭击时表现突出的勇敢
The soldiers stood firm under fire of the enemy. 在敌人炮火袭击下战士们毫不退缩。
2. 受到攻击(或批评、责难等)
The basic policy is under fire. 这项基本政策受到攻击。
Recently he has come under savage fire from a variety of journalists. 近来他受到了许多报界人士猛烈的抨击。
Where's the fire? 急啥?




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