释义 |
fin·ger /ˈfɪŋɡə(r)/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr. I n. 1. (尤指大拇指以外的)手指 the long finger 中指 the small finger 小指 have one's finger on sb.'s pulse 用手指给某人诊脉 He put his finger over his lips to indicate silence. 他把手指放在嘴唇上示意噤声。 2. (手套的)套手指部分 3. 指状物;作手指用的东西;指针;【机】棘爪 fingers of dark clouds 指状乌云 a narrow finger of land extending into the sea 伸向大海的狭长地 the finger of a clock 钟的指针 4. 一指之宽(约¾英寸);一中指之长(约4½英寸);〈俚〉深度为一指宽的水(或酒)的容量 pour three fingers of scotch into a glass 把3个手指深的苏格兰威士忌酒倒在玻璃杯里 5. 【音】弹奏技巧 6. (航站大楼上下飞机的)走廊桥 7. 〈俚〉警察;告密者;扒手;卑鄙的人;古怪的人;向罪犯提供情报(或指明受害者)的人 8. [fingers] 手 a phone at fingers' touch 近在手边的电话机 9. 〈美俚〉弹奏爵士乐的钢琴师 10. 〈美俚〉(分享的)百分之十的赃物
II ❶ vt. 1. 用指触碰;拨弄,抚摸 finger one's pocket 用指触碰自己的口袋 finger a bunch of keys 拨弄一串钥匙 He fingered his eye. 他用手指揉眼睛。 2. 用指弹奏(乐器);用某种指法弹(一段音乐);给(乐谱)标明指法符号 3. 指出 finger sb. as the instigator 指出某人是唆使者 finger a sinister warning 指指点点作出凶险警告 4. (像手指般)伸入 The beams of the searchlights fingered the sky. 一道道探照灯光刺破天空。 Emerald cane fields finger their way into the rugged terrain. 绿色的甘蔗田像手指般延伸进崎岖不平的地带。 5. 〈美俚〉向职业杀手指明(行刺对象);为盗贼提供(行窃对象或情报) finger a bank for a holdup 向罪犯指明作为抢劫目标的银行 6. 偷窃 7. 受(贿) 8. 〈美俚〉告密,告发;向警察指明(罪犯等);指责;监视;尾随 finger sb.'s hideout 告发某人的躲藏地点 You think your sources can finger him? 你认为你掌握的情报来源足以指责他吗? 9. 挑出 (for) ❷ vi. 1. 用指弹奏;用某种指法 2. 用指触碰;拨弄 finger through the dusty shelves of old books 用指触摸满是灰尘的旧书书架 3. (像手指般)伸出 The docks finger out into the water. 码头伸向水面。 4. 适于手指操作 [ME < OE; 与 OHG fingar, ON fingr, Goth fingrs,? OE fīf five 有关] phr. (a) finger on the wall 灾难的预兆 burn one's fingers 1. 由于多管闲事 (或愚蠢行为)而吃苦头 2. 因投机买卖而亏本 by a finger's breadth 差一点 by the finger of God 靠神力 can (或 could) be counted on the fingers (of one hand) 屈指可数,寥寥无几 crook one's little finger 〈俚〉喝酒;酗酒 cross one's fingers 1. (把食指与中指交叉)祈求走运 (或成功) 2. (把食指与中指交叉)试图减轻说谎的罪过 get a finger in sth. = have a finger in sth. get one's finger out= pull one's finger out get one's fingers burnt= burn one's fingers get one's fingers into sth.插手某事,参与某事 give sb. the finger 1. 向某人伸出中指(表示轻蔑等) 2. 恶意对待某人,亏待某人 have a finger in sth. 参与某事 He had a finger in every major upheaval of the last ten years. 他参与了最近10年来每一次重大的动乱。 have a (或 one's) finger in the (或 every) pie 〈口〉 1. 参与其事;多管闲事 2. 干涉 have sth. at one's finger(s') ends 对某事了如指掌,熟悉某事 keep fingers on sth. 干预某事 keep fingers on one's own affairs 只管自己的事 keep (或 have) one's fingers crossed (把食指与中指交叉)祈求好运(或不倒霉) I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. 我将为你祝福。 lay a finger on = put a finger on lay one's finger on= put one's finger on let through one's finger听任…从指缝间溜掉;错过(机会等); You're not going to let a chance like that slip through your fingers, are you? 你不打算错过那样的机会,是吗? lift a finger 尽举手之劳;帮一点忙 lift a finger to help sb. 帮某人一点忙 Not a finger would he lift in their defence. 他绝不会出点力气去保卫他们。 look through one's fingers at 对…假装没看见 move a finger = lift a finger one's fingers are all thumbs笨手笨脚 one's fingers itch to do sth. 手痒痒地急于干某事 point the (或 a, one's) finger at (轻蔑地)指责 point a finger at companies that violate price standards 指责违反价格标准的公司 pull one's finger out 〈英俚〉赶紧;开始认真工作 put a (或 one's) finger in the (或 every) pie = have a (或 one's) finger in the (或 every) pie put a finger on 触碰;干扰;动…一根毫毛 put one's finger in one's eye 哭泣 put one's finger in the dyke 试图阻止不良倾向的发展,防微杜渐 put one's finger on 〈口〉确切地指出 put one's finger on the cause (problem) 确切指出原因(问题)所在 She could not put her finger definitely on the moment when it began. 她不能明确地指出那是什么时候开始的。 put the finger on 〈美俚〉向警察当局告发;向暗杀者指明(受害者);指明…为抢劫目标 raise a finger = lift a finger shake a finger at the problem 指出问题所在 snap (或 click) one's fingers 捻手指(以一种满不在乎的方式吸引他人注意力或伴音乐节拍) snap one's finger for a waiter 捻手指传唤侍者 stick a (或 one's) finger in the (或 every) pie = have a (或 one's) finger in the (或 every) pie stick to (或 in) sb.'s fingers (钱)被某人侵占 stir a finger = lift a finger take one's finger out= pull one's finger out the fickle finger of fate变化无常的命运 twist (或 wind, turn) sb. around (或 round) one's (little) finger 左右某人;任意摆布某人;完全控制某人 wag a (或 one's) finger at = shake a (或 one's) finger at with a wet finger 毫不费力地 wag a (或 one's) finger at = shake a (或 one's) finger at with a wet finger 毫不费力地 work one's fingers to the bone 〈口〉不住手地干 |