释义 |
fine¹ /faɪn/ a. | ad. | vt. | vi. | n. | phr. I a. 1. 美好的,极好的;完美的;优秀的;杰出的 a fine view 美景 a fine painting 一幅出色的画 the fine traditions of the Red Army 红军的优良传统 a fine teacher 一位杰出的教师 That's fine! 好极了! A fine friend you have been! 你真够朋友!(用作反语) That's a fine excuse. 那理由可真充分!(用作反语) 2. (字体)小号的;纤细的;(钢笔头等)尖细的 fine thread 细纱线 a pencil with a fine point 一枝笔头尖细的铅笔 3. (刀刃等)快的,锋利的;(感觉等)敏锐的,灵敏的 a knife with a fine edge 锋利的刀 have a fine ear for 对…听觉灵敏 4. 精制的,颗粒微小的;精确的,精密的;纤巧的 fine flour 精制面粉 fine sand 细沙 fine rain 细雨 fine linen (china) 细麻布(瓷器) a fine adjustment 精确的校准 fine workmanship 精细的做工 5. 优雅的,雅致的 fine manners 优雅的风度 6. 细微的,细微难察的 a fine distinction 细微的差别 7. (讲话、写作等)过于夸饰的;委婉的;恭维的;炫耀的 fine writing 华而不实的文体 We've had enough of your fine speeches! 你的漂亮言词我们已听够了! say fine things about sb. 恭维某人 call things by fine names 用好听的名称称呼事物(常指用生僻的词代替通俗的词以炫耀自己) 8. 好看的,漂亮的;硕大的;(行为)高贵的 a fine young man 漂亮的年轻小伙子 fine clothes 华丽的衣服 fine potatoes 硕大的土豆 a fine character 高贵的品质 9. 健康的;舒适的 feel fine 觉得身体很好 This flat is fine for two people, but not more. 这套房间给两个人住很舒适,再多就不行。 10. [亦作 fine up](天气)晴朗的 It's turned out fine again. 天又转晴。 11. 纯净的,无杂质的 a wine of fine bouquet 香味纯正的酒 fine gold 纯金 12. (纯金或纯银)含量高的 gold 18 carats fine 18开金 13. (运动员、赛马等)锻炼得体格健全的,能适应大运动量的 14. [用以加强语气]极度的,非常的;极糟的 in a fine frenzy 盛怒之下 That's a fine thing to say! 说这话多不得体! 15. (板球)在三柱门后面的 16. 〈废〉聪明的,机灵的
II ad. 1. 〈口〉很;很好 I like it fine. 我很喜欢这件东西。 That'll suit me fine. 那对我太合适了。 talk fine 说得好听 2. 细小地 Cut up the vegetables very fine. 把菜切细。 3. 【台】两球轻擦而过
III ❶ vt. 1. 使精细;(在线条、比例等方面)使细小 His face was fined down. 他的脸消瘦下来了。 2. 使纯;澄清 fine wine 使酒纯化 fine one's tuning 使音调纯正 fine away superfluous matter in a design 删去图案中多余的东西 ❷ vi. 1. (天气)转晴;变得精细;(在线条、比例等方面)变细(小),缩小 (away, down, off) The weather gradually fined. 天气逐渐转晴。 2. 变纯;(液体)变清 The ale will fine. 啤酒会变清的。
IV n. 1. 好天气 in rain or fine 不管天晴下雨 2. [fines] (矿石、磨粉等的)微小颗粒 [< OFr fin perfected < L fīnīre to finish < fīnis end¹, boundary] phr. all very fine 〈口〉好倒是很好;固然不错 That's all very fine, but what about me? 那好倒是很好,可我怎么样呢? cut it fine 1. 作出精确的计算; (在时间、金钱等上)算得几乎不留余地 You are cutting it a bit fine if you want to catch the 5:30 train!要赶5点半的火车,你把时间扣得太紧了点。 2. 作出精细的区分 do fine 1. 绝对令人满意 2. 健康;舒适 The baby is doing fine. 小宝宝非常健康。 3. 令人满意地 do sb. fine 适合某人 fine and dandy 十全十美的 one fine day 见 day one of these fine days 见 day run it fine = cut it fine sb.'s finest hour某人最得意的时候 some fine day 见 day the finer points of …细微难察的一面 |