

单词 film
释义 film /fɪlm/ n. | vt. | vi.
I n.
1. 薄层;薄膜;膜,薄皮
a film of oil on water 水面上薄薄的一层油
a film of dust 一层灰尘
a sheet of plastic film 一块塑料薄膜
transparent wrapping film 包装用透明薄膜
2. 胶片;胶卷
a roll of film 一个胶卷
buy a faster film 买一卷快速胶卷
3. 影片,电影;[films]电影业;电影制作术
a documentary film 记录片
shoot (make) a film 拍摄(制作)影片
go to the films 去看电影
get on the films 上银幕
Anna never tried to get (或 go) into films. 安娜从未试图进入电影界。
4. 薄雾
There was a pale film of light in the sky. 天空有层淡白色的光。
5. 薄片,箔
6. 细丝;轻薄的细丝网
a film of cobweb 蜘蛛网
7. (眼的)模糊不清;(眼的)薄翳

II vt.
1. 在…上覆以一层薄东西
His chest and back were filmed with perspiration. 他的前胸和后背都是汗津津的。
film a slice of bread with butter 给一片面包涂上一层薄薄的黄油
2. 拍摄;把…拍成电影
film a new movie 拍摄一部新电影
film a novel 把一部小说摄制成电影
film the King's arrival in the capital 拍摄国王抵达首都的场面
1. 被盖上一层薄东西;变朦胧
The pond filmed over with ice. 池塘里结了一层薄冰。
Her eyes filmed with tears (或 filmed over). 她两眼因泪水而模糊不清。
2. 拍摄电影
film on location 拍外景
3. 适于摄成电影
She films well (ill). 她适于(不适于)上电影镜头。
The scene ought to film beautifully. 这个场面摄入电影镜头应当是很美的。
[< OE filmen membrance; 与 Gr pelma sole of the foot, OE fell skin 有关]




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