

单词 fiddle
释义 fid·dle /ˈfɪdl/ n. | vi. | vt. | int. | phr.
I n.
1. 小提琴
2. 提琴类乐器
3. 餐具框(防止餐具在船摇摆时滚落用)
4. 欺诈;欺骗行为,骗局
5. 细活

II vi.
1. 拉小提琴
2. 无目的地用手拨弄(at, with)
fiddle at the hem of the skirt 用手拨弄裙子的褶边
fiddle (about) with a pencil 用手不停地拨弄铅笔
3. 胡来,乱动;(对机械等)盲目摆弄(with)
fiddle with sb.'s bicycle 乱动某人的自行车
fiddle with the wires inside a television set 胡乱摆弄电视机内的电线
4. 闲荡;不经意地干活(about, around)
We'd better get started and stop fiddling about. 我们最好还是开始干起来,别再闲荡了。
5. 伪造,篡改(with)
fiddle with the accounts 篡改账目
6. 插手(in)
fiddle clandestinely in other governments 暗中干预他国政府的事务
7. 施展阴谋诡计
They fiddled into this job. 他们用诡计骗得了这项工作。
1. 用小提琴演奏(曲调等)
2. 浪费(时间等) (away)
fiddle away the whole day 浪费整整一天
3. 用诡计获得,骗取
fiddle promotion for sb. 用诡计使某人得到提升
4. 伪造,篡改(记录、数据、账目等)
fiddle the books 造假账
fiddle an income tax return 伪造所得税申报表
He has been fiddling the accounts for years. 他多年来一直在篡改账目。

III int.
[< OE fithele < ? ML vītula < L vītulārī to celebrate]
phr. a face as long as a fiddle 见 face
fiddle while Rome burns 火烧眉毛之际仍关注琐碎之事
(as) fit (或 fine) as a fiddle 非常健康;精神很好
hang up one's fiddle when one comes home 在外谈笑风生在家死气沉沉
on the fiddle 从事欺诈活动
play first fiddle 担任第一小提琴手;居首要职位
play (或 be) second fiddle (to) 见 second fiddle




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