释义 |
fer·ment /ˈfɜːment/ n. | vt. | vi. I n. 1. 【生化】酵素;酶 2. 发酵 3. 激动;骚动;动乱;纷扰 be in a ferment 在激动(或骚动)中 The whole city was in a state of ferment. 整个城市处于动乱之中。 After their announcement the academic community was thrown into ferment. 他们的通告发表以后,学术界沸腾起来了。 4. 蓬勃发展 the great period of creative ferment in literature 文学创作蓬勃发展的伟大时期
II /fəˈment/ ❶ vt. 1. 使发酵 When wine is fermented, it gives off bubbles of gas. 酒发酵时便冒出气泡。 2. 酝酿 Oppressive poverty fermented violent discontent. 难以忍受的贫困酝酿着强烈的不满。 3. 使激动;使骚动;激起;煽动 ferment prejudiced crowds to riot 煽动抱有偏见的人群起来闹事 ❷ vi. 1. 发酵 Cider ferments if kept long. 苹果汁放久了会发酵。 2. 激动;骚动 His mind was fermenting with plans for the vacation. 他心里躁动着度假的种种计划。 [< L fementum yeast < fervēre to seethe] |