

单词 feel
释义 feel /fiːl/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr.
I (felt /felt/)

1. 摸,触
He felt the coat to see if it was wet. 他摸了一下衣服,看看是否湿了。
We walked backward until we felt the wall. 我们后退着走,直到摸着墙壁。
2. 摸索,探索
He felt two of his pockets and produced a small notebook. 他摸摸两只衣袋,然后取出一个小笔记本。
feel one's way towards real democracy 摸索通往真正民主的道路
3. (通过触觉)发觉;意识到,觉得,感受到;感知;经受
Feel how cold my hands are. 你摸摸,我的手有多凉。
feel rain on the face 发觉有雨点打在脸上
We felt the house shake. 我们感觉到房子在摇晃。
feel a nail in a shoe 觉得鞋里有钉子
feel one's responsibility 意识到自己的责任
feel pain (joy, pity) 感到痛苦(高兴,怜悯)
feel fear (uneasiness) 感到害怕(心神不安)
feel confidence in sb. 对某人有信任感
feel one's health improving (或 improve) 感到自己的健康状况在好转
feel a blow 感到挨了一击
He shall feel my vengeance. 他定将尝到我复仇的滋味。
4. 受…的影响
The ship feels her helm. 船受舵的操纵航行。
5. 以为,认为;相信
I feel it necessary to make a correction. 我认为有必要修正一下。
I feel that he has done his best. 在我看来他已尽了最大的努力。
They all felt the plan to be unwise. 他们都认为这项计划考虑不周。
be felt to be a leader 被公认为领袖
6. 美俚摸弄…的身体(尤指生殖器等部位)
1. 摸索;摸索着寻找
She felt in her bag for a pencil. 她在包里摸索着找支铅笔。
feel about in the dark 在黑暗中四下摸索着
2. 有知觉;(人)觉得
Can you feel in your fingers? 你手指有知觉吗?
How are you feeling today? 你今天觉得身体怎么样?
I feel hot (cold). 我感到热(冷)
feel sorry (happy, sad) 感到遗憾(愉快,悲伤)
How do you feel about the problem? 这个问题你怎么看?
I felt such a fool. 我意识到自己竟如此大出洋相。
I feel of no use to anybody. 我感到自己对任何人都没有用处。
3. (客体)给人某种感觉;(摸上去)给人某种手感
It feels cold outside. 外面很冷。
It feels good to be on vacation. 度假这滋味真不错。
The sun felt good. 阳光宜人。
This cloth feels soft. 这布摸上去手感柔软。
4. 同情
We all feel keenly for him in his great trouble. 我们对他遇到的巨大困难都由衷地同情。
5. 诉诸感情
6. 美俚(尤指为获得性满足而偷偷地)摸弄别人 (up)

II n.
1. 触,摸
Let me have a feel. 让我摸一下。
2. 触觉;手感
a surface rough to the feel 摸上去很粗糙的表面
I can tell he is quite ill by the feel of his forehead. 一摸他的前额,我就知道他病得不轻。
3. 感觉;知觉
Wet soap has a greasy feel. 湿肥皂给人一种滑腻感。
the feel of joy 欣喜的感觉
The movie gave us a feel of what it was really like during the war. 这部影片使我们感受到战争期间的真实情况。
4. 特有的气氛;特质;(客体给人的)感受
a festive feel 节日气氛
5. 直感;本能的鉴赏力
She has a (good) feel for music. 她很有乐感。
6. 美俚(对别人生殖器等部位的)摸弄
[< OE felan; 与OHG fuolen, ON fālma to grope, L palma palm 有关]
phr. cop a feel 美俚(假作无意地)摸弄别人身体(尤指生殖器等部位)
feel free (to do sth.) [常用于邀请或安慰他人]随意,不必拘束
feel good 美俚有几分醉意
feel like 1. 摸上去如同
This feels like silk. 这东西摸上去像丝绸。
2. 感到好似
When I realised what a stupid mistake I had made, I felt like a fool. 当我发现我犯了个多蠢的错误时,我觉得自己真是个大笨蛋。
It feels like years. 感觉中好像已有很多年了。
3. 想要
I don't feel like taking a tour. 我不想去旅行。
feel one's age 感觉自己老了,感觉精力不支了
feel (like或 quite) oneself 1. 觉得身体情况正常
2. 沉着,镇定
feel out 试探出…的意见(或态度);弄清楚
Feel him out on this matter. 摸清楚他对这件事的态度。
feel out the positions of both sides 摸清双方的立场
feel strongly about 对…深有所感,对…有明确态度(或定见)
He felt strongly enough about it to object. 他坚决不赞成此事而提出异议。
feel up to 觉得能够担当,觉得可以对付
He doesn't feel up to the job. 他觉得担当不了这项工作。
get the (或 a) feel of (或 for) 尝得…的味道;开始熟谙
You'll soon get the feel of the new job. 你不久就会对这项新工作有所体会。
make oneself felt 设法引起他人注意,设法不使自己受到冷落




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