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fault /fɔːlt/ n. | vi. | vt. | phr. I n. 1. 缺点;毛病 merits and faults 优缺点 Her only fault is that she is sometimes late. 她唯一的缺点是有时迟到。 a fault in a bolt of cloth 一匹布中的疵点 2. 错误 acknowledge one's faults 承认错误 commit a fault 犯错误 a fault in the answer to an arithmetic problem 算术题答数的错误 3. 不端行为;违法行为;错事 4. [只用单](对错误所负的)责任;过失,过错 The fault lies with me, not with you. 是我的责任,不是你的错。 The accident was the driver's fault. 这事故是司机的过错。 They became unemployed through (或 from) no fault of their own. 他们的失业不是由于自身的过失造成的。 5. 【地】断层 6. 【电子】故障 7. (网球、手球等的)发球失误 8. (狩猎时猎犬的)失去臭迹 9. 〈古〉缺乏,不足 10. 〈废〉违约;未履行;玩忽
II ❶ vi. 1. 【地】产生断层 2. 犯错误,出差错 ❷ vt. 1. 【地】在…产生断层 2. 找…的缺点,挑剔,指责;批评 We could not fault him on his knowledge of algebra. 他在代数方面的知识我们无懈可击。 a performance which could not be faulted 无可挑剔的演出 fault sb. for not having envisaged all the possibilities 指责某人没有设想到所有的可能性 fault the government for failing to take a strong stand 批评政府未采取强硬立场 3. 在…中出差错;做错 [< OFr faute <? VL fallita < L fallere to fail] phr. at fault 1. 出毛病,有故障;靠不住 My memory is at fault. 我想不起来了。 His theory was entirely at fault and was therefore unacceptable. 他的理论完全站不住脚,所以不能接受。 2. 感到困惑,不知所措 3. (猎犬)失去臭迹 4. 有过错,有责任 Which of the two drivers was at fault in the car crash? 这两个驾驶员在汽车碰撞事故中哪一个负有责任? Faults are thick where love is thin. 〈谚〉一朝情义淡,样样不顺眼。 find fault 找岔子;抱怨 Why do you find fault so much? 你为什么老是抱怨? find fault with 找…的岔子,挑剔;批评 They found fault with everything I said. 他们对我所说的一切都要挑剔。 The poor child was always being found fault with. 那个可怜的孩子备受指摘。 in fault 有过错,有责任 Who's in fault? 是谁的过错? to a fault 过分地,过度地 He is particular to a fault. 他过于苛求。 with all faults 【商】商品售出概不退换 |