

单词 fall
释义 fall /fɔːl/ vi. | vt. | n. | a. | phr.
I (fell /fel/, fall·en /ˈfɔːlən/)

1. 落下;降落;跌落;(头发)脱落
Leaves fall in autumn. 秋天树落叶。
A fine drizzle is falling. 蒙蒙细雨下个不停。
He fell into a lake. 他跌入湖中。
2. 跌倒,摔倒;坍倒
He staggered and fell headlong. 他一个趔趄,摔了个倒栽葱。
The building fell. 房子倒塌了。
3. 下垂
Two plaits fall over her shoulders. 两条辫子垂在她的肩上。
The curtain falls. 幕落。
4. (目光)垂下;(脸色)变阴沉
Her eyes fell before his steady gaze. 在他的逼视下,她双目低垂。
His face fell. 他的脸色一沉。
5. 堕落;(女子)失身;怀孕
We had been married eight months before I fell. 我俩结婚8个月后我怀了孕。
6. (在地位、权力、声誉等方面)下降;失势,垮台
The statesman fell. 这政治家下台了。
The party fell from power. 该党失势了。
The ruling class will not fall of itself. 统治阶级不会自行退出历史舞台。
7. (城市、阵地等)陷落,被攻克
The enemy strongholds fell one after another. 敌方据点相继被攻克。
8. 阵亡,战死;被杀死
fall in battle 阵亡
Six tigers fell to the hunter's gun. 6只老虎倒在猎人的枪口下。
9. 变成,成为
His mouth fell open. 他变得张口结舌。
The children's rooms fell quiet. 孩子们的房间静下来了。
He fell heir to his uncle's riches. 他成为叔父大笔财富的继承人。
fall due (账单等)到期
10. 降临;到来
Night fell. 暮色降临。
Easter falls early this year. 今年复活节到来得早。
Christmas falls on a Friday this year. 今年圣诞逢星期五。
11. 被说出,被透露
Not a word fell from her lips. 她一声也没吭。
12. (羊羔等)出生
13. (到)
The accent falls on the second syllable. 重音落在第二个音节上。
fall into sb.'s hands 落入某人之手
The first prize fell to the lucky girl. 头奖由那个幸运的女孩获得。
The estate falls to the widow. 财产由遗孀继承。
It falls to me (或 to my lot) to do this. 做这事的责任落在我身上。
14. (温度、价格等)下跌;跌价;(风势、声音等)变弱,减退;(情绪等)变低落
The temperature fell 10°. 温度下降了10度。
Crimes fell almost 4 per cent last month. 上月份刑事案件下降了约4%。
Stocks fell sharply yesterday. 昨天股市狂跌。
The storm fell towards evening. 时近黄昏,暴风雨的势头减弱了。
a voice falling to a whisper 逐渐微弱得像耳语一样的嗓音
My spirits fell at the news of the disaster. 我听到发生灾祸的消息时精神大为沮丧。
15. (地面等)倾斜;(潮汐)退落
The field falls gently to the stream. 田地徐徐向小河倾斜。
16. (光线、声音等)(尤指自上而下地)射向,传往
The sunlight fell upon the mountain peaks. 阳光照在山峰上。
The arrow fell wide of its mark. 箭未能射中目标。
A cry fell on our ears. 一声叫喊传入我们耳中。
17. 被逮捕;被宣判有罪;被关进监狱
the best thief in the city till he fell 被捕前该城的头号神偷
18. (对异性)倾倒,倾心;犯错误
When he saw her, he fell. 他一见她就倾心爱慕。
It is their husbands' fault if wives do fall. 如果妻子不贞,那就是丈夫的过失了。
19. 是…的结果(of)
20. (计算机)死机

II n.
1. 落下;跌落
The fall from his horse broke his leg. 他从马上跌落摔坏了腿。
2. (雨、雪等的)降落;降落量;落下的东西;陨星,陨星碎片
a heavy fall of rain (snow) 一场大雨(雪)
a six-inch fall of snow 6英寸降雪量
A fall of rocks blocked the entrance to the cave. 落下的岩石阻塞了洞口。
3. 落下时经过的距离;落差
The fall of the river here is six feet. 河在这儿的落差是6英尺。
4. [falls] [用作单或复]瀑布
the falls of Niagara 尼亚加拉大瀑布
5. 跌倒,摔倒;(房屋等的)坍塌
He took a bad fall. 他狠狠跌了一跤。
6. 下垂;下垂部分
She pushed back the fall of hair from her forehead. 她往后掠了一下额上的垂发。
7. (树木的)伐倒;(木材的)采伐量
8. 堕落,失足;(女子的)失身
fall from virtue 堕落
He took his first serious fall at 14 for auto theft. 他14岁时因偷车初次栽大跟头。
9. (地位、声誉等的)降低
10. (城市、要塞等的)陷落;(政府、政权等的)垮台,崩溃,衰落
the fall of the Roman Empire 罗马帝国的灭亡
the rise and fall of business firms 公司商行的兴衰
11. 落下的位置,(自上而下的)适当位置
The fall of the accent on “trespass” is on the first syllable. trespass 的重音落在第一音节上。
12. (温度等的)下降;(风势、声音等的)减弱,减退;跌价;(情绪等的)低落
a fall in prices 价格的下跌
a fall in the number of births 出生人数的减少
the fall in the dollar's value 美元的贬值
heavy falls in the stock market on Black Monday 股市在“黑色星期一”的猛跌
13. (小山的)斜坡;向下倾斜(度)
adjust the fall of the gutter 修整沟的斜度
14. (尤指夜晚等的)降临,来临
at the fall of the evening 在夜幕降落时
15. 下崽;(一)(通常指一次生下的羊羔)
16. 阵亡
17. 主美秋天,秋季
in the fall of 2004 在2004年的秋天
by late fall of 2004 到2004年晚秋
18. 向下飘拂的服装;(作为水手服特点的)大裤脚;(衣裙的)宽下摆
19. (17世纪流行的)阔翻领;领子的翻下部分
20. (女子戴的)面纱;(女子用的)长假发
21. [falls] (蝴蝶花的)三片下垂花瓣;向下弯的花瓣
22. (摔跤中的)把对手摔输;摔跤的一局;使对方双肩触地并连数三下的动作
23. (冲浪运动中遇到的)大浪,浪峰
24. 滑车索;(装货等用的)起重滑车
25. (钢琴的)键盘盖子
26. 捕兽陷阱
27. (丘鹬的)一群
28. (长在㹴面部上方的)长毛
29. 音调;降调
30. 苏格兰命运,运气
31. 逮捕
Another fall meant a life sentence. 再被抓获的话就意味着要判无期徒刑了。

III a.
a fall term 秋季学期
fall clothes 秋令服装
[< OE feallan]
phr. fall aboard 1. (船)与…碰撞
2. 争吵 (with)
3. 向…进攻
fall about 英口笑得无法自制
They fell about (laughing 或 with laughter) when they heard the joke. 他们听到这个笑话都捧腹大笑。
fall across 偶然遇到,无意中碰见
I fell across him in the library. 我在图书馆里与他邂逅。
fall among 偶然遇到;偶然陷入…之中
fall among thieves 不期然置身窃贼之中
fall apart (或 to pieces) 破碎;破裂;崩溃
The book fell apart. 书本散架了。
Anna did what she could to keep the marriage from falling apart. 安娜尽力使婚姻不致破裂。
The crowd fell apart. 人群溃散了。
She fell apart completely, bawling like a baby. 她肝肠寸断,婴孩似地大声号哭着。
fall astern (of) (船)落在(…)后边
fall away 1. 消瘦
She's fallen away terribly. 她瘦得完全脱了形。
2. 减少;(风等)减弱;消失
Subscriptions will not fall away this year. 今年订户不会减少。
Her smile fell away. 她的笑容消失了。
3. 离弃,疏远
All his old friends fell away from him. 他所有的老朋友都和他疏远了。
4. 背弃信仰,变节
5. 向下倾斜
The land falls away to the east. 陆地向东倾斜。
6. 转变方向;偏离航线
fall back 后退,退却
The enemy fell back as our army advanced. 我军向前挺进,敌军退却了。
fall back on (或 upon) 1. 借助于;依赖,依靠
have some notes to fall back on 摘有可资援引的一些笔记
2. 撤退到
3. 回过来再谈
fall behind 见 behind
fall down 1. 失败;未能符合要求
His plan has fallen down. 他的计划已经失败了。
He fell down on the job. 他未能把这件工作做好。(或:他未尽责。)
2. 沿着(河流、港湾)顺流而下,漂流而下
fall flat 见 flat¹
fall for
1. 受…的骗,上…的当;对…信以为真
We must not fall for such nonsense. 我们决不能听信这种胡言乱语。
2. 对…倾心,迷恋
Dick fell for baseball when he was a little boy. 当迪克还是小孩时就迷上棒球了。
fall foul of 见 foul
fall from
1. 和…意见不同
2. 背弃
3. 放弃
fall from grace 见 grace
fall home (木材、舷缘)内倾,往里弯
fall in 1. 站队,集合
2. (房屋、墙壁等)坍下,往里坍塌;崩溃
3. (租约等)期满;(土地)租约期满复归地主所有;(债务等)到期
4. 失误;失败
fall into 1. 陷于(错误等);陷入(某种状态)
fall into a bad habit 沾染一种坏习惯
fall into a stupor 陷入昏迷状态
fall into a rage 勃然大怒
2. 开始
fall into a discussion 开始讨论
fall into conversation with sb. 和某人交谈起来
3. 分成
The story falls into two parts. 这故事分成两部分。
4. 属于
fall into the same category 属于同一范畴
This word falls into the class of verbs. 这个词属于动词类。
5. (河)流入,注入
Here the river falls into the sea. 河从这里入海。
fall in with 1. 偶然遇到
On our trip we fell in with some interesting people. 旅途中我们遇到一些很有意思的人物。
2. 同意,赞成;依从
fall in with sb.'s plan 赞成某人的计划
3. 符合;适合;与…一致
The measure falls in with popular demand. 这项措施符合民众的要求。
fall off 1. (从…)掉下,(从…)跌落
2. 减少;缩减;降低
Enrolment has fallen off this year. 今年入学人数减少了。
Business fell off after Christmas. 圣诞节后生意变得清淡。
3. (健康等)衰退;减弱,较前逊色
4. 疏远,离开;脱离
His friends fell off one by one. 他的朋友一个一个地跟他疏远了。
fall off from a political party 脱离一个政党
5. (船)偏向下风;改变航向,偏离航线
6. (海岸线)(朝某一方向)曲弯
fall on 1. 袭击,攻击
The soldiers fell on the enemy. 士兵袭击敌军。
The hungry children fell on the food. 饥饿的孩子们扑向食物,大嚼起来。
2. 偶然遇到;偶然发现
He fell on the idea while looking through a magazine. 他在翻阅一本杂志的时候不期然出现了这个想法。
3. 遭受,遭遇
fall on evil days 逢凶
fall on hard (poor) times 遭逢艰难(贫穷)时世
4. 由…负担
All the expenses of the trip fell on us. 旅行的一切费用都由我们负担。
fall on stony ground (建议、请求、笑话等)不被人理睬
fall out 1. 脱落
His hair was beginning to fall out in handfuls. 他的头发开始一把一把地脱落。
2. 原地解散;掉队
Fall out! 原地解散!
Not a single man fell out in the long march. 在长途行军中没有一个人掉队。
3. 吵架;失和
fall out with siblings over an inheritance 为一笔遗产与同胞手足闹翻
4. 结果
Everything has fallen out splendidly. 结果一切都好。
It fell out that they were late for the train. 他们终于没有赶上火车。
5. 美俚(因致幻毒剂生效而)醉倒,迷醉
6. 美俚爆发
fall out laughing 纵声大笑
fall out of 1. 放弃;中止
fall out of the habit of smoking 戒烟
This word has fallen out of use. 这个词已不再使用。
2. (士兵)离开(建筑物)去站队;离(队)
The soldiers fell out of the barracks for inspection. 士兵们走出营房列队以待检阅。
The men fell out of the ranks to take a rest. 士兵们原地解散休息。
fall over 跌倒;倒下;倒坍
fall over backwards 见 backwards
fall over each other (或 one another) 互相竞争;争先恐后
His admirers fell over each other with offers of hospitality. 钦慕他的人们都争着要款待他。
fall over oneself
1. 煞费苦心;不遗余力
The oil firms were falling (all) over themselves to obtain concessions from the Government. 这几家石油公司都在渴望获得政府的特许权。
2. 手足无措,不知怎样才好
fall short 1. (发射物)未中目标
2. 达不到标准(或要求)
We fall far short in applying what we know. 我们还远远未能应用我们的知识。
3. 不足,缺乏
Their provisions fell short. 他们的给养不足。
fall short of 1. 射不中;达不到;不符合
The arrow fell short of the target. 箭没有射中目标。
Supply fell short of demand. 供不应求。
strive not to fall short of one's father's expectations 努力不辜负父亲的期望
2. 不履行
fall short of one's duty 不尽职
fall through 1. 失败,成为泡影
We're not going to Suzhou — the whole thing's fallen through. 我们不去苏州了——整个计划已经告吹。
2. 不能践约,失约
I have made an appointment with him, but I'm afraid he'll fall through. 我已和他约好会面,可是我怕他会失约。
fall to 1. 开始
fall to thinking 开始思考
2. 开始工作(或打架、吃东西等)
They fell to with good appetite. 他们开始津津有味地大吃起来。
3. (门等)自行关上
4. (责任等)落到…身上
It falls to me to tell her the bad news. 把坏消息告诉她的任务落到我身上了。
5. (财产权)归还
fall together 1. (语音)变得相同
2. 结合起来
This is the result of several reasons falling together. 这是几种原因凑在一起产生的结果。
fall under 1. 归入…类别;列入…项目;列为
Whales fall under the class of mammals. 鲸归入哺乳动物纲。
These goods fall under Class A. 这些货物列为甲级。
2. 受到;隶属于;在…的范围之内
The question fell under his notice. 这个问题受到了他的注意。
That department falls under the legislative branch. 该部门隶属于立法机关。
The whole business falls under his management. 全部业务由他经管。
fall up 美俚到达;来访
fall upon= fall on
fall within属于…范畴(或类别)
This subject does not fall within the province of the present chapter. 这个题目不属于本章论述的范围。
ride for a fall 1. 骑马(或自行车)乱闯
2. 以莽撞行动招致危险(或祸患等)严重后果;自讨苦吃,自找麻烦
take the fall 美口(总是)代人受过;当替罪羊
the Fall (of Man) (人的)堕落(基督教教义中指亚当与夏娃受诱惑吃禁果后陷入罪恶)
the fall of the leaf 秋天
try a fall (with) (与…)比一下摔跤;(与…)较量一番




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