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eye /aɪ/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr. I n. 1. 眼睛;眼球;虹膜;眼眶,眼圈 open (close) one's eyes 张开(闭上)眼睛 an eye ailment 眼疾 He put his eye to the wide crack. 他把眼睛凑到那宽缝上去看。 His eyes were shining. 他的双目炯炯有神。 She glanced at me out of the corner of her eye. 她从眼角斜瞥了我一眼。 He has blue (brown) eyes. 他有一双蓝色(棕色)眼睛。 Her eye was swollen. 她的眼睛肿起。 She gave him a blow in the eye. 她朝他眼睛打了一拳。 give sb. a black eye (或 black sb.'s eye) 把某人的眼眶打青 get a black eye 眼眶被人打青 2. 视力;眼力;鉴赏力 good (weak) eyes 好(差)的视力 maintain a sharp shooting eye by regular visits to the local range 经常去当地的靶场练习射击以保持敏锐的目力 As far as the eye could see all was flowers and green fields. 极目望去,只见繁花和绿色的田野。 a good eye for distances 能目测距离的好眼力 He has the eye of a painter. 他有画家的鉴赏力。 an eye for beauty 对美的鉴赏力 3. 目光;看 peer through the window with an eager eye 以急切的目光透过窗户注视 snipe sb. with a penetrating eye 目光尖锐地射向某人 He saw his brother's eye on him. 他看见他兄弟在看着他。 He couldn't take his eyes off her. 他无法把自己的目光从她身上移开。 fix one's eyes on sth. 盯住某物看 He held her eyes with his own. 他目不转睛地与她对视。 4. 注意;监督;关注 alert one's eyes at 警惕地把注意力放在…上 You are getting into the public eye. 你正在逐渐受到公众的注意。 in (out of) the public eye (不)为公众所注意 under the watchful eyes of the election board 在选举委员会的严密监督下 an eye to one's own advantage 对自己利益的关注 5. [常作eyes]观点;见解;判断 in my (his) eyes 在我(他)看来 in some eyes 在某些人看来 in the eyes of the world 在世人的心目中 through the eyes of 在…看来 in the eye(s) of the law 从法律观点 to Western eyes 在西方人看来 look upon sth. with critical eyes 以挑剔的眼光看待某事物 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 观者眼中出美景。(即情人眼里出西施。) 6. 眼,孔(如针眼、索眼、环、圈、斧柄上眼等);眼状物(如花心、花盘、靶心、孔雀翎斑、光电管等) a hook and eye 一副钩眼 hooks and eyes on a dress 衣裙上的钩眼 potatoes full of eyes 芽眼很多的马铃薯 one eye of the spectacles 眼镜的一块镜片 7. (台)风眼;〈喻〉中心 fly through a hurricane's eye 飞行穿过飓风眼 the eye of the problem 问题的中心 8. 【海】风吹来的方向 sail into the wind's eye 顶风航行 9. 〈美俚〉侦探 10. 〈南非〉(泉或河的)源头
II (eyed; ey(e)·ing) ❶ vt. 1. 看;审视;注视;密切注意 eye sb. up 以某种特别的眼光审视某人 eye sb. jealously (narrowly, warily, with disgust, with disapproval, with suspicion, askance) 妒忌地(仔细地,警戒地,厌恶地,不赞同地,怀疑地,斜着眼)看某人 an eagle coldly ey(e)ing a plump pigeon 冷眼注视着一只肥鸽的鹰 eye every change in the stock market 密切注视股市中每一变化 2. 考虑;期待 He is ey(e)ing a run for the Senate next year. 他正在考虑明年要竞选参议员。 3. 在…上打孔眼 eye a needle 打针眼 ❷ vi. 〈废〉似乎,看上去像 [< OE ēge, ēage; 与 OHG ouga eye, L oculus, Gr ōps eye, face 有关] phr. a gleam (或 glint, twinkle) in one's eye 尚未形成的想法,朦胧的想法 all (in) the eye= all my eye all my eye (and Betty Martin) 〈主英俚〉胡说,瞎说;胡闹 Their opinions are all my eye. 他们的意见全是胡说八道。 an eye for an eye 以眼还眼,采用同样手段的回击 insist on an eye for an eye 坚持要以眼还眼以牙还牙地报复 an eye in the sky 〈美俚〉侦察卫星 at eye 不费力地随便一看,望一眼 be all eyes 〈口〉极注意地看;急切地看;目不转睛;十分专注 At the circus the children were all eyes. 看马戏表演时孩子们全神贯注。 before sb.'s (very) eyes 就在某人眼前;当着某人的面 It happened before my eyes! 它就发生在我的眼皮底下! cast an eye on (over, at等)看;看待 cast a sceptical eye on that theory 对那个理论持怀疑态度 cast a professional economist's eye over the problem 以经济学行家的眼光审视这个问题 cast one's eyes over 审视,评估 catch sb.'s eye 被某人看到;引起某人注意;引某人注目 The dress in the window caught her eye when she passed the store. 她经过店铺时,橱窗里的那件连衣裙引她注目。 The child tried to catch the teacher's eye. 那孩子想引起老师的注意。 catch the Speaker's eye 赢得在下院发言机会 clap eyes on 〈口〉看见;看 You never clapped your eyes on him before, did you? 你以前从未见到过他,是吗? close one's eyes to 闭眼不看;不理会;拒绝考虑 I do not close my eyes to the difficulties. 我并非无视这些困难。 Most of mankind close their eyes to this possibility. 人类的大多数不理会这种可能性。 cock one's eye 会意地看,使眼色 collect eyes 有意识地引起人们注意 cry one's eyes out 大哭,痛哭 cut an eye 〈古〉 1. 看一眼 2. 做媚眼 cut eyes (或 one's eye) 〈美俚〉看一眼,瞥一眼 damn one's eyes 〈粗〉该死,他妈的 do sb. in the eye 欺骗某人;愚弄某人;叫某人上当 dust the eyes of sb. 蒙骗某人,欺瞒某人 easy as my eye 〈俚〉易如反掌 easy on the eye(s) 〈口〉悦目,好看,美丽 eyes and ears 耳目 He was the President's eyes and ears in the campaign. 在竞选运动中他是总统的耳目。 eyes and no eyes 1. 观察力敏锐的与迟钝的 2. 不善于观察的 3. 观察(用作某些有关自然知识的书刊名) eyes front (left, right) 【军】(口令)向前(左,右)看 eyes like pissholes in the snow 〈美俚〉〈粗〉(因宿醉而)朦胧的醉眼 eyes only 〈美〉(收信或收件人)亲启的,亲阅的,绝密的 an eyes only letter to the Minister 部长亲启信 eyes out 〈澳新口〉竭尽全力 We went eyes out to catch up. 我们全力以赴赶上去。 eyes out on stalks [用以强调急切的好奇]眼珠子都快出来地 feast one's eyes on 看…以饱眼福,尽情地欣赏 get eyes for= have eyes for get one's eye out for 留神寻找 get one's eyes on 看中 I've got my eyes on a new apartment. 我已看中一套新公寓。 get one's eye (well) in 〈英〉(板球或其他球戏中)具有目测球的距离、速度和方向的能力;眼光准确 give an eye to 照看;对…给予注意 Go into the garden and give an eye to your children. 到花园里去照看一下你的孩子们。 give one's eyes 作出重大牺牲,放弃任何东西 He would give his eyes to go with you. 只要能跟你一起去,叫他做什么他都愿意。 give sb. the eye 〈口〉对某人做媚眼,向某人送秋波 give the big eye (to, for) 色迷迷地看;(向…)做媚眼 give the eye to 看;色迷迷地看 half an eye 部分注意力 have an eye for 对…有鉴赏目光;具有识别…价值的能力;很能看出 My father has always an eye for a good horse. 我父亲一向能辨认好马。 have a strict eye for the detail and essence of performance 能严格地鉴别表演的细节和实质 have an eye on 注视;注意;细心观察;提防 Of the younger writers, he has an eye on Mr. H. 在年轻的作家中,他特别注意H先生。 For two years the secret police have had an eye on her. 秘密警察已监视她两年了。 That country has long had a covetous eye on the prosperous port. 那个国家长期以来觊觎着这繁荣的港口。 have an eye on (或to, for) the main chance 留心着谋私利的最好机会;唯利是图 have an eye (或 a sharp eye) out 警觉;提防 She's got a sharp eye out. 她十分警惕。 have an eye to 1. 照看;留意,注意;提防 have an eye to when the gas runs out 注意着汽油何时用完 2. 打算,目标是 have an eye to the furnishing of a new flat 打算为新的公寓房间配置家具 have eyes bigger than the stomach (或 belly) 眼馋肚饱(指贪吃而食量不大) have eyes for 对…感兴趣,喜欢;被…吸引,注意 The earrings were all I had eyes for. 我只对耳环感兴趣。 Irene had eyes for no one except Rupert. 艾琳只注意鲁珀特一个人。 have eyes in the back of one's head 脑袋背后也长眼睛(指即使没能看见也知道身边在发生什么) have eyes only for 只爱;只看;只要 have eyes to see 观察力敏锐,有眼力 have in one's eye 在脑海中有…的形象 I have one particular friend in my eye at this moment. 这会儿我心目中就有着这么一位朋友。 have one's eye on 1. 看;注视;密切注意;守候,等待 There's a suspicious-looking man outside the house; I've had my eye on him for some time. 门外有个形迹可疑的人,我已注意他好一会儿了。 He was believed to have his eye on the 2008 presidential election. 人们认为他打算参加 2008 年的总统竞选。 Businessmen have their eyes on the new trade opportunities. 商人们期待着新的贸易机会。 2. 看中,想要得到 Turner clearly has his eye on the job. 特纳显然很想得到那份工作。 Everybody knew he had his eye on the White House. 大家都知道他有当总统的野心。 have one's eye (well) in= get one's eye (well) in hit sb. in the eye (或 between the eyes) 〈口〉引某人瞩目 if you had half an eye 假如你不是瞎子;如果你有一点点察觉力;如果你稍加注意 in a pig's eye 〈美俚〉决不;当然不 in front of sb.'s (very) eyes 就在某人眼前;当着某人的面 in one's (或 the) mind's eye 在心灵的眼睛里;在头脑想象中 In my mind's eye I saw the cliffs rising sheer. 我的脑海中浮现出陡立的峭壁。 She was writing her next piece in her mind's eye. 她在想象中酝酿自己的下一部作品。 in the eye of the wind (或 in the wind's eye) 【海】顶风,对着风 in the public eye 1. 常公开出现;众所熟知的 From mid-February 1975 he was back in the public eye. 自1975年2月中旬起他又在公开场合经常露面了。 2. 在公众眼里 Neither appears to have profited in the public eye from the struggle. 在公众眼里,双方都没有从这场争斗中捞到什么好处。 jump to the eye(s) 被注意到,突出,显而易见 keep an eye on 照看;留神;密切注意 She worked and kept an eye on the sick child at the same time. 她一面工作,一面照管病孩。 keep a close eye on new technology (what's going on down there) 密切注视新技术的发展(那儿正在发生的事) keep an eye out (或 open) 留心;警觉;密切注意 He's keeping an eye out for a more profitable job. 他正在留意找个更赚钱的工作。 keep an eye out for modern trends in machine designs 密切注意机械设计方面的新趋势 keep one's eye in 〈英〉(板球或其他球戏中)保持目测的距离、速度和方向的能力;眼光保持准确 keep one's eye on= keep an eye on keep one's eye on the ball 警惕,戒备,小心地行动 keep one's eyes open 留心;警觉;注意 keep one's eyes peeled (或 skinned, polished) 〈俚〉= keep one's eyes open knock sb.'s eyes out 〈美俚〉使某人惊奇,使某人目瞪口呆 lay eyes on 看;看见;注意到 He had the most stunning build I ever laid eyes on. 他是我看到过的人中间最魁伟的。 leap to the eye 触目,非常明显 look sb. in the eye(s) (心地坦然地)直视某人,正视某人 lose an eye 瞎了一只眼 make eyes (at) 含情脉脉地看;(向…)送秋波 make sb. open his eyes 使某人惊愕,使某人目瞪口呆 meet the eye 〈口〉被看到,出现在眼前 There's more (less) to the man than meets the eye, she thought. 那人可比外表看到的要复杂(简单),她想。 There's more fallout than meets the eye in the President's decision. 总统的决定所带来的后果远不止表面所见而已。 mind one's eye 〈英口〉注意,当心 He would recommend him to mind his eye for the future. 他建议他今后要小心行事。 my eye 〈俚〉[表示不同意或不相信等]天哪,哎呀;瞎说,胡说 A diamond, my eye! That's glass. 什么,钻石! 那是玻璃。 not bat an eye 见 bat³ one in the eye 〈口〉令人失望的事;挫折;失败 If she wins the case, it'll be one in the eye for George. 要是她赢了这场官司,这对乔治将是一个打击。 One's eyes draw (或 gather, pick) straws. 〈废〉眼皮睁不开。(或:很困倦。) only have eyes for= have eyes only for open sb.'s eyes (to) 使某人了解(…),使某人看清(…) Overhearing his neighbours' conversation opened his eyes. 无意中听到邻居的谈话使他知道了事实真相。 Your article opened many eyes to the great dangers inherent in inflation. 你的文章使许多人看清了通货膨胀内在的巨大危险。 pipe one's (或the) eye 流泪,哭 pore one's eyes out 因凝视过度而使眼睛疲劳(或受到损害) put one's eyes together 合眼成眠,入睡 put sb.'s eyes out 〈美方〉= knock sb.'s eyes out put the eye on sb. 〈美口〉 1. 挑逗引诱地瞧某人 2. 打量某人,审视某人 rub one's eyes (不相信自己所见而)揉揉眼睛 run an (或 one's) eye over (或 through, down) 匆匆看,扫视,浏览 He ran an interested eye through the political news in The Times. 他饶有兴味地浏览了一下《泰晤士报》上的政治新闻。 see eye to eye (with sb.) (与某人)看法完全一致 James and I see pretty well eye to eye on most things. 我和詹姆斯在大多数事情上观点很一致。 I cannot see eye to eye with him. 我不能同意他的看法。 see with half an eye 一望而知;一看就明白 I saw with half an eye that all was over. 我一看就知道一切都完了。 set eyes on 看;看见 I've never set eyes on him in my life. 我一生中从未见到过他。 set one's eye by 喜爱,看重 shut one's eyes to (against, on) 闭眼不看;不愿考虑;装作不见;装作不知 sleep with one eye open 睡觉睁着一只眼(形容睡觉时十分警觉) spit in the eye of 蔑视 strike the eye 映入眼帘;引人注目,醒目 take sb.'s eye= catch sb.'s eye the eye of day ( 或 heaven, the morning) 〈诗〉太阳 the eye of the storm 1. 风暴中心的平静地区 2. 混乱局面的中心 the eyes of a ship 船首;锚链孔 the eyes of night (或 heaven) 星星 the eyes of the blind 盲人用的手杖 throw eyes (或 the eye) at 〈主澳〉对…做媚眼,向…送秋波 to the eye 从外表上,从表面看来 turn a blind eye (to) (对…)视而不见;(对…)装作不见;拒绝注意 The president turned a blind eye to corruption within his administration. 总统对政府中的贪污腐化现象熟视无睹。 The police turned a blind eye to this problem. 警方对这一问题不予理睬。 under sb.'s (very) eyes (就)在某人的眼皮底下;(就)在某人的注意(或监视)下 up to the (或 one's) eyes 1. 非常忙 For the next week I shall be up to the eyes in marking examination papers. 下星期我将忙于批阅考卷。 They were up to their eyes in work. 他们工作忙得不可开交。 2. 到极点;完全 She was painted up to the eyes. 她浓妆艳抹。 be up to one's eyes in debt 负债累累 wet the other eye 再喝一杯 What the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve over. 〈谚〉眼不见,心不悲。(或不知晓,不烦心。) wipe one's eyes 擦干眼泪,停止哭泣 wipe sb.'s eye 1. 〈俚〉比某人先下手而占上风(尤指捕杀另一猎人追捕的猎物) 2. 使某人看到自己的狂妄(或愚蠢),打掉某人的骄气 with a friendly (jealous) eye 友好(妒忌)地(看待) with an eye for 注意着,留心着 with an eye on 考虑到;注意到;着眼于 with an eye to 考虑到;有…的企图;试图;期待 with an eye to the future 考虑到将来 He bought the cottage with an eye to retiring there. 他买下那所乡间小屋以备退休后住在那里。 with one eye on 对…略加注意地 with one's eyes open 明知有危险地;明知后果如何;有意识地 with one's eyes shut (或 closed) 1. 不考虑可能遇到的困难;不考虑后果地 2. 轻而易举地 without batting an eye 毫不流露感情地;泰然自若地 worth a Jew's eye 极其宝贵的,稀世珍宝般的 |