释义 |
ex·tend /ɪkˈstend/ vt. | vi. ❶ vt. 1. 伸,伸出,伸开;展开 She extended her hand in greeting. 她伸出手表示欢迎。 extend one's body on the ground 把身子平展在地上 A bird extends its wings when soaring. 鸟高飞时展开双翼。 2. 延长;使展期;使延伸;使达到 They extended their visit another day. 他们把访问延长了一天。 She can't get her visa extended. 她无法使自己的签证展期。 They extended the railway to the next town. 他们把铁路延长到下一个城镇。 A rope bridge was extended over the chasm. 峡谷上架起了一座绳索桥。 National authority was extended over new territories. 国家主权延伸到了新的领土上。 3. 扩展;扩大…的范围(或应用);(搀杂以)增加…的量;把…搀杂 extend one's garden 扩大自己的花园 extend the sense of a word 扩展词义 extend one's political base nationwide 在全国范围扩大自己的政治基地 He intends to extend his study to cover other ramifications of the problem. 他想把自己的研究范围扩大到包括这一问题的其他有关门类。 extend milk powder with cereal 在奶粉中搀入谷类食物 4. 推进;增进;发展 extend one's potential through job training 通过职业训练增大自身的潜力 extend man's knowledge of the universe 发展人类对宇宙的认识 5. 提供;给予;发出(邀请、欢迎等) extend credit to customers 允许顾客赊欠 extend $2.5 million in loans to another country 向另一国提供250万美元贷款 extend aid to the needy 向穷人提供帮助 extend hospitality to sb. 殷勤款待某人 extend congratulations 表示祝贺 extend a warm welcome to sb. (或 extend sb. a warm welcome) 向某人表示热烈欢迎 He thought her invitation had been extended out of politeness. 他认为她向自己发出邀请只是出于礼貌。 6. 使竭尽全力 I am afraid that she is endangering her health extending herself too much. 我担心她劳累过度正在损害自己的健康。 The horse was fully extended. 那匹马已被全力驱策。 I couldn't remember the magazine extending itself that way in the past. 我不记得这杂志从前曾那样哗众取宠。 7. 〈主英〉【律】对(地产等)估价;(根据扣押令)占有(土地),征用,扣押 8. 【会计】把(数字)转入另一栏,将…转栏;算出…的总额;写出…的金额 You have extended item No.3 as £53.60, whereas the correct figure is £50.25. 你把第3项的总金额写作53镑60便士,而正确的数字是50镑25便士。 9. 扩写出(速记等)的全文 10. 〈废〉强占 11. 〈废〉夸张 ❷ vi. 1. 伸,伸展,延伸;延续 The fence extends to the meadow. 栅栏一直延伸到牧草地。 The plain extends as far as the eye can see. 平原一望无际。 The negotiations are extending into next month. 谈判将持续到下个月。 The hot weather extended into October. 炎热的天气一直延续到10月份。 2. (在范围或应用上)达到,及到 Her solicitude extends to all of the less fortunate. 她对所有处境不幸的人都很关怀。 His jurisdiction extended over the whole area. 整个地区都在他的管辖之下。 The view atop the escarpment extends beyond the mountain ridges. 从陡崖顶上可以望见山脊以远的地方。 Behind and ahead, as far as visibility extended, were other vehicles. 前前后后,目所能及的地方,全是其他车辆。 3. 变长;增大 The fire is extending. 火势在蔓延。 [< L extendere to stretch out < tendere to stretch] |